spy ace

Chapter 1005 Try to Avoid

Chapter 1005 Try to Avoid
Qian Jinxun continued to analyze: "However, if the car gets stuck inside, it will also block the main passageway of the building. The people inside can only rush out in large numbers by jumping out of the window from the next room. But even so, one by one jumping out , and four submachine guns with [-] rounds of ammunition guarding the left and right. Even a company-level force from both sides would not dare to charge up with this kind of firepower. What's more, the reaction time left for them is absolutely Not more than thirty seconds. In such a short period of time, I strongly doubt that they will be able to respond effectively... Well, not bad. I think it will work."

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Well, this is an independent plan. The executor doesn't know that we actually use this method to complete the attack on Tianjin. So even if it is really unfortunate that someone is arrested, there is nothing to interrogate Come on. At least it will not have any impact on Tianjin's plan. But I believe that if my plan is implemented well and there are no accidents, the chance of being caught is very small. After all, they have four Thomson, who is much easier to use in the city than a heavy machine gun, has a higher probability even if he fights hard all the way back to the concession. What's more, as long as there is an explosion in the back, in that case, in a short time, there will be no There will be a threat of pursuit."

Hearing this, Qian Jinxun's heart was brightened, and a smile appeared on his face.Another two glasses of brandy came from the side and touched Fan Keqin.Said: "Oh, you boy, you are really good at this aspect, and you can't accept it. I also joined the old spy in this industry when I was in the Blue Shirts Club. Not only our Chinese, but also foreign counterparts, I've seen quite a few. It's not like I haven't seen masters, but compared to you...hehe, even this group of masters still has a lot of gaps."

Fan Keqin was also amused, and said: "Well, just help me blow it up. Those who are masters and inferiors are all relative terms. In fact, according to the standards of ordinary people, there are no inferiors in this line of work. It's a master."

After expressing his feelings, Qian Jinxun continued: "This is... Let's discuss the details again. You said, I feel a little inappropriate for you to use the field work of your security bureau. Take a look, Keqin. In Tianjin The operation, we have decided to use the wolves of our military command. When you bombed the little devil’s school before, you were also in the intelligence department, and it was also the wolves of the military command. Look, if it is in Shanghai, use a car bomb , bombed the Japanese Puppet No. [-], and became a member of your security bureau. Is there a contrast?"

Fan Keqin was taken aback. Of course, he didn't think that Qian Jinxun wanted to take credit for himself, because Qian Jinxun really didn't need to take credit from himself, and there was no need to rob him at all. My brother and I are the main ones, let the intelligence department of my brother make a big contribution.It's perfectly fine.

Based on their relationship, it can be explained clearly.There is no need to beat around the bush like now.Otherwise, he would feel that his brother was playing tricks on him.It's a way to lose more than you gain.With Qian Jinxun's emotional intelligence, he can't do things like this.

And what Qian Jinxun said is indeed reasonable. The last time the car bomb was used was the army's wolves, and Tianjin's plan is also to use the wolves.At this time, if the plan to use a car bomb in Shanghai suddenly becomes the field work of the Security Bureau, although the difference is almost negligible, there is a difference after all.

It's like two people, one person imitates the other person, but in the end they can't escape the eyes of the master.Because that's two people.

Fan Keqin pays great attention to details, so when Qian Jinxun said this, he immediately nodded and said: "Yes, if you don't tell me, I really didn't realize this. Yes, yes, you can't use my Security Bureau's Field work. However, you military commanders are probably going to take a risk."

Qian Jinxun said: "This kind of action, there is no risk." As he spoke, he blew out a smoke ring.

Fan Keqin said: "Next you need to start counting and start preparing."

Qian Jinxun thought for a while, and said: "Well, the car... must be stolen, just let the local brothers do it. As for TNT... Shanghai is a place where the enemy and us fight frequently, and they still have some in stock .I’m starting the transport line, and I’m going to get some. Later, I’ll have to ask Jiang Bin, he’s an expert in bombing. See how much yield you need to be safe, and try to give it to No. [-] at once, and it’s ready.”

"If you want to connect to Woduan..." Fan Keqin said: "It must be daytime. And it's best to be early in the morning, so that all the Japanese and puppet spies who should go to work will go to work. Even if there are any tasks, they basically have to go and order something. Yes. If the result is the greatest, I think [-]:[-], when the other party is at work, is the most ideal."

"Oh." Qian Jinxun frowned: "At this time, it is a bit more difficult to retreat. The most important thing is that there are too many witnesses... Moreover, when the big explosion came, the pedestrians walking around, the stones hit by the explosion, etc. Yes, the risk of killing or wounding is probably higher. But... how should I put it, it is necessary to make some sacrifices for the sake of the war of resistance."

As soon as he said this, Fan Keqin didn't know what to say.But in fact, he himself quite agrees with this point of view, after all, he himself is this kind of person.And not just to others, but to yourself as well.Even if he died, all the little devils could be buried with him. He is really the kind of person who can shoot himself in the temple without hesitation.

And sometimes the loss of war is almost impossible to avoid civilian casualties.He thought that as long as he tried his best and avoided it as much as possible, but in the end innocent people still suffered, that was the only way to go.

Fan Keqin said: "Not necessarily. The reason why I said [-]:[-] is that most of the Japanese and puppet secret agents have gone to work, but the common people are also the same. They should go to work, but they all go to work. At this time The peak period of pedestrians on the street has passed. Furthermore, our plan is to explode as much as possible inside the No. [-] main building. The shock wave will definitely consume most of the building, even if there are some blasted stones Kind of... can only say that the person who was hit, his life is not good."

"That's right." Qian Jinxun said: "That's the plan. Come on, you are an expert, and tell me the details of the action."

Next, Fan Keqin expressed his thoughts one by one, and various details were constantly being improved.And not only Shanghai's actions, but the timing of this plan is also very important, because...

(End of this chapter)

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