spy ace

Chapter 1008 5 people

Chapter 1008 Five People

Bai Fengtai and Ji Gang were just recruited, how could Fan Keqin have an order from the military committee?If you ask him that, Fan Keqin will definitely tell you with a serious face that he really does.Because the authority in charge of the troops is the approval document of the military committee, which is clearly written on it.So did Fan Keqin have an order from the Military Commission?
He just changed his strategy and said this on purpose so that the other party would think that this matter had alarmed the Military Commission.

Sure enough, the other party said to wait a moment, and after about three minutes, Zhou Jinxiu's voice came out again, saying, "Hello?"

Fan Keqin said: "Chief of Staff Zhou is still me, Fan Keqin of the Security Bureau. Can you hand over Staff Wan Bingwan to my people now?"

Zhou Jinxiu said: "Director Fan, you said you have an order from the Military Commission, so I naturally have to obey it. And I can send a car and people right now to send Wan Bing directly to your Security Bureau. But please also ask Fan Director, do me a favor, this person, you can’t use punishment, it’s about the face of my [-]th Division.”

Fan Keqin didn't answer right away, but after thinking about it, he thought he could agree.After all, if you forcibly bring someone out, and then start to torture, it's okay.But for the people in the army, this may not be a matter of the [-]th Division. What do other units think?Also, it depends on the situation whether you want to be punished or not. If the other party really has a serious suspicion but refuses to speak up, it must be served by a severe punishment.

Thinking of this, Fan Keqin said: "Okay, I agree, and I also trust Chief of Staff Zhou's good intentions, so I'll let someone stand at the gate of the Security Bureau and wait for Chief of Staff Zhou's people to send Staff Wan over."

Zhou Jinxiu said "Okay" and hung up the phone.Fan Keqin didn't care either, looked up at Bai Fengtai and Ji Gang, and said, "First, don't punish him for the time being, and carefully investigate his resume. Second, find the military officer who sent the report and ask him to cooperate. Investigate the situation of Wan Bing. The third point is to check the past of the military commander who sent the report. The fourth point is to check the past of the people who have frequent contacts with Wan Bing. The fifth point is to check the actions of the [-]th Division in front. Sixth point, Check the telegrams sent or received by the [-]th Division. Then compare it with the actions of the [-]th Division. Compare it with the information that Wan Bing can contact. I believe that after checking these things, if Wan Bing really has a problem, he must It will show its feet."

Ji Gang nodded and said: "President, if you do this kind of investigation, there may not be enough low-ranking people. Can you transfer some people from other groups?"

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Yes, I will let Lao Qi's people lend you a few days first."

Ji Gang stood up and said, "Yes, there is no problem with being humble."

Fan Keqin said: "That's ok, it's okay, let's do it. By the way... There is progress in this matter, please let me know. I want to know what's going on."

"Understood." The two agreed, turned and walked out the door.

After they went out, Fan Keqin studied the big plans in Shanghai and Tianjin again.Let's talk about Shanghai's plan first. It's not difficult to say that this plan is difficult.Especially in specific operations, five people, four shooters, and one driver.Driving on Hongfei Road, he turned suddenly and rushed into the main building of No. [-], then withdrew, got on the car prepared in advance, and retreated to the concession area, and it was over.

But if you want to complete it so simply and directly, you must be careful in the early stage.For example, Lao Qi's transportation channels.Is it safe or not? What should I do if someone finds out halfway through?This all requires caution.In addition, after being transported to Shanghai, Lao Qi first had to get in touch with the executor sent by Qian Jinxun on the military command side.Because he is not a member of the Security Bureau, it is hard to say whether this is safe or not.

Of course, Qian Jinxun's ability is still very strong, and the people he sent over must be reliable experts who have been carefully selected by him.But after all, he was not a member of the Security Bureau, which naturally made Fan Keqin a little worried.So when Lao Qi was leaving, he told him again in detail that he should withdraw immediately if there was nothing to be done, whether it was a meeting or handing over things, try not to show up if he can't.If the situation does not allow it, and it is necessary to meet, it must be inside the concession.

Seeing Fan Keqin's exhortations, Lao Qi certainly knew that Fan Keqin attached great importance to this matter, so he paid more attention to it.

After Lao Qi left, Fan Keqin was still a little uneasy, and went to the intelligence office again.After Fan Keqin went upstairs, he entered Qian Jinxun's office.After chatting for a few words, I found that Qian Jinxun was also making final preparations for the selection of operatives.

This matter was planned by Fan Keqin, so it is naturally impossible to hide it from him.So the two joined forces and repeatedly screened five people.

One of the drivers used to drive a car in the army.After joining the army, he returned to the anti-rape team.It has completed two assassinations of Japanese officers.And an assassination of a traitor.He personally drove the pick-up and drop-off of the operation and took care of it afterwards.Nothing went awry in these operations.

The four gunmen are all veterans of the army.Two of them were vanguards and the other two were scouts.Moreover, he was a submachine gun player himself. After joining the military command, he was classified as an operator, and he was still a submachine gun player.

In addition, two of the four gunmen can also drive. Although their skills are definitely not as good as that of the old driver, their techniques are still possible.This is just in case, if something happens to the driver, one of the four of them can still drive away.

After these five operatives were identified by Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun, they immediately started dispatching to Shanghai.And they don't know what task they are going to perform at all, they just know that there must be action.

After they arrive in Shanghai, they have to wait for the equipment to be in place, so they will not act immediately.

Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun couldn't be idle during this time, so they called Jiang Bin and Lao Du, two blasting experts, and asked them about the situation in detail.

If you want to complete this task, you must not hide it from two people.In addition, Qian Jinxun also recruited a very knowledgeable construction engineer to assist them.Together, let's calculate how many TNT equivalents can be used to destroy the No. [-] building.

In addition to this matter, Fan Keqin asked Qian Jinxun to also contact the people at the Tianjin Station of the Military Command to check the equipment situation and whether there is a need for supplementary reasons, so that Tianjin Intelligence Warfare can report his situation.In fact, what the two of them want to see is the situation of TNT at Tianjin Station.

As a result, after the report from Tianjin Station came up, it was found that the inventory of TNT at Tianjin Station was almost zero.And this has a lot to do with a person...

(End of this chapter)

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