spy ace

Chapter 1017 Shooting Angle

Chapter 1017 Shooting Angle
I was right in my judgment, it was a bedroom.Due to the angle, the hunter can also see most of the bed.Although the curtains were drawn, after getting used to the darkness, they could still see clearly. There was a person on the bed wearing pajamas.

It may be due to the weather, but it is only covered with a corner of the quilt, in the lower abdomen.With breathing, slight, very rhythmic ups and downs.

Seeing this, the hunter put the gun on his back again, and nodded to Lao Qi with both hands free.The latter nodded to him in response.The hunter stretched out his hand and gently began to push the door.

After pushing the door completely open, the hunter bent over and stepped in with his toes on the ground.Old Qi followed behind.After entering, the two people discovered that this bedroom is not too small, it is about [-] to [-] meters long, and the north and south are transparent.

But now is not the time to look at these, the hunter opened his hands, and came to the bed cautiously.Just look at a woman who is about forty years old, lying on her back on the bed.After feeling that this distance has been fully grasped.The hunter slammed down.While covering the opponent's mouth and nose with his left hand.The right hand shines on the base of the other's ear.

The woman was hit hard in her sleep, she frowned slightly, and then passed out.The hunter waved her head back and forth with his hands, and when the other party didn't respond, he turned his head and said in a low voice, "Okay."

Old Qi on the side said: "Well, let's tie her up first, and cover her eyes and mouth. This will make it easier for us to do things." As he spoke, he looked around, and finally pulled off the quilt, and then tore it into pieces. A few palm-wide cloth belts.

Working together with the hunter, they wrapped the woman's hands and feet back and forth many times, binding them very firmly.Then I tore off two wide and narrow cloth belts, and a small piece of cloth.

He stuffed the small cloth ball into the woman's mouth, tied it with a narrow cloth strip, and tied it at the back of the head.Finally, the wide cloth belt, like a mask, was tied behind her head.

After doing all this, Lao Qi and Hunter began to look at the situation in the house.This single room is a relatively large single room.Twenty-five square meters, the house has all the furniture, sofas, coffee tables, tables, pedal sewing machines, etc., all of which are available.But from some decorations and traces of use, it can be seen that this woman is indeed single.

After looking at the situation in the house for a while, Lao Qi and Hunter came to the window on the north side facing the shade.The two of them opened the curtains a little.Old Qi said: "On the left side, it's about [-] meters diagonally opposite, do you see that? That's No. [-] of the puppet government."

"I see." The hunter looked at No. [-], where the courtyard gate was still lit at night, and found that there was still someone standing guard at the gate.This shows that the vigilance on the [-]th is still at a certain level.

In addition, there is a difficulty that the courtyard wall of No. [-] is not a fence, it is made of masonry, and the situation inside the courtyard cannot be seen.Although I am also on the second floor, the other side's courtyard wall is not too low, so I can only see the outer building on the top half of the courtyard.Can't get any useful information.So he said: "If people are inside, there is no shooting circle at all."

Lao Qi nodded and said: "Yes, I have checked the surrounding terrain, and there is no suitable high point. However, we just need to make sure that the five people rushed out of the yard, got into the car, and left at the same time. For a period of time, just don’t be chased out by individual Japanese and puppet spies and shoot black guns in the back.”

"Yes." The hunter nodded and said, "I understand."

After speaking, the hunter stood up, went to the outhouse and brought the suitcase back.He put the paint tubes on the ground again, and after opening them all, he reassembled the Springfield rifle.

The wooden butt under this rifle is quite long, which is why he is carrying a painting tube.As for the corresponding bullets, scopes and so on, they are all in the suitcase, wrapped in some clothes.

Once the rifle is all mounted, stand it aside.After the hunter looked at the angle of the window again.He and Lao Qi moved the table to the side of the window.Then put a small box made of Fujiko found in the house on it.Then, he moved the chair and put it behind the table.

The hunter sat on the chair, stood up and looked outside, and then bent over to look outside. After feeling all right, he picked up the rifle and put the muzzle on the rattan box.The butt of the gun rested on his shoulder, and he aimed sideways at No. [-].Mock shot several times.It still felt good, so I put the gun on the table and started to put bullets in it.

Old Qi asked, "How is it?"

"It feels okay." The hunter replied while loading the bullet: "The shooting angle is a bit small, but it is enough. This side is facing the shade, and it is also in shadow during the day, but the door of No. [-] is facing the sun. , so even if someone stares at this side, it will be extremely difficult to find my existence."

Old Qi said: "That's right, the light deficit is bad. At that time, the curtains will be in this state, as long as the shooting angle is out of the way. Do you need to open both windows?"

The hunter said: "Just open the one on the right, and I can get enough shooting angles. We are shooting obliquely, and even the right window only needs to be opened a crack, which is basically enough. To be safe, open more Some, twenty centimeters, this gap is fine."

Old Qi said: "It's a nice day and it's very hot. Every household basically opens the windows to ventilate. It's better to open them all. Opening only one gap is not in line with common sense."

The hunter gave a "hmm" and said, "That's right, let's wait until the morning, it's more reasonable to open it in the morning."

"Okay." Old Qi said: "It's just over nine o'clock, you go to rest for a while, I'll wake you up around five o'clock tomorrow morning, so that you have enough time to adjust your state."

The hunter nodded and said, "Understood. Then I will trouble you."

Old Qi said: "It should."

The hunter got up and went to the couch against the wall, lay down on it, and began to sleep.Lao Qi sat on a chair next to him and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.

That's it, after about three or four hours, just after midnight, the woman made a rustling sound, followed by a snorting sound.

Lao Qi immediately opened his eyes, and came to the bed in a few steps.It seems that this woman must have woken up. Although her face is covered and her hands and feet are bound, she is writhing on the bed like a big maggot.Lao Qi didn't say a word, he looked at the position and threw his fist.Just hearing a touch, the woman's body froze and passed out again.

(End of this chapter)

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