spy ace

Chapter 1018 Assault Car

Chapter 1018 Assault Car

The vigilance of an agent is much stronger than that of ordinary people.Even ordinary people can't sleep well at night when they have something on their minds, let alone them.After the hunter heard the movement, he also got up and took a look.Finding that Lao Qi had knocked the woman out again, he lay down again and began to sleep.

Lao Qi also didn't say anything, just lying on the bed as if it was only right and proper.As for the woman next to him who was directly ignored by him...

In the warehouse at the junction of Hongkou District and East District, Lao Ma, Xiao Qi, Sang Yi and others woke up earlier than Lao Qi and the others.The small drink last night didn't make them feel any hangover. On the contrary, because they drank less, they all rested better.

At five o'clock in the morning, everyone had already got up.I changed into casual clothes, and then ate breakfast with a lot of food left over from last night.

They ate slowly, and it was around [-]:[-] before they finished their meal.Follow the driver and say: "I want to take a shit." After that, he turned and went straight to the toilet.

"He's so straight." Dayao said cheerfully, "But he's happy, and I have to wait a while to excrete my shit."

"Beat!" the old horse cursed, and said, "Then you still call him a straight man."

Dayao laughed and said, "Whoever pulls first is straight."

The funeral interpreter rolled his eyes for a moment, and said: "After eating, we can talk about shit and fart, can we have some quality?"

The old horse got up and said: "Okay, okay, let's load the things into the car first. Activities, maybe, hey, this activity, I want to pull it all, and then don't say anything about it."

"Crack!" Although everyone was overjoyed, they all got up one after another and loaded their guns and everything into the car.Then several people worked together to cover a piece of canvas in the open rear compartment.

The driver came back at this time, and said, "I've heard that I'm going to run away. Hurry up...the lazy donkey has a lot of shit and urine."

"Your uncle." Dayao said: "You are so light without shit. And why are you pulling so fast?" While talking, he walked towards the toilet.

The driver looked relaxed and happy, and said: "Pooping, it's easier than eating and drinking. It's not a problem for me. And I have a secret, that is, after squatting, don't worry about how you feel. You just remember, use all your strength and beat yourself to death."

Dayao ignored him and went straight to the toilet.After a while, Lao Ma went silently, followed by Xiao Qi and Mang Yi.That's right, this kind of thing seems to be able to infect people.After experiencing the relaxed and pleasant feeling one by one.

It was already past six o'clock, and everyone sat in a circle to start the final confirmation of action steps.The old horse looked at the driver and said, "Let's drive out in a while, and the four of us will hide in the canvas of the back box. You can drive normally. The requirement is just one point, and we will arrive at No. [-], Hongfei Road at [-]:[-]. But brother , before you are about to turn, you remind us. Then the four of us will get up from under the canvas, press the timer, set up the gun, and start to shoot at the guard post at the gate of No. [-] at any time. So, tell us to get up The time, the scale, you need to decide by yourself."

The driver nodded and said: "No problem, I will call you back and forth according to the speed of the car and the distance from No. [-]."

"Okay. It's up to you." The old horse looked at the others again and said, "Dayao, you will be at the front of the car in a while, and you will be in charge of shooting on the right side with me. But remember, you start from the canvas. The first moment I got up, I immediately pressed the timer. Then I shot the gate post of No. [-] with me."

Dayao gestured with a big finger and said, "No problem, press the timer immediately."

The old horse looked at Sangyi and Xiao Qi again, and said: "You two are in charge of the left side, don't be distracted, just turn over and start shooting the sentry post on the left side, in short, as long as you are inside No. [-], Shoot them all within sight."

Seeing the two people nodding, the old horse continued: "After killing them, let's jump out of the car immediately, don't go in with the car together, and the same, Sang Yi and Xiao Qi, guard the left side. Dayao and I guard the right side. No matter who comes Yes, just shoot and kill."

When the old horse said this, he looked at the driver again, and said, "What about you, after you drive into the gate of the office building at No. [-], you immediately press the timer, and then use your strength to go back through the escape door we specially made. Just run. After joining us, rush out of the yard together and get into the car. Then speed up and leave the range of No. [-], saving us from being unlucky and being affected by the explosion. Then drive all the way back to the concession, enter the safe house, All change clothes. After coming out, break up into parts, spread out, and return to their respective shelters. Even if the mission is completed, as long as we keep a low profile, we will be fine, understand?"

Everyone expressed their understanding again, and then they each lit a cigarette, and began to enjoy the last peace before taking action.

That's it, until eight o'clock, it's almost time.The driver got into the car directly, and Lao Ma, Sang Yi, Dayao, and Xiao Qi jumped into the open carriage at the back.Then he reached out and lifted the canvas, and got inside.In fact, he was holding the gun in one hand and holding the groove of the car with the other, avoiding his body shaking back and forth.

The driver also understands that the more you act at this time, the less anxious you can be.Therefore, the car was driven very steadily, and the warehouse was used at a regular speed.Then, still steadily, he drove towards the destination at a leisurely pace.He drove like this, but the four people behind him were less affected by the driving of the car.

In this way, the driver looked at his watch while driving the car to see if the time might be advanced, so he deliberately made a detour on a certain road section.Manage your time as much as possible.At about [-]:[-] or [-]:[-], the driver turned the truck around and turned onto Hongfei Road.Continue to drive forward at a constant speed.

In a minute or so, the car was already... if calculated in parallel, it was already [-] meters away from No. [-].He immediately turned his head and said loudly: "Here we are. Come out!"

In just a few words, the car is already parallel to No. [-].When the four people behind heard him utter the first word, they had already lifted the canvas and jumped up one after another.At the same time that Zangyi pressed the timer with his left hand, Thomson's gun had already protruded from the side of the car.

At this time, the car had already been turned around by the driver, and he followed him regardless of other things, and stepped on the accelerator all the way.The car rushed into the yard immediately.

"Da da da da." Lao Ma and the other four gunmen kept their balance while holding the handlebars with their left hands...

(End of this chapter)

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