spy ace

Chapter 1019 Marksman

Chapter 1019 Marksman

The muzzle of the Thomson submachine gun was also mounted on it, and when the trigger was pulled, it began to shoot crazily towards the guard posts on both sides of No. [-].

"Jump!" The old horse yelled, and the four of them jumped off the car with one leg.I don't know if it was their bad luck, or the guards in No. [-].

At this time, a team was patrolling the courtyard, and it happened to be in the front yard.He was directly blocked by two submachine guns, and in less than a second or two, eighty or ninety rounds of bullets had been poured frantically.A dozen or so people were beaten and trembled all over, and they were shot down by the gunmen before they even had time to take off the guns they were carrying.As for the guard standing guard at the gate, when the car rushed into the courtyard gate, it had already fallen into a pool of blood.

At this time, Lao Ma and Dayao were in a group, pointing their guns to the right, always on guard against anyone coming from this direction.The other group of Xiao Qi and the funeral interpreter pointed their guns at the left side.There weren't any patrolling guards on their side, but there was a gate and three spies in plain clothes. They might have just entered the gate, and when they heard the sound of the car behind them, they rushed to the side desperately.In the end, before he even got up, he was directly slapped by Sang Yi and Xiao Qi, making it impossible for him to stand up again.

It is said that the driver turned the corner, and he didn't care about the situation of the four gunmen behind him, he just needed to do his own thing well.When rushing into the No. [-] compound, he hastily bent down, only showing a pair of eyes on the windshield.

This is because at this moment, he discovered that there was a man in a suit somewhere inside the gate of the office building.Turning his head and looking at this side with surprise.And this guy's second reaction was extremely quick. He put his hand on his waist, followed by waving his arm, and started shooting towards the car.

The driver's driving skills are really good. After turning the first turn, he turned the wheel in his hand and pointed the front of the car at the gate of the yard and the gate of the office building inside.It can be described as three points and one line.All he needs to do is press the gas pedal and go.

Therefore, seeing the other party moving so quickly, the driver didn't dare to be careless. He lowered his head again and completely hid his head in the cab.But both hands firmly controlled the steering wheel, causing the car to plunge straight into the gate of the No. [-] office building.

As for whether he hit or killed the man in the suit who shot at him, the driver didn't care at all.He felt a bang on the car body. Although the driver made a protective move, his body still hit the steering wheel due to inertia.But he knew in his heart that the car had already crashed into the office building and hit a solid place, causing the car to stop inside.

So the driver didn't care about the pain, reached out and pressed the timer at the gear, without looking up, bent over, turned around, and rushed out through the escape door that was specially cut in the middle.

With both legs gathering strength, he didn't need to worry about what was behind him, after all, there was a car blocking him, so he focused on rushing outside.

How fast are people?The Jamaican Lightning of later generations can run more than ten meters per second on average.Although the driver is definitely not as good as the Jamaican Lightning, his physical fitness as an agent is also very outstanding. There is no problem at all at [-] meters per second.

It's just that he just started it, and he hasn't fully accelerated yet, but even so, it took him a little more than three seconds to complete the shuttle car, and after jumping off, he rushed out of the gate of the No. [-] main building.

After the driver rushed out, he didn't stop at all. While continuing to rush out of the yard, he shouted: "Retreat!!!"

In fact, the plan this time can be said to have been completed quite well by the five of them. Apart from a wave of patrolling guards catching up in the yard, there were no other problems.But their firepower was too fierce, before a dozen or so guards could react, they had already been shot by them.In addition, they used a car before, so it didn't take four seconds from turning to shooting and jumping.

Does that mean it's so fast?Really!To give a very simple example, Thomson’s rate of fire is very fast. Even if you use a hundred-round drum, if you hold the trigger and don’t move, all one hundred bullets can be fired within a few seconds.To be specific, if a [-]-round magazine is used, it can reach about [-] rounds per minute.This has already included the time for changing the magazine. You can calculate the average number of bullets per second.But now they are using a hundred rounds of ammunition, and the continuous firepower is even fiercer. There are about ten people, it is really not enough for two submachine guns to sweep at close range.

Then it took another two or three seconds, the car rushed into the main building and hit a hard place to stop.The driver pressed the timer, and it took more than five seconds until he escaped from the main building.So now they have spent less than twenty seconds in total.

When several people saw the driver, they already held their guns and backed away.Because the four gunmen turned their bodies upside down or turned sideways before leaving the hospital, it took them six or seven seconds to rush out of the hospital.Carrying the gun, he frantically started running towards the escape vehicle thirty to forty meters away.

Five or six seconds later, they were in front of the car.The driver is the fastest. He doesn't have any weapons, so he only needs to concentrate on running. So he opened the door and sat on it. He stretched out his hand and started to twist the iron bar inserted in the keyhole.I prayed in my heart that there must be no failure.

In fact, the car had already been checked by them beforehand, and nothing was found wrong.Just parked outside for one night, the chance of a sudden failure is very small.Therefore, there is no direct "tragedy" in which the car fails to start at a critical moment.

As soon as it was started, the four gunmen also came to the front, opened the car door directly, and rushed up.The driver was skillful, put the gear on, turned the steering wheel hard, and the car hummed and started to rush towards the street ahead.

At this moment, the five people heard a "bang" gunshot from the right side.Xiao Qi, who was sitting in the back seat, looked back, only to see a man in plain clothes near the door of No. [-], who fell on his back to the ground.

It turned out that this shot was fired by the hunter.Because after they rushed out of No. [-] and got on the bus.On the other side of No. [-], a man in civilian clothes pulled out a gun.

This guy may have come late, or came on time, and he was very insidious and didn't expose himself when he heard the gunshots before.Instead, now, after seeing Lao Ma and the others getting into the car, they made sure that it was these five people. After they had no scruples, they drew out their guns and started shooting.As a result, Lao Qi arranged by Fan Keqin happened to see him in this move with the sharpshooter...

(End of this chapter)

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