spy ace

Chapter 1020 Sniper

Chapter 1020 Sniper
The hunter immediately shifted the muzzle of the gun and put the opponent into the scope.It is said that he is using a [-]x mirror now. Don’t look at the [-]x mirror as if there is no quadruple, sixx, or [-]x mirror. But you must see under what circumstances, in the city , In such a short distance, a [-]x scope is sometimes more useful than a high-magnification scope.The viewing angle is also wider.

The hunter himself has an excellent gun sense. When he was in the training base, he mainly learned the sniper skills.Although the concept of a sniper in this era is only in its infancy, Fan Keqin can't stand it.

The textbooks he wrote himself can be said to be strategically located, standing on the shoulders of giants, so this set of textbooks written by him is more professional than the sniper schools in the Soviet Union and Germany.

Let me give you an example.Currently, the most professional sniper teaching materials are from the Soviet Union.German sniper training was also based on learning from the Soviet Union at the beginning.One of them is that snipers should try their best to obtain a good viewing angle wherever possible and occupy the commanding heights of the battlefield.

Although this statement is reasonable, after the conclusion and research of later generations, it is found that although snipers occupying the commanding heights can control a larger area, at the same time, the survival rate will be greatly reduced.

Professor Fan Keqin's set of things is not the case. He never encourages snipers to occupy the commanding heights.If it is a building, the second, third, and third floors are the best.And there are also problems such as orientation, the rear can pass quickly at all times, and so on.

In addition, there are still many mistakes in the current sniper training materials, one of which is that snipers climb trees.Or take cover next to rocks.However, snipers climbing trees can fully hide themselves through the shade of trees.But after you shoot, it is very inconvenient to shift the shooting position.

And on the trees, there are many leaves that block the line of sight, and sometimes it is difficult for you to aim.You need to use a knife to open up a piece of vision.Therefore, it's okay if you don't shoot. Once you shoot, you can still quickly lock the sniper's hiding position.

For example, little Japanese devils like to climb trees, but let's see how high the death rate of these guys is.Of course, they have the so-called samurai spirit, and sometimes they even tie themselves to trees in order to be able to shoot steadily without any scruples. As long as they are found, they will undoubtedly die.But this is at most an ambush shooter, not a professional sniper.

What is a professional sniper?At the most critical moment, firing a critical bullet, even a single bullet can turn the tide of the battle.This is what a sniper should do.

Just like now, although the hunter's shooting angle is not wide at this time, he can still aim at the sentry post at the gate of No. [-].

In other words, when the car was rushing in, he could definitely assist the old horse and other submachine gunners, and it would be good to kill a gate guard, right?But why didn't he shoot.Because it was not necessary, that would actually have no impact on the battle situation, at most it would be an addition to the record: adding a Japanese puppet soldier.

But he didn't fire this shot before, but it had a good effect. The spy who was going to shoot behind the old horse and the others thought that only the old horse and the others did not know that there was a hunter.If you tell him to shoot unscrupulously, yes!It was nearly [-] meters away from Lao Ma and the others, so it might not be possible to hit them with a pistol.But there is also a half chance of being able to hit it.Even if no one is hit, what about hitting a tire?Hit the gas tank.Can the car return to the concession smoothly?At this time, the hunter fired, but prevented a series of possible consequences. This is the role of a real sniper.

Only one shot was fired, the hunter quickly looked back and forth through the scope, then immediately retracted the gun, and said, "Go and start the car, I'll get off right away."

After hearing this, Lao Qi didn't hesitate, turned around, opened the door and went downstairs.The hunter swiftly disassembled the Springfield sniper rifle into two parts, and quickly put them into the painting tube and leather case.Hold it in your hand, turn around and walk out.As a result, he had just arrived downstairs when he felt a shock under his feet, followed by a loud bang in his helix.

I knew in my heart that this was a car bomb explosion.And listening to the movement, the power is very fierce.In fact, this is also the case, because as soon as the hunter got into the car, he felt some noises from the roof of the car.

Does that mean it's so powerful?They are more than [-] meters away from No. [-] in a straight line, and there are still some stones falling down?
The answer is yes.You don't know what a medium truck full of TNT is.The destructive power of an explosion from the middle of a building is even more powerful.Although it is definitely impossible for some huge stones to fly over the small second floor at such a long distance, some that seem to be as big as small marbles can fly over in this way.

Lao Qi got down first, and started the car long ago, regardless of some pedestrians on the street, who were hit and covered their heads, or looked up to the sky in amazement.He drove the car directly out of this street, and then quickly headed towards the foreign concession.

It is impossible for little devils or the puppet government not to investigate such a big movement.But no matter how fast they dispatched personnel, they were not as fast as those who immediately started driving to the concession.

After all, they are already in action.The Japanese puppets need to receive orders before they act.So no matter how fast their reaction is, at the beginning, there must be no group of five, and Lao Qi and the others are fast.

Ten minutes later, Lao Qi's car had already entered the concession.On a street, turn left and enter a small alley.The two got out of the car, and led by Lao Qi, they entered a safe house prepared in advance.

The two quickly began to change clothes.Two minutes later, he came out of this room again without driving.After turning two small alleys in a row, it was in a more secluded alley.Lao Qi opened a manhole cover, and the hunter hid a sniper rifle in it.

Then Lao Qi walked through the alley with him again, and said to him: "The second safe house is not far away. It is in a hotel. There is a second change of clothes there. Then I will lead you to the third safe house." With a safe house, you can basically feel at ease.”

The hunter said: "Okay, the other party can't come in blatantly, this arrangement is already very safe."

As Lao Qi said, the two first entered a small hotel. Lao Qi had the key and led the hunter directly into one of the rooms.The two changed into the second set of clothes...

(End of this chapter)

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