spy ace

Chapter 1038 Doyle Force

Chapter 1038 Doyle Force
There is even a small water park in this house, and it is connected to a private beach, which looks quite beautiful.The car drove directly along the road into the fence-style wall, and when it reached a fountain pool, it stopped in front of a house dominated by white tones.

It may have been prepared, or it may have heard the sound of the car.Just as Qian Jinxun got out of the car, a group of people walked out from the wooden door next to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the house.These people may be for formality, regardless of the hot weather, all put on suits.

The leader was a little old man, about sixty-five years old, with all white hair.But he was in good spirits. Wearing a silver-gray suit and tie, he stood at the door with a smile, and the rest of the people automatically lined up on both sides of him.

After getting off the car, Qian Jinxun, led by Philip, came to the little old man.Only then did I realize that the little old man was not tall, probably around [-] meters.

The two extended their hands to each other and shook hands. After the old man was translated, he said, "You are very welcome to be a guest, Qian. I received a telegram from David, and he told me that you are a friend he can trust, so I would like to invite you do not mention it."

Qian Jinxun said: "Thank you, Mr. Sinos, David and I hit it off right away and hit it off very well. This time we are in America, I need your help."

After the two sentences were finished, they had already walked into the house together. The little old man Lance said: "No, no! It's cooperation, money. We have a relationship of mutual trust. David and you are the bridge of communication. I think we will definitely cooperate. happy."

Qian Jinxun smiled and said, "I have a younger brother. He said that win-win cooperation is the best cooperation model. I hope we can achieve the goal of win-win cooperation."

"Ah." Lance said happily, "That's right, your brother must be a business genius, and he has spoken out the core and essence of cooperation. Come, please sit down, I have already had dinner prepared, ha, you must try it Try our food here, Boston is rich in lobster, but some people don’t know it, Miami also has it, and it’s not bad at all. It’s just not as famous as there, but the taste... I’m not going to talk about it, I’ll leave it to you to taste. Haha.”

Qian Jinxun said: "I'm looking forward to it."

The two of them didn't get straight to the point, they just chatted with each other, such as the situation along the way, the current war, and the good weather.local culture etc.It's all they can talk about.

The little old man Lance, with bare hands, has worked hard from a small leather craftsman to a huge family business when he was middle-aged. He can be said to be very shrewd, so there is never a lack of topics for chatting.

As for Qian Jinxun, although he is young, he has been working in government agencies all year round, surrounded by secret agents.But just like that, his popularity is top-notch, and his emotional intelligence can be said to be frighteningly high.So chatting with Lance was quite pleasant.

For dinner, the Sinos family prepared a very sumptuous meal. The main course was local lobster, and the side dishes were various cold foods.Such as sausage, ham or something, there are extremely rich fruits, and mixed vegetable salad.

The dinner was eaten by everyone, and all the members of the Sinos family were present.The Chinese translator Xie Dongdong was the son of an old neighbor when Lance was young. At that time, the old Chinese neighbor was struggling and couldn't afford Xie Dongdong's tuition.It was Lance who helped him get to know Dongdong and kept him through college.After Xie Dongdong graduated, he has been working as an accountant for the Sinosi family.It has been almost seven years now.

Philip #Sinoth, Lance's eldest son, now manages a construction company, but the company is not big. According to him, the business is average, and it can be done during the peak season.But the rest of the time is relatively ordinary, and you can still make some profits throughout the year.

However, Qian Jinxun felt that Philip must not be so simple. After all, this guy's speech and behavior did not look like the head of a construction company that was barely profitable.

Lance's youngest daughter, Dina#Sinoth, is a dance teacher, very elegant, and a typical western beauty.But Qian Jinxun felt that although Dina was already twenty-five years old, she still spoke with a sense of innocence that hadn't left school.It may be that Sinos protected her daughter too well and smoothly, so that she did not experience the beatings of the society, so she maintained this student-like innocence.

Dina's husband, Lance's son-in-law Ann Puno #Feynman.In the management of several restaurants, the benefits are not bad in his own words.

After several people finished their meal, Lance got up and said, "Qian, let's go have a drink. I don't think we've had enough of our chat, have we?"

"That's right." Qian Jinxun knew that it might be time to talk about serious business, so he said to Wang Yang and the others who came from the intelligence department: "You can wait here for a while, and if you can, you can also visit Lanzhou. Mr. S's big house."

Following Qian Jinxun, Lance, Xie Dongdong, and Philip entered a living room with a study.After entering, Philip poured four glasses of wine, walked over, distributed them to everyone, and said, "Try it, it's made by my father's winery, and it tastes pretty good."

Qian Jinxun took a sip, nodded and said, "It's really good. It's fragrant, and it's my favorite type."

The little old man Lance said: "My winery is on the west side of Miami. If you are interested, you can ask Xie Dongdong and Philip to take you to see it. Oh, by the way, the factory of the weapon company is also there. Just right on the way."

Qian Jinxun said: "That would be great. If it succeeds, I can just go to the winery to pick two more bottles of wine to celebrate."

"It seems that you are bound to win that company, don't you?" Philip said with a smile: "Speaking of which, the current situation of that weapons company can barely maintain, but this situation has been maintained for a long time. It is still there for [-] years, no one knows how long he can persist, maybe he can persist forever. Doyle is still very persistent."

Qian Jinxun asked: "Who is Doyle? The boss of the weapons company?"

"That's right." Lance said: "Since David sent back the telegram, we have been trying to find a way to understand that company. It can be heard from the name, Doyle force, huh?"

Qian Jinxun said: "This Doyle, does he intend to sell his company now?"

Lance shrugged and did not speak. Instead, after Xie Dongdong translated his words, he opened his mouth first and said, "No, this person has a bit of a temper and is very stubborn. He insists that their design is the future development direction of firearms. ..."

(End of this chapter)

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