spy ace

Chapter 1040 Fighting

Chapter 1040 Fighting
Xie Dongdong smiled and said, "Let me try it. Qian, let's see you tomorrow. I will come with Philip tomorrow morning."

Qian Jinxun said: "Okay, pay attention to your body. Especially your waist."

"Ha. You are so funny." Xie Dongdong smiled and waved his hands, and walked out of the house.

Soon, one night passed, and the next morning, Qian Jinxun asked one of his agents, who knew a little English, to go downstairs to buy some food.This agent doesn't know how to order professional English, but he knows the word "eat in prose (sandwiches)", so he brought up several sandwiches, and a few of them took a random bite.

When it was ten o'clock in the morning, Xie Dongdong and Philip walked in.Seeing that Philip was in a good state of mind, Qian Jinxun smiled and said, "Philip, it seems that you didn't date any women last night. This doesn't seem like the charm of your handsome face."

"Hahaha." Philip laughed when he heard Dongdong's interpreter, and said, "Well, buddy, I have to admit that your observation skills are really strong. But I'm doing it for our friendship, you know? Originally, that hot The Spanish woman in my life was already about to throw herself into my arms. But I thought that I would have to accompany you the next day, so I was determined and resisted the temptation of the other party."

"Ha." Qian Jinxun was overjoyed and said, "Okay, I owe you. I will accompany you next time, and I can assist you when you are picking up girls. I will definitely make up for your regret this time."

"Then it's settled." Philip nodded in satisfaction, and then asked, "Any plans for today?"

"Of course." Qian Jinxun said: "Do you know where there is real estate for sale? Find out for me. I want to buy some houses and land here. I told you and your father yesterday that I will take action and will Let you see our sincerity."

"I like your vigorous and decisive style of handling things." Philip said, "Let me think about it..." He was silent for a while, then turned to look at Xie Dongdong and said, "I remember a person who was quite well-informed. , a fat man. What's his name?"

"Are you talking about Joe?" Xie Dongdong said: "Joe#Barbaro. The guy from Empire Bay has been here for four or five years. He usually helps people contact some real estate, or helps some people get some Illegal medical procedures."

"Oh yes! Fat Joe." Philip said: "That's him. He's one of us, right?" Then he said a little uncertainly: "Is it?"

"He is no one." Xie Dongdong said: "I do it myself, I just have some business dealings with us. I saw him once two months ago, and I seem to have heard that he is going back to Empire Bay recently, I don't know Did he go or not?"

Philip nodded, looked at Qian Jinxun, and said, "Let's go and find Fatty Joe. If this guy leaves, I'll help you find someone else. There will always be someone who does this kind of business. It's not hard to find out."

Qian Jinxun said: "That's great. I hope the fat Joe you mentioned hasn't left yet. I like fat people very much. They seem very approachable."

"Ha." Philip poked Qian Jinxun and said, "That's right, how do you say that, the persimmons are soft. I understand."

This kid Leng Ding popped out a sentence in Chinese, which made Qian Jinxun very funny.He waved his hand, called Wang Yang and the others, and followed Xie Dongdong and Philip down the stairs in the elevator.

Philip reconciled with Dongdong and drove ahead to lead the way, while Qian Jinxun and others drove behind.In about ten minutes, the car stopped under a five-story red brick building.

When Qian Jinxun and the others got out of the car, they looked at the door of a unit in front of them, and they were knocked open by someone.The two fell out and rolled into a ball, cursing Falk at each other, eat it!such words.

Qian Jinxun looked intently, and saw a fat man wrestling with him, and a strong man whose tonnage was comparable to his.The two fought fiercely, the corner of the fat man's mouth was bleeding, and his left eye was black and blue.The strong man was not much better, with a big bump on his head and blood from his nose.

Seeing that the two of them got up from the ground one after another, it seemed that they knew that each other had tricks, and they were no longer approaching rashly.Instead, he assumed a fighting posture and began to test it out.

"I said, don't fucking come to my house to bother me." The fat man raised his hands, bouncing around, and said in a low voice: "Now you are out of luck. I will knock out all your teeth and let you swallow it directly .”

"Really." The strong man suddenly used a fake body to the left, and then jumped to the right.But the fat man was not fooled, so the brawny man had no choice but to look for an opportunity again, and said: "But I bought a car from you, and the police came to the door the next day. How the hell do you explain it to me? Teeth knocked out? Trust me, I'd drive my car through your steel gate if I could!"

"Wow wow wow! Wait, wait." The fat man took a step back after hearing this, and said, "What did you say? After you bought a car from me, the police came to confiscate your car the next day." car?"

"Of course not!" The brawny man said, "Do you think I'm a fool? I parked the car at my sister's house, otherwise not only the car would be confiscated, but my mother would also go in. Huh? Joe, yes The car you helped me contact, are you so forgetful?"

Both of them were attracted by their opponents before, so they didn't dare to be distracted. As a result, the two of them kept talking until they found a group of seven people walking over and looking at them.So they were a little jealous, stopped their hands, and looked at Qian Jinxun and his party.

The fat man was startled when he saw Xie Dongdong, and said, "Xie? What are you doing here? You don't want to be like this brainless guy, deliberately wronging me? I remember, the last time I saw you was two months ago gone."

"I want to contact you for some business." Xie Dongdong looked at the fat man and the strong man, and said, "But I think you seem to be in some trouble now."

"Believe me, he's not a problem to me." After Fatty Joe said something, he looked at the strong man and said, "Paul, I've been doing this business for a long time, and I'm well-known for being trustworthy. It's not a wise choice to fight me if you come to my head, and... you can't beat me either."

"What did you say? I can't beat you?" Although the strong man Paul was reckless, he was not without a brain. He saw seven people, and he seemed to know Fatty Joe, so he didn't do anything anymore, but he still said fiercely: "Don't think that I will be afraid of you when your friend comes. Besides, you must give me an explanation within three days. Otherwise, believe me, you will be in big trouble..."

(End of this chapter)

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