spy ace

Chapter 1041 Fatty Joe

Chapter 1041 Fatty Joe

Speaking of which, the strong man took two steps back, obviously guarding against someone's sneak attack, walked down the corridor downstairs to the street, then turned around and said again: "Remember, Joe, I only give you three days .”

Joe didn't go after him either. Looking at the other person's leaving figure, he said loudly, "Fuck you for three days! You'd better find out that you are here to find me. I'm just a middleman. You don't know who the original owner is." Is it? If you dare to come to my house again, then you don’t even think about walking back on two legs!!”

The strong man didn't look back at this time, but raised his left hand and gave him a middle finger.

Seeing this, Fatty Joe whispered again, touched the corner of his mouth with his hand and took a look, then looked at Dongdong with his hips on his hips, and said, "Excuse me, do you need me for business?"

"Of course." Xie Dongdong said, "We want to buy some real estate from you, oh, I'm talking about regular real estate. It's not the kind of underground transaction, OK?"

"OK!" Fat Joe nodded and said, "It's right to come to me. Many people only think that I only do underground business, but they don't know that most of my business is visible light. So... I'm sure you're looking for me. But I need something to eat first, and being hungry will keep my blood sugar low. Of course, if I wasn't hungry, Paul wouldn't have left like this."

"Wait a minute." The fat man said again, "I'll get my notebook." Then he turned and walked into the door of the unit.

Qian Jinxun kept smiling and said, "Is this guy reliable?"

Philip obviously didn't have any dealings with Joe before, but he heard that the family had a lot of business dealings with him.So I also looked at Xie Dongdong, who shrugged and said: "This is the first time I have seen it today. So we are lucky, aren't we? As far as I know, as Fatty Joe himself said just now, he is a leader in the industry. Word of mouth has been really good.”

Qian Jinxun nodded and said, "I hope so, then we'll just wait."

About ten minutes later, Fatty Joe changed his clothes, and despite the hot weather, he was still wearing a British-style forward hat, holding a briefcase in his hand, and said, "You have a car, right? I saw it, then I I won’t be driving anymore. Take me to a restaurant to buy some food first. Just take advantage of this time and tell me your requirements. I’ll see if I can find a suitable real estate for you. It's okay to charge five percent, right?"

Qian Jinxun nodded after listening to Xie Dongdong's translation, and said, "No problem, just one and five percent."

"Ha, so you are the boss who is looking for me." Joe said, "Which car should I get in?"

Qian Jinxun said: "Let my buddy drive. How about Philip reconciling and helping me as a staff officer?"

Several people agreed, and the other three men went to the rear car.Wang Yanglai drove the car in front, Fatty sat in the co-pilot, Qian Jinxun and Xie Dongdong and Philip sat in the back seat.

After driving, the fat man pointed to the front windshield and said, "Go ahead, there is a good restaurant there." Then he turned around and asked, "Tell me about your requirements, what kind of house do you want?"

"It's not one, it's a string, it's better to be next to each other." Qian Jinxun said: "Well, even if they are not next to each other, they should be as close as possible, ten two-story houses with lawns .”

"Hahahaha." Qiao Deng laughed loudly and said, "This is a big business. Thankfully you found me. If you change someone, this kind of business can't be done...Let me look for it first."

As he said that, Fatty Joe lowered his head and opened his notebook to search for it. After a while, he raised his head and pointed to the side of the road, and said, "Stop, this is the store. Wait for me for a while, I'm too hungry. "

Saying that, he closed his notebook first, got out of the car and entered the restaurant, and after a while, he came out again, holding a paper bag in his hand, chewing something, and holding a bottle of Coke in his left hand.He got into the co-pilot again and said, "The fried ham here is delicious. If you are interested, you can come and try it."

Seeing how delicious his food was, it was obvious that he was really hungry. Everyone looked at each other and smiled, not bothering him.Until the guy finished eating, he drank the Coke in one gulp.After wiping his hands, he flipped through his notebook again. After a while, Fatty Joe said "Huh?" and said, "Go to Sunshine Street, there are four houses that meet your requirements for sale. In the back, that is, the second On the street, there are still seven houses ready for sale, ha, your luck is very good. The environment there is very good, oh right? Are you Chinese?"

Qian Jinxun replied: "That's right."

"Then it's no problem." Fat Joe said: "Sunshine Avenue is not far away, about five minutes' drive away, is Chinatown. So the proportion of Chinese people there is not small. I like the one called... stir... stir fry, it has chicken, Peanuts, and carrots."

After hearing his description, Qian Jinxun was not sure what the dish was. It was a bit like Kung Pao Chicken, but who knows.Said: "Are they all the kind of two-storey bungalows with lawns that meet my requirements?"

"It's about the same." Joe replied, "There are a few houses that are not. Two of them were originally lived by rich people, um! The building materials are stone, which is very high-grade. There are one or two houses that are single-storey, but you The requirements are all close together, only Sunshine Avenue and Second Avenue meet the requirements, and the others are too far away. Let’s go and have a look first.”

"Hmm." Qian Jinxun said: "It still sounds good, you can take a look first."

Under Joe's guidance, he came all the way to Sunshine Street, and Joe said: "This is it, you can stop. I'll go to the administrator. You can get out of the car and wait."

Qian Jinxun got out of the car, and didn't care about Fatty Joe walking into a house with a sign.Instead, he looked at the situation on the street.The road is still very neat and clean, with green spaces on both sides of the road and some trees.It seems that this street is very long, with relatively high-end houses on both sides.Most of them are the kind of two-storey bungalows that the old American middle class lived in.However, every now and then, there is a house that looks very high-end, which should be built by a wealthier family.

After a while, Qiao came back clattering, patted his still-sounding pockets, and said, "These are keys for entrusting community management. I know their administrator, Old Ian. Look, my professionalism is not good." It’s one of the best. And these are all formal businesses, just tell me which one you like, and I’ll help you go through all the formalities, which can save you a lot of trouble.”

While talking, Fatty Joe has brought everyone to a house.The lawn is growing well, and it should be repaired regularly. The house is a combination of double-layer brick and wood mainly in white...

(End of this chapter)

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