spy ace

Chapter 1046 Professional Assassin

Chapter 1046 Professional Assassin
"It will also help the workers fight for their best interests! This way, Doyle, you can focus on organizing your father's funeral. And we will also let your lawyer participate in the whole process."

Demagogy?No, in a sense, the current situation of Doyle Force is actually no different from what these shareholders have said.

Ever since, within three days, Qian Jinxun truly fully acquired Doyle's force, and all the technicians in it stayed. These are the wealth.

However, it is still necessary to act in accordance with the contract, after all, the previous OEM has not yet been settled.However, according to Doyle Force's production line, it will be completed in about a month. In fact, this is what the shareholders of Doyle Force are worried about.Who knows whether those big arms giants will use them after this list is completed.And even if you continue to use it, it's just working for those big companies to earn a little money, and the company is still half-dead.

Qian Jinxun solved Doyle's problem, and things began to go smoothly.But Fan Keqin, who was on the other side of the ocean, began to worry about some problems.

That was the Security Bureau operating in the Northeast. One of the agents lurking in the pseudo-government bank detected a movement in Little Japan.They had a large sum deposited in a bank of a neutral country.

There is a huge amount of [-] US dollars.Of course, it is impossible for banks to disclose their running water information.However, this sum of money was huge, and it was a single sum. In addition, the agents operating in various places, whether it was the Security Bureau or the Military Command, were now focusing on economic targets.So when such a large sum of money is deposited into an account of that neutral bank in various banks of the little devil, it is impossible to hide it.

In fact, no one would pay attention to it at first. After all, in the Japanese-occupied area, there are a lot of supplies and bank capital flows every day.With so much money, even if it suddenly increased, how could anyone pay attention.But the strange thing about this is that it was a personal account.

It is impossible to check the bank, and it is a bank in a neutral country, except for the strongest means of fees.But now that the Anti-Japanese War is in a state of see-saw, and it is a bank in another country, it is naturally difficult to find out the account information.

The second thing is that the head of the special high school of the little devil in China, Enjiro Doi, disappeared after the seventh of this month.But I suspect that this guy has been hiding in his house and never came out.But no one is sure.

This is because on the seventh day, after checking and checking, Doi Enjiro seemed to have returned home from outside.But never saw him again.Haven't been out or been to the office for a day.No one has seen him, so he is not sure of his whereabouts.

Although this old boy, his previous whereabouts were also sneaky, almost impossible to grasp.But afterwards, if you investigate carefully, you will still find some traces of his activities.

But now Enjiro Doi's activities have completely disappeared, only the uncertain information about No. [-].It's really impossible to tell what he's doing.

After learning about this matter, Fan Keqin and Sun Guoxin also did some analysis, and the final conclusion was that they were more inclined to what kind of conspiracy Doi Enjiro was accomplishing.Therefore, Fan Keqin issued a series of orders to collect all the previous information about Doi Enjiro.

And personally led the analysis team to start a detailed analysis of these situations...

On the other side, Kudo also got his own fake documents in Tianjin City.He doesn't believe in what anyone offers him, even if the other party is provided by the head of Huat High School. He only believes in the person he finds.

In fact, Liu, a craftsman, is not only able to make certificates, but his obvious work is in the antique industry.Calligraphy, ink painting, landscape, etc., these craftsmen Liu, can do all of them as if they were real.Even not only Chinese things, but also Western sculptures, oil paintings, etc., he can also make objects that are indistinguishable from the real ones.

When Kudo went to Europe and Southeast Asia for activities, those documents were provided by the craftsman Liu.Never went wrong.

After entering the antique shop, Kudo glanced at the craftsman Liu who was carving chapters for others.

After the two sides looked at each other, the craftsman Liu stopped his work and said, "Sir, let's go to the back room to discuss things." As he spoke, he closed the shop door and put up a sign saying it was closed.

The two of them went to the back room immediately, and Kudo went straight in and said, "I want a certificate that allows me to move freely in Sichuan, help me get it done, is it still the old rule?"

The craftsman Liu Wenyan frowned, and said, "Sichuan is better than other places. The rest of the place is better, but Chongqing... I can't guarantee it."

Kudo turned to look at the other party, and said, "What do you mean?"

Craftsman Liu explained: "So you really want to go to Chongqing? The situation is different. I can make a certificate for you. Even if you encounter an inspection, you can definitely pass the customs... But let me put it this way, the certificate The validity period is only temporary. It’s only about one month, if you use this certificate again, it won’t work.”

Kudo frowned and said, "Please explain clearly."

Craftsman Liu Dao: "Chongqing has adopted a new system. I heard that this system will be implemented in the whole of Sichuan. It is called the registration system of foreign population. As long as you are not a local, you must go through registration when you arrive in Chongqing. And they will conduct spot checks from time to time, and every once in a while, the foreign population will go to the local police station and other departments to update your information, such as address, work status, etc. And the other party will be special from time to time Do the checks, and if you have asymmetric information, you're going to be in trouble."

After hearing this, Kudo was really surprised, and asked, "This system has such a huge workload, can they handle it?"

Craftsman Liu Dao: "I'm not sure about this, but some people from Chongqing really said so. Did you just return to China? This is not a secret among the whole country. Don't you know?"

Kudo still didn't answer, but remained silent for a moment, and said, "Then if, you can help me provide the certificate of a local in Chongqing."

Craftsman Liu thought for a while and asked, "Yes, but can you speak Chongqing dialect? Do you know who your neighbor is?" As a professional assassin, Kudo can really be said to be very good.It can even be said that he is in this line of work, and he is the top expert in the whole world.But he had never seen this level of precautionary measures before, so he immediately asked: "Is Chongqing already so strict now?"

(End of this chapter)

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