spy ace

Chapter 1049 Leader

Chapter 1049 Leader
Fan Keqin went on to say: "The main reason is that the time cost is too high. He will not do this for no reason."

The analysis team leader also agreed: "Virgin's analysis is correct. There are lies in the truth, and there is truth in the false. This is his code of conduct. All false things are actually used to cover up the real action in advance. I believe that this Once, we caught his real action. It's just...he hasn't shown up, he's a low-ranking person, and he feels a little helpless."

Fan Keqin said: "What is the purpose of disappearing alone? In most cases, it is to avoid risks. The remaining few may want to be quiet, relax, or take a rest. Otherwise, how could a person choose to disappear."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused, and said: "The question is what kind of risk is he avoiding, and this matter must not be disclosed... But, after a matter is completed, is it still necessary for him to hide it? I I don't think so.

You immediately lead your subordinates to find out the time period when the old devil Tu Feiyuan disappeared last time, and pay special attention to when he stopped disappearing.In other words, when will he show up again.Then, in the days before he appeared, something happened.The frequency of telegram records, I believe, although we can't decipher all of them, there must be records of this frequency, especially the location when the old devil Chatufeiyuan disappeared and the location when he reappeared.Records of telegraph signals in these places.Then, according to the approximate sending location of these signals, we will check what happened there. This will eliminate a lot of useless information for us virtually.In this way, when the investigation reaches this step, you will notify me immediately. "

Following Fan Keqin's explanation, the analysis team leader's eyes became brighter.Because it was really almost impossible to check before.But what Fan Keqin said undoubtedly opened his mind, so he immediately stood up and said: "Yes. I will do it immediately when I go back to the humble job."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "I will call the Military Command Intelligence Department and open up the military command's past files and records to you. Your people can let go of other things these days and just check these things. "

"Yes. Understood." The analysis team leader said, "Go back to the humble job now." Then, he turned and walked out of Fan Keqin's office.

Led by Fan Keqin, the overall efficiency of the Security Bureau is very high now.On the morning of the third day, the analysis team leader had already found out what Fan Keqin said.And it's like what Fan Keqin said before, the files and records of the Security Bureau and the Military Command, etc., as long as they feel that they are within the scope, they will all get back.

Is the record really that comprehensive?In fact, it depends on the recording method.

Now the information war between China and Japan is happening almost all the time.A lot of radio stations, such as commercial, military, and special monitoring in the rear, etc., are adjusted to different frequencies. It can be said that they are trying to intercept the telegraph signal of the other party around the clock.

For example, if a radio station suddenly intercepts the signal, the staff will immediately put on the earphones, take the notebook at hand and start recording the information.

Of course, this information may be in an unbreakable encrypted state, such as the Pearl Harbor information.After the interception, it was just a string of garbled codes, such as [-]A, zero EL[-], [-]B[-] and so on.This is encryption.Because of the radio, as long as the frequency is correct, you can definitely receive the signal within the receiving range.So it's really not that hard to catch.The hard part is how to decipher.

After the staff record it, they will report it according to the working procedures, and then finally submit it to the deciphering team for comparison and analysis with the previously intercepted content.So that the deciphering experts can decipher the real telegram content of the other party.This is basically the whole process after intercepting the enemy's information.

But the information that cannot be deciphered is absolutely impossible to be set on fire.Instead, it is necessary to mark the time of interception and the approximate range of the enemy's report, and then store it in the file.

Now Fan Keqin's analysis team is going through a large number of files that have been recorded before.

Moreover, they had already found out the time information of the same missing last time, the old devil Doi Enjiro.

With this, there is a certain basis.Then, according to Fan Keqin's explanation, the analysis team learned when Doi Enjiro appeared again after he disappeared last time.

The leader of the analysis team and Fan Keqin came to the information analysis office, said these things again, and then said: "Virgin, according to your explanation. We found the little devil Doi Yuan. After disappearing last time, when did he appear?" It was May [-]th. We pushed back the time and checked all the telegraph signals intercepted in the city where Dohi Yuan was located in the previous week. There were nearly [-] in total. Excluding the few commercial records we had with the same record The radio station, and the military radio station that has been monitoring. In the end, there were nine messages left. We compared the time of these nine messages, and six of them were too long, the sixth and seventh before the appearance of Doi Enjiro Captured by a genius.

The timing was not right, Enjiro Doi would not wait so long after receiving the telegram before reappearing.Therefore, the low-ranking people temporarily ruled them out.After checking the remaining three pieces of information one by one, it was found that one of them was the most suitable. It happened to be intercepted by the military command's secret monitoring station in the northeast at [-]:[-] p.m. on the [-]th.Then the next day, that is, on the twelfth, Enjiro Doi stopped disappearing and returned to the office to work normally.After that, his weird activity track started again. "

Fan Keqin nodded in satisfaction when he heard this, and said, "Very well, that's the idea. Have you checked it? Where did the telegram signal come from?"

The analysis team leader said: "In the Myanmar-Vietnam area."

Fan Keqin was a little dumb, and said: "Abroad? Is it related to the expeditionary force?"

The analysis team leader said: "Probably not. During that period of time, the expeditionary army fought normally. Although they fought very hard, they were still within the normal range. But... the humble officer checked what happened in the Myanmar and Vietnam areas during that time period. That is , Ruan Zhiwen is dead."

Fan Keqin really didn't know Ruan Zhiwen, so he asked, "Tell me, what is Ruan Zhiwen's situation?"

"He is the leader of the rebel army." The analysis team leader said: "The British have been colonizing that area with high pressure before, and after Little Japan passed, many local people thought at first..."

(End of this chapter)

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