spy ace

Chapter 1050 Analysis of the situation

Chapter 1050 Analysis of the situation
The analysis team leader went on to say: "In the beginning, many local people thought that the little devils went there to help them get rid of the British rule. So they favored the little devils instead. They inform, lead the way, investigate, etc. Later, the little devils sent to They shot and let them participate in the war. Later, they even fought against the expeditionary army, and the expeditionary army suffered a lot from it.

But this Ruan Zhiwen is not the case, he clearly realizes that the little devil's purpose is not pure, it can be said that he is trying to devour wolf.So he organized a guerrilla team and started to deal with the little devil.And after negotiating with the British, after driving out the Japanese, they can give the Myanmar and Vietnam regions freedom.But the British were too greedy to agree to him at all.But Ruan Zhiwen still firmly believes that if the little devil beats the British away, he will treat his compatriots more cruelly than the British, so even though the British did not agree to his conditions, he still deals with the little devil again. "

Fan Keqin knew these things more or less in later generations. After the little devils invaded the Burma-Vietnamese region, he helped the little devils fight the Allies.Even the little devils beat the British all over the place in the early days, and they played a big part in it.

Fan Keqin asked: "Continue, you can talk about Ruan Zhiwen in more detail."

"Yes." The analysis team leader replied: "The guerrillas led by Ruan Zhiwen are all locals. There are many jungles in Myanmar and Vietnam, and there are many rivers, and the terrain is complicated. But they know exactly where the road leads, so He did a great job of harassing the devils. As time went by, Ruan Zhiwen's team gradually grew larger. The virtues of the little devils were gradually exposed, and the incidents of bullying men and women increased accordingly.

Therefore, under the ebb and flow, Ruan Zhiwen, as the first leader of the rebellion, his team grew stronger.Although the expeditionary army has been fighting very badly, the supply channel has been constantly repaired.But on May [-]th last year, when Ruan Zhiwen was giving a speech to his soldiers, there was a sudden gunshot, and a bullet shot into his eyebrow and came out from the back of his head.He died on the spot... The locals said that a traitor had sneaked in.Some also said that the Japanese used their expertise in infiltration warfare to kill Ruan Zhiwen with a single shot when he showed up.In short, there are many rumors, but none of them can be proved.However, many people saw the scene of Ruan Zhiwen's death, that is to say, he must have been shot dead from a long distance.The news is still very accurate. "

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "On May [-]th, Ruan Zhiwen was shot dead on the spot while giving a speech. Is this news accurate?"

"Accurate." The analysis team leader said: "After all, as I said just now, many people were present at the time, so the moment he died, many people witnessed it with their own eyes."

Fan Keqin gave a "hmm" and said: "If I fired the shot, what would I do? The guerrillas also have guns. The appearance of the Japanese is very similar to that of our country, and it is similar to that of Myanmar and Vietnam. The person is also quite similar, making himself look a little dirty, and wearing guerrilla clothes, it is not difficult to get close to the target. But he is an outsider after all, it is impossible to complete the close-up assassination, and the close-up assassination wants him to retreat safely. That will be very difficult. In addition to the excellent marksmanship, the opportunity to snipe from a long distance has become the first choice. When Ruan Zhiwen was mobilizing to give a speech, he hid from the crowd and killed the opponent with one shot. , just observe the good road and evacuate. Well, it’s very operable.”

The analysis team leader nodded and said: "Yes, Virgo, this inference is very reasonable, and it can also be proved from the time. It is impossible for him to bring the radio when he is close to the target. He must have hidden the radio in a place beforehand." Farther away, or simply, there is no need to carry a radio. Find the garrison of the local devils, and you can send a telegram. Shoot and kill on the [-]th, and then evacuate quickly, but there are many jungles in Myanmar and Vietnam, after all, it is not easy to travel. So he On the second day, that is, the evening of the [-]th, the signal of the successful assassination was sent. Then, after Doi Enjiro received the telegram, there was no need to hide, so he began to resume his previous trajectory of action.”

Fan Keqin took a breath, thought for a while, and said, "Looking at the current situation, this is the most reasonable guess. If our hypothesis is true, then... there is someone right now, perhaps the expert who assassinated Ruan Zhiwen , Who are we going to attack again?"

The leader of the analysis team said: "Yes, Virgo. It's a pity that Doi Enjiro chose the most stupid, but also the most clever way - to disappear. So we really can't get any effective information from him. On the other hand, what we assume is true. But we don’t know who this assassin is, where he came from, where he is going, and who his target is. So, it’s a bit hard to start.”

Speaking of this, the analysis team leader paused, and said: "Virgin, last time there was a little devil military expert who wanted to assassinate you. unit, so that the suspicious person was discovered in advance, and the opponent was taken down. Can we use the same method this time, let the military control the intelligence stations in various places, and closely monitor the key departments of the Japanese and puppet agencies in various places, and we are safe? The forces in various parts of the bureau should not be underestimated. We are cooperating again, so as long as there are suspicious people, we will lock the target in advance like last time, and the possibility is even higher than last time."

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "Yes, I will let the local bureaus pay attention to the key departments of the Japanese puppet. I will also ask Director Qian to help arrange the various local intelligence stations of the military command. But now I suspect that this assassin... may not It’s going to be the same person it was before.”

The analysis team leader was startled, and said: "Virgin, you mean that the little devil may learn from the experience and lessons from last time?" He paused for a moment before analyzing: "There is a possibility. But This time, we found the assassin in advance, but we didn’t take any action. Moreover, at the last moment, we took down the assassin under the cover of destroying the spy stronghold. This action is very deceptive. .Although the little devils knew that the assassination must have failed, but because they didn't do it in advance. Can they fully understand the situation here? It should be unclear. Let's grasp the assassin's movements in advance. This possibility is still relatively small of."

Fan Keqin said: "It makes sense. But that's not what I'm talking about. It's...the assassin this time is a little different."

(End of this chapter)

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