spy ace

Chapter 1056

Chapter 1056
Fan Keqin felt that in this matter, the War Information Bureau had done the whole thing in a fucking reverse way.Fortunately, their follow-up visits were not bad.

According to two neighbors, they were on the [-]th, the day before Jenkins died.There was a stranger who had appeared near the attic.

One of the neighbors saw it in more detail: it was a lame man who came out of the attic on the [-]th, not caring what he was wearing.But it must be carrying a long one, similar to a tool bag or something.At that time, the neighbor who witnessed it felt that the other party might be a worker, so he didn't care at all.

In terms of time, it can basically match the time before and after Jenkins' death.

In addition to these records, the War Situation Bureau also investigated some people who had been in contact with Jenkins before his death, but they were basically agents of the War Situation Bureau.One of the agents seemed to have discovered something, but he wasn't sure.That was two weeks ago, when he took Jenkins' car to the store, he found a car following him.

Of course, he was not sure of all this.Because the car followed two consecutive corners, maintaining a steady speed.But then, the car drove away at another intersection.

As it turned out, the agent who reacted to the situation might not have been hypersensitive.In subsequent investigations, the War Situation Bureau successively found several vehicles.

A week later, OSS found one of the vehicles, much like the agent had described.And there are no fingerprints or footprints in it.According to the dust inside, the car has been parked here for a week.In fact, this is also the direction of their investigation, specifically through the police station, highway management and other departments, looking for stolen or abandoned cars for no reason.

But the War Information Bureau is still not sure that this car was used by the murderer.Although the time is still correct, and there are no fingerprints or other traces, it must be a knowledgeable person who can do this.But when it stopped here, there were no witnesses.And the car had indeed been repainted.But some car thieves in the city often do the same thing.So this car was only recorded as a reference.

However, in addition to the initial response of the War Situation Bureau, which was a bit confused, the subsequent investigations have also made some progress.They have a partial look of the suspected murderer.

They found out through a victim. A woman in the city died in her home, and her body had already decayed.And it was packed in a homemade, closed bag.The time of death was more than half a month.And seven days ago, it was the moment of Jenkins' death.

In other words, the suspected assassin lived in this woman's house for at least a week.

The woman hadn't shown up for more than two weeks, and when a relative who lived in the country came to visit, she finally noticed something was wrong.And called the police.Because of Jenkins' death, the Operations Bureau was more sensitive, so it took over the investigation.

After an autopsy, the woman was strangled to death.Moreover, the fracture of the neck bone can be described as a clean death.Then a group of agents launched another investigation around the woman's death, and later discovered that the woman may have met a man in a bar.

At that time, the customers of the bar saw a man with half-long hair, chatted happily with the deceased, and then left together.And that man should have an Asian face, but he looks a bit of mixed race, and his clothes are no different from those of the Meidi family.

And he was wearing a pair of sunglasses, and he chatted with the deceased soon after entering, and they left together not long after.So no one can say exactly what it looks like.I just know that this man has a beard and black hair.He is about [-] to [-] meters tall.His speech and demeanor have a British style, and his speech also has a British accent.

And under repeated questioning by the agents of the Combat Situation Bureau, witnesses in the bar claimed that the other party was by no means crippled.

The reason why the OSS linked this man with the assassin was because judging from the time of death, it was likely that the woman and the man were killed as soon as they arrived home.Then the man packed it in a self-made closed bag made of canvas, quilt, etc., and threw it in the basement.Then use tape to glue the window gap in the basement that is just exposed to the ground.The door to the basement was also taped to seal the cracks around the door.This is obviously a way of not wanting to expose the smell of corpses.

In addition, the food in the woman's home was also gone.Just in the plates and bowls, leftovers of food.There are heavy traces of life inside, but there are still no clues of fingerprints left.This shows that this man has lived in this house for at least a week.It still matches Jenkins' death time.

But it was still the same as before, and the War Situation Bureau still couldn't confirm that this person was an assassin, and it didn't match up with what the neighbors who witnessed him said.

The other party said that he saw a cripple, but the barman swore that it was definitely not a cripple.Neighbors said that the people they saw must be Americans.But the people at the bar said that the other party might be a guy with a mixed-race appearance and an English style.

But there is also something that can be correct, that is, the height. Whether it is a neighbor or a witness at the bar, it feels that the other party should be between [-] and [-] meters.After detailed questioning by the agents of the War Situation Bureau, this was also confirmed through descriptions, comparisons with reference objects, and so on.

After that, OSS agents could no longer catch the assassin by the tail.The murder weapon was not found, and it is not known whether he left the country or when he left the country.In short, the assassin seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin felt that the Strategic Intelligence Service of the Meidi family was really a bit stupid in this matter.He did not deny that the War Situation Bureau had performed well in other places, such as certain battles.But in this matter, I can only say that I am sorry for its huge name.It's a bit of a misnomer.

I don't make many comments, just a little hard to show "respect".

Next, Fan Keqin was afraid of missing something, so he read it carefully from beginning to end.After finishing reading, he took the last two restoration sketches of the portraits and began to examine them carefully.

These are also two photos. The original pictures must exist in the headquarters of Meidijia, and it is impossible to be here.It's just drawn and reproduced.

How should I put it, it's a little difficult to recognize people.One of them is almost an impressionist painting...

(End of this chapter)

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