spy ace

Chapter 1057 Experience

Chapter 1057 Experience
The photo shows a man wearing a work uniform, with his right leg dragging the floor and stretched straight.With a long tool bag on his back, he was walking sideways on the street across the road.

But the face is barely visible, filled with a lot of shadows.This fucking can also be used as a portrait?Fan Keqin frowned and glanced at it, then put the photo down.Well, maybe, the agents of the War Information Bureau are just trying to restore the scene.

The painting on the other photo looks better.A man with a parted hair in the middle and a long, bushy beard, in terms of facial lines, has indeed the softness of an Asian.Sunglasses were stuck on the bridge of the nose, and he was wearing a shirt with the cuffs rolled up.

Although the details of the painting in this photo are quite in place, the other party covers too much reasonably, and also has a thick beard, so what his original appearance looks like, it really can't be painted too clearly.

Fan Keqin looked at it for a long time, then took the "Impressionist" painting and compared it with this photo, and it was indeed a bit out of touch.

Fan Keqin received all the things in the information bag again.Then he took it directly, went out, called Zhuang Xiaoman, and together they came to the darkroom of the Security Bureau.

Tell the agents inside to go out and look at the door, no one is allowed in, and then hold a camera, with the assistance of Zhuang Xiaoman.Reprinted a set of data.Each shot is in focus so as not to appear distorted.Then I turned off the light, prepared the potion, and started to develop the photos myself.

The photo paper is [-] inches, so that the text inside can be seen clearly without much effort.When it's all over, put the photos on a separate kit.

Fan Keqin handed the original to Zhuang Xiaoman and said, "Xiaoman, put this document in the drawer of my desk. I'll go upstairs."

Zhuang Xiaoman agreed and left with the original.Fan Keqin quickly went upstairs and entered the director's office through Liao Wangkun.

Sun Guoxin stood in front of a tactical board at this time, and did not shy away from Fan Keqin.Looking at a lot of documents and photos posted on it.Sitting and marking with chalk in hand.

Fan Keqin looked at the tactical board, only to see that it turned out to be some information and photos about Doi Enjiro.

Seeing Fan Keqin looking over, Sun Guoxin put down his pen and said, "This guy is one of our main opponents. Last year, the military command carried out twelve assassination missions against him, eight of which had no chance at all. After the executors arrived three times, the whereabouts of Doi Enjiro were not known at all. There was only one offensive action, but unfortunately, Doi Enjiro was not at the target at all. It was a trap, and the operatives of the military command were arrested immediately, and they did not arrive later. In three days, the people on this entire line were almost lost."

Fan Keqin said: "The boss wants to deal with this old devil?"

Sun Guoxin didn't answer right away, but took Fan Keqin to the sofa on the side to finish, saying: "I want to deal with it, but it's very difficult to deal with. Actually, I have been studying this old devil since the time of the Blue Shirts Club. It's a pity that this old devil is still alive and well."

Following Sun Guoxin, he looked at the information in Fan Keqin's hand, and said, "Let's not talk about him, how about it? Is the information from Meidi's family useful?"

"Well... how should I put it, it's okay. I've gained a little bit." Fan Keqin asked, "Would you like to have a look?"

Sun Guoxin reached out to take it, and said, "Well, how does the American colleague work... Let's see." He opened the file and opened it.However, Sun Guoxin didn't read it that carefully. He only read it in detail when he came across some key information.But after reading it once, Sun Guoxin was a little puzzled and said, "Wait a while, I'll take a closer look."

The second time, Sun Guoxin looked more carefully.In about half an hour, he had already read the investigation materials, which were not too much.After putting the information on the coffee table, he said in disbelief, "This... the information should be complete, Keqin?"

Fan Keqin understood what he meant, nodded, and said: "That's all you sent, but I think, judging from the time and the context of some clues found, it should be relatively complete, not like Deliberately concealed some situations, at least the front and back can still be connected, and there is no such sudden disconnection. So I feel that this information should look like this."

After hearing this, Sun Guoxin raised his eyebrows, showing a look of contempt.You know, Sun Guoxin is also almost indifferent.Negative emotions are rarely exposed.At this time, he can show a little bit of contempt, which is really a bit inconceivable.But Fan Keqin can understand, after all, the situation bureau's handling of this matter is really not satisfactory.

Sure enough, Sun Guoxin sneered softly, and said: "If the investigation data of this foreign colleague is true and only looks like this... Hmph, but I'm a bit of an amateur. It's a bit like a novice doing it."

Fan Keqin thought for a while and said with a smile: "Boss, when Jenkins died, it should have been more than a year before Pearl Harbor, less than two years ago. Americans are rich. But... In terms of actual combat experience, Really, I can only be called a novice. If this information is true, there will be a lot of responses from above, all of which are slow or even passive investigation responses."

"Well, that's true." Sun Guoxin nodded, and said, "It's more reasonable when you put it that way. But...it's still a little bad. Okay, I won't comment on the colleagues of the Meidi family. You can read it in detail too. , Tell me, do you have any ideas?"

Fan Keqin sorted out his thoughts slightly, and said slowly: "This assassin was already experienced when he assassinated Jenkins. He must have done several similar businesses before. In addition, the assassin's camouflage skills are excellent, The thinking is very clear, the age should be between [-] and [-]. This is because of the woman who died at home. According to the data, the woman died when she was [-] years old. Although she often hangs out in bars, But men who are too young should not like them very much. And they often hang out in bars, which means that this woman is also experienced. Such a woman will not like men with little experience. But too old may not be Can satisfy her. Therefore, between the ages of thirty and forty should be her best choice, after all, this woman has had close contact with a suspected assassin..."

(End of this chapter)

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