spy ace

Chapter 1059

Chapter 1059
Fan Keqin said: "If you are alone, you should be extra cautious. If there is any suspicious situation, first detain it before talking about anything else."

Speaking of this, looking at the two people, Fan Keqin said again: "Okay, just these things, you can go to implement them now, if there are other situations, I will inform you. Remember the principle and keep it absolutely confidential."

"Yes!" After Lao Qi and Xiong Bashan answered, they turned and walked out.

Fan Keqin pressed the buzzer and said: "Xiaoman, you call the training base. The latest batch of graduates will be allocated to Lao Qi and Xiong Bashan first. Let them arrange it as soon as possible."

Zhuang Xiaoman's voice came from the buzzer, saying: "Understood, I will contact you now."

After a while, Zhuang Xiaoman fed back the news, and the handover can be completed tomorrow.

Fan Keqin lit a cigarette, and slowly began to think. He was considering whether there were any mistakes in his arrangement just now.

First of all, Enjiro Doi voluntarily chose to disappear, it must be what he speculated, it must be to hide something.Judging from the incidents of Ruan Zhiwen and Jenkins, there is a high probability that this guy is a professional assassin, and it is certain that professional assassins will adopt this model for their own safety.After all, professional assassins do this kind of business only for money, and he is only for money, so he is more objective.

But he also has his own weakness, that is, professional assassins don't really work hard for money.It's impossible for him to spend his life in it. Isn't that money earned for nothing?

Professional assassins also have another weakness, that is, they act alone. Judging from the Ruan Zhiwen and Jenkins incident, and all the current developments, the other party is indeed alone, at least without the cooperation of assistants or the like.Acting alone has small goals and is flexible.

But on the other hand, a person coming from another place can also easily shift the center of gravity of the inspection.After all, if a few people are together, or with a family, a couple, etc., the suspicion will definitely become smaller.

As for the weapons, will he prepare them at the destination?This possibility is very small, after all, confidentiality needs to be considered.Professional assassins are also human beings, not all-knowing and omnipotent gods. It would be a little ostentatious to buy weapons first when they arrive in the local area, or secretly follow up and investigate, so as to obtain equipment by any means.

I arranged for Lao Qi and Xiong Bashan to watch out for the luggage of foreigners, single persons, and local guarantors.

In addition, after passing the first level, you must go to the relevant department to update the information every three days, and provide your latest address and work situation.And it is still not finished, you still have to face the inspection of the special team afterwards, if there is a problem with the above step, then you will be directly marked as a major suspect.You can grab it directly.

Fan Keqin smoked a few cigarettes in a row, thought about the situation and steps of this matter from beginning to end, and thought about it several times in detail. After confirming that there was no problem, he was relieved.

The efficiency of Lao Qi and Xiong Bashan is still very high.The handover of the manpower was completed the next morning, and in the afternoon, the work was fully arranged.

Fan Keqin was really worried. He took a few bodyguards and came to the pier casually. There were still several highways and other main roads that could enter and leave the city. He checked it himself and followed up the follow-up work of several immigrants. In order to check whether it is implemented.

In the end, he found that the subordinates of Lao Qi and Xiong Bashan did a good job. As for the novice agents, although they were inexperienced, they worked very seriously because they were newbies. This is a good sign.

In Wuhan, Kudo, who lived in a hotel, looked at his newly grown hair in front of the mirror in the bathroom and felt that it was almost done.As for the beard growing fast, it had grown back a few days ago.

However, during this period of time, Kudo learned from several people from Chongqing that the situation in Chongqing seems to have changed.

The system of foreign population registration has changed. He invited the other party to have a few drinks at the bar on the second floor of the hotel. While chatting, he had already figured out the new system in Chongqing.

It's just that the situation that this person said is accurate is still open to discussion, so Kudo intends to give full play to his charm in bars, dance halls and other places to be on the safe side.Whenever someone comes back from Chongqing, he will use all kinds of reasonable ways to talk to the other party, so that he can use the art of language to drive the topic, so that he can grasp more information about Chongqing.

After the information provided to him by five or six people, Kudo confirmed the accuracy of his grasp of the situation.

He had no intention of retreating at all, and at the same time he didn't think that the other party was targeting him. He firmly believed that the disappearance of Doi Enjiro's side in this matter would not expose his own existence in such a short period of time.In addition, even if the other party really knows that there is their own existence, they will not catch themselves.After all, everything I did before was very clean.It will be the same this time.As for some changes in Chongqing, I might have been recruited if I didn't know it, but now that I know it, the result will be completely different.

Kudo believes that there are no protective measures in the world that can achieve absolute safety, and he always has a way to break through.

First of all, the way of carrying guns and the like must be changed. It may not be safe to rely only on the interlayer of rattan boxes.One of the businessmen who just came out of Chongqing inadvertently provided him with information that luggage inspection is now stricter than before. He once saw a person's suitcase being found in the interlayer, and found some evidence banknotes and fake IDs.He was arrested on the spot.

It is undoubtedly stupid to find weapons locally, so how can I get the weapons in by myself?
Kudo thought of the businessman who was talking to him again, hmm!goods!The luggage of foreigners will be checked very strictly, but what about batches of goods?Then it can't be so strict.You must know that there are too many goods coming in and going out in Chongqing in a day.If every box and every piece of goods had to be inspected, the labor cost alone would probably be an astronomical figure.Therefore, if I put XZ in a certain batch of supplies in advance, and then I find an opportunity to get it back after entering, I can break the other party's inspection system.

So what I have to do now is to observe the ferry, some freight conditions at the wharf, or warehouses, and find a way to choose a batch of suitable products and hide my equipment in them.

Zisha teapots have their own certificates in the packaging paper shell.It's good to hide it by yourself, and you may not find it when you encounter something to check, but just to be on the safe side...

(End of this chapter)

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