spy ace

Chapter 1060 Methods

Chapter 1060 Methods
To be on the safe side, it's best not to carry the purple clay pot yourself.In this case, it is possible for me to enter Chongqing with only a certificate that fits my current image and without any contraband.

But the most difficult thing is to investigate the ghost's whereabouts.How to find ghosts, and find ghosts in a limited time, and customize a set of effective plans.

It is necessary to register when entering, so that means that the certificates of Chongqing locals have been abolished.If you use it yourself, you will not be able to provide a guarantor.

Of course, I can also contact the person who "absolutely obeys my orders" that Enjiro Doi entrusted to me.But is this person safe?Will he go wrong?Moreover, the other party's identity is also a temporary resident, so it is okay to provide a guarantee for myself?
There are too many uncertainties, and Kudo feels that this risk is not easy to take.Therefore, the identity of Chongqing locals is not suitable for use.

After carefully considering this point, Kudo immediately destroyed the corresponding documents.Then I lit a cigarette and thought again.

Since the identity of a local in Chongqing cannot be used.So... how about using the foreign population?It is also possible to enter without any contraband.But now Chongqing is facing the migrant population who first entered the city, and they have to go to the relevant institutions to update their information within three days.It only takes three days to find the ghost and customize the assassination plan, which still needs to be completed.This is obviously not enough.

What if I don't register as required?Of course not.If I didn't go when it was time to update the information, the other party might notice me that day.At that time, I need to hide, investigate the ghost's whereabouts, and make a plan to complete the assassination, which will be too difficult.

But in the first three days, I can make an excuse: "I haven't found a job yet." This way, I can definitely get away with it.After all, the probability of finding a job within three days is not too high, but what about the next three days, a total of six days, can he find the ghost by himself and complete the entire assassination?Although I now have a certain idea about finding ghosts, it is still not safe.So the longer the time you can buy, the better.

And after three or three days of updating the information, the next time will be a week.After three weeks, it is once every half a month.Therefore, after I register with the relevant department in three or three days, I can hang around for a week.

But what identity do you use?The kind of low-level people who have no money will definitely not work. In that case, what kind of house will they rent?At the very least, you have to share the rent with someone, or even sleep on the street.This is not conducive to their own actions.

Therefore, this status must be able to afford to rent a separate house, at least some money, eh!When I go out to find a job by myself, I am afraid that I will delay things if I always go to the referral office.

Then what kind of job does not need to always go to the recommendation office, but can use the street to find a job to reasonably cover up the action of investigating the whereabouts of ghosts?Well, looking for a house.Open a classroom!In order to save a commission fee, I personally went to the streets and alleys to find a suitable house for a classroom.This identity should be reasonable.

Kudo then revolved around this identity and what might happen, such as registering when entering.Looking for a rental house, how to investigate ghosts, and how to deal with the updated registration information after three days.I simulated it several times in my head.Finally found that it is possible to use this identity.

In this way, I can definitely enter Chongqing with a reasonable identity and reasonable behavior, and stay free for quite a while to investigate the situation of ghosts.

He thought through the whole plan again from beginning to end, after making sure that there were no omissions.Stuffed out the cigarette.Dressed neatly, I went out of the hotel, called a rickshaw directly, and arrived at the pier ferry, and began to observe the pattern of goods shipped here.

Then, through reverse tracking, they found the locations of several dock transportation warehouses, and began to observe the types of goods and the transportation time.

Two days later, Kudo found a suitable shipment.It was a ship transporting wood and porcelain. After Kudo pretended to be a stevedore and mixed in, he figured out the transportation information, time and so on.And look for opportunities to hide their equipment in wood and porcelain.Then he got off the boat, and left directly by urinating.

The addition and disappearance of a stevedore does not matter to anyone.And there was no accident, so naturally no one would investigate.

After Kudo changed back to his clothes, he quickly returned to the hotel and took all the things he had brought.Then he came directly to the pier again, this time he directly boarded the passenger ship.Along the waterway, go to Sichuan.

A few days later, he finally arrived at his destination - Chongqing.Before disembarking, he heard the sampan connecting to the pier, and someone was talking loudly, saying: "Go along the pier, everyone walks along the pier. There is a registration office on it to register, remember to line up. Be sure to register Ah. Otherwise, you won’t be allowed to leave..."

Kudo got off the boat with his luggage among the surrounding guests, and saw a man wearing a double-breasted gown, holding a cigarette with his right hand, and pointing to the direction of the pier with his left hand, and said loudly: "Go up, remember to queue up and register. Ah. Don't mess around, it will be over in a while..."

Kudo followed the flow of people to the pier. Just after leaving the pier, there was a long row of wooden tables and chairs in a relatively shady place.There is one person sitting behind each table.At this time, there are all those who chat with each other and those who pass cigarettes.But when he saw himself waiting for others, one of them said, "Come on, let's do some work. Another boat is coming. Today's boat traffic is quite dense." As he spoke, he unscrewed the pen in his hand and stroked the notebook. Start preparing for registration.

Kudo saw that there were a lot of people registering, so he continued to walk forward and came to the first vacant seat. Before he could speak, the other party glanced at Kudo and said, "Can you read? Come! Write it yourself. Show me the ID. "

In this era, the vast majority of people are illiterate, and the illiteracy rate is very high.However, the person in charge of the registration obviously had experience. Judging by Kudo's clothes, he was wearing a pair of wooden black-rimmed glasses, and there was a pen pinned to the left breast pocket of his shirt. Kudo must be a bit cultured.That's why I say that.

"Ah." Kudo pretended to be taken aback, but then nodded, and said, "Literacy, please wait a moment." Then, he took out his ID from his pocket and handed it to the registrar.Then I took the pen and started to fill in.

The registrar looked at the certificate in detail, um!no problem……

(End of this chapter)

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