spy ace

Chapter 1081

Chapter 1081
He also needs to go to specific places to take a look, make some records or provide some routing plans and so on.The division of labor is not so clear these days. Basically, it is normal for one person to do multiple jobs and one job to be multi-functional.

But it is so normal, he does these jobs, this time the credit almost falls on his head.It turned out that although he was an agent, in order to conceal his identity, he did a good job in ordinary work.Therefore, all the power conditions in the urban area are almost in his mind.

The usual accumulation and the agent's characteristic of keeping everything in mind helped him.So just after getting the content of the task, he suddenly thought of a place, that is, in the southward area of ​​Dachun City, near the edge of the city, but not on the Four Seasons Street on the edge of the city, there was a sudden high power consumption low phenomenon.

Therefore, the voltage will naturally fluctuate at that time.At that time, I thought there was something wrong, so I went to check it as a technician.When he checked along the line, at a place called Limin Department Store factory, he was almost beaten.

He wanted to go in as a technician to measure the voltage and wiring.But the guard at the gate of the factory is not someone who beats an old man.But two young and strong.And at that time, these two young men even detained him on the spot.Later, the power bureau and some leaders of the power plant came forward and showed the power supply records, which explained clearly that I was really a technician.Not acting on your own initiative.

At that time, the military command agent felt that something was wrong. The power bureau and the power plant, these two departments are very important.But you need to do this to get yourself out of it.So the situation itself is very strange.

But he didn't dare to investigate without authorization, so he reported the situation to his superiors.However, at that time, it was ordered by the headquarters that all agents operating in the local area stopped all activities and turned into a latent state.Not long afterward, there was an incident where the little devils and a troop were preparing to enter the station and cross the bridge when the bridge was bombed.Therefore, this matter was delayed.

At this time, the brother got the mission, and immediately remembered it.So I once again used my identity as a technician to go to the urban area, and used the excuse of measuring voltage to check the records.

In the end, he determined that there was still a "problem" of voltage instability on Siji Street in the Nanxiang District.But it's not as serious as the last time I checked it.Moreover, some nearby residents also reported that: Sometimes, after a while, the lights flickered on and off.It's just not as obvious as before.This means that someone must have changed the wiring, or used a larger electrical safety measure.However, due to the excessive power consumption of Liming Department Store at a certain stage, this caused the voltage in the homes of some nearby residents to be unstable.

This situation was quickly reported, and before the next day, Qian Jinxun saw it.So he immediately gave instructions: use the means.

So the local military investigators started a secret and comprehensive investigation on the Liming Department Store factory.The clues were soon discovered.Because although this factory does produce some department store supplies, it seems that there are not many goods shipped and purchased.In addition, there are not many workers inside, which is in line with the productivity rate.But the security measures inside are very high.Not in line with normal department store factories at all.

In addition, on the means, after the fifth day.A very unassuming truck makes its way into the factory.Then it came out very low-key.And went directly to the train station.The delivered goods are also tightly packaged, and nothing can be seen from the outside at all.And there are Japanese puppet people to follow and watch the whole process.

This situation is even more abnormal.A department store factory with such a low productivity may not even account for a large proportion of the market in Dachun, but it is shipping goods out?
Therefore, the local military command immediately contacted the people at the next station, and the next station began to take over the surveillance.In this way, it was finally discovered that this batch of goods had entered the Little Devils Military Police Battalion in Harbin.

In addition to these, there are also gains in Fengtian, but Fengtian's secret factory is not in the urban area.But in the suburbs.After all, the Northeast's industrial capacity is very good, so there are many factories in the suburbs.

Moreover, the military commanders here, according to the method of Fan Keqin, Sun Guoxin and Qian Jinxun, shifted their attention to the factories that consume a lot of electricity when they did not find out the situation in the urban area.Because the devils may use this method to cover up the existence of the secret factory.

So soon they set their targets on three factories.Although there are many workers in the three factories, there are only three factories after all, and it is not necessary to monitor all the workers in them now.Therefore, the local military command shifted the focus of work to these three factories.In the end, it was found that the biggest suspect was a cigarette factory.

First of all, many of the equipment used in this cigarette factory are driven by electricity.This is very advanced in this day and age.In addition, during the investigation, it was also discovered that the security measures of this cigarette factory were very strong.And it is also divided into North and South factories.

The workers are basically all working in the south factory, and the northern part of the factory is not very accessible to workers.In addition, someone once witnessed a batch of large-scale electronic components being transported into the North Factory.

As for the situation in Darien, it is easier to investigate, because the local agents have tracked down the cargo from the transport ship.So I know where the suspicious points are.So now after getting the order, just send someone to start the investigation.

Sometimes that's what espionage is all about.It's safest if you don't know.But once the enemy knows and suspects, then you really can hardly hide.This is like Fan Keqin investigating the case, not knowing about A incident.So naturally there is no way to guard against A event.When the gunshot rang, one person died.Then you can start checking.But if he had felt through the clues in advance, there was a possibility that a person would be targeted by the killer.Then it will be much easier for him to prevent the occurrence of A event.

This seems to be the same as many sleeping agents. When he penetrates into the enemy and begins to sleep, he may have nothing to do for several years.But as soon as he is awakened, he is really dangerous.

This is the current situation, Fan Keqin, Qian Jinxun, and Sun Guoxin know it.Moreover, an investigation was made on this matter, and the little devil was crazy, so it was a matter of course.The targets of Dachun, Fengtian, Darien, and Harbin were quickly locked.

(End of this chapter)

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