spy ace

Chapter 1082 Fighting Swords

Chapter 1082 Fighting Swords
Among these four goals, the most difficult one, after further information acquisition by Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun, was finally assessed to be the military police battalion in Harbin.

There is another situation here, Fan Keqin wants to take Wang Ning from the police academy to a scoop.This school is actually a spy training school, so the people inside are either spies or quasi-spies.It was the same as the school that Fan Keqin hit with a car bomb.It's just that the places are different.

As for the barracks of the Harbin Gendarmerie, this is a complete military area, but the situation of this barracks has not been fully investigated yet, but it is almost the same.After all, it has existed for a long time, and it is on the edge of Harbin city.Although the flow of people is not much, but it takes so long to add up, but no one does not know it exists.Therefore, you can almost get a lot of information by asking around.

There is also this barracks, which occupies the building of the original compound. Many old people in Harbin know the situation of this compound, and they can find out what is going on inside.For example, what kind of buildings are there, how big are they inside, and so on.

Fan Keqin was still a little worried, so he asked the people in the mobile team to continue to investigate, and some of them went to find out whether there had been any modifications to the inside since the devils entered.As long as it has been constructed, the internal situation may be different.

Regarding the situation in Harbin, let’s put it aside for now.But Darien, Fengtian, and Dachun are short, and they are on the edge of Harbin city.Although the flow of people is not much, but it takes so long to add up, but no one does not know it exists.Therefore, you can almost get a lot of information by asking around.

There is also this barracks, which occupies the building of the original compound. Many old people in Harbin know the situation of this compound, and they can find out what is going on inside.For example, what kind of buildings are there, how big are they inside, and so on.

Fan Keqin was still a little worried, so he asked the people in the mobile team to continue to investigate, and some of them went to find out whether there had been any modifications to the inside since the devils entered.As long as it has been constructed, the internal situation may be different.

Regarding the situation in Harbin, let’s put it aside for now.But Darien, Fengtian, and Dachun, the investigations in these three places are already in place.

In the office of the director of the intelligence department, there are four tactical boards, and the one marked Harbin is temporarily put aside.The other three boards, marked Daren, Fengtian, and Dachun, have been pasted with photos, diagrams, etc.

Qian Jinxun handed Fan Keqin a cigarette, looked at his watch, and said, "We'll be there in a while. Just wait."

Fan Keqin took the cigarette and lit it, took a puff, and said, "Is this person safe?"

Qian Jinxun said: "Insurance, no problem. And he has never disappeared for no reason. He has been staying at home after graduation. According to you, he is a proper otaku. If this is a Japanese spy, he will have nothing to say. Can’t figure it out. Who can develop him as a spy.”

Fan Keqin said: "You can't say that, maybe he is waiting for an opportunity. All spies who want to infiltrate the enemy, the very capable ones, will not take the initiative to ask to join a certain organization, but follow the trend For, let you take the initiative to contact him."

Qian Jinxun squinted at Fan Keqin with his eyes, and said, "I know. But he doesn't know how to do it. Can you be less suspicious."

Fan Keqin said with a smile: "I didn't doubt him, I was just asking normally, you are still in a hurry, this is a sign of ghosts in your heart."

"Get out." Qian Jinxun flicked the cigarette ash vigorously, so that the burning part on it could not be blown away, and said, "I have a fart ghost. Hey! The supplies from the United States will be gone for a while." Here we come. What do you want? Tell me, and I'll ask them to deliver it to you."

"Just those guns. And the corresponding bullets." Fan Keqin said: "Look, change the subject, a typical cover-up."

"Oh, I'll go. You're not done yet." Qian Jinxun yelled at Fan Keqin back and forth with the cigarette in his hand.

"Hey!" Fan Keqin immediately shook the half of the cigarette in his hand, and also started to fight back.Like a sword fight, the two brothers began to gesticulate in the air.

The two of them played for a while, before they could get back the fun of their childhood, and had a good time.Kong Xinran's voice sounded from the buzzer, and said, "Virgin, Mr. Zhou Xiaofei is here. Shall I let him in?"

Qian Jinxun took a deep breath of his cigarette, smothered the end of the cigarette in the ashtray, and said, "I will fight hard after that. This time, I will spare your life."

Fan Keqin grinned and said, "Hehehe. I'm afraid you won't succeed."

Qian Jinxun returned to his desk, pressed the buzzer, and said, "Okay, let him in."

Not long after, there was a knock on the door, and Kong Xinran led a chubby twenty-six or seven-year-old man in.This person was wearing a big trousers and a thin coat with sleeves on his upper body.The clothes that were originally quite old-fashioned made him feel like an otaku in later generations.

Kong Xinran let the otaku come in winkingly, then turned around and walked out of the office, closing the door behind him.

After this person came in, he showed a very happy smile and said, "Oh, Jin Xun, your secretary is so beautiful. What is the relationship between you two?" He said, and put his hands together, At the same time, he bent his left and right thumbs.

Qian Jinxun showed a forced smile on purpose, and then said very contemptuously: "Can you change it? It's really difficult for you to keep this promise until now." Then he pointed at Fan Keqin and said: "This is My younger brother, Keqin...this is my middle school classmate, Zhou Xiaofei. People call him obscene and fat."

"Hey. I'm much thinner now than before." Then he reached out his hand actively, shook hands with Fan Keqin warmly, and said, "This is the first time we've met, it seems like we haven't seen each other before."

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Yes, my middle school is not your school. And I skipped a grade, so I should be two years older than you."

"I...go." Zhou Xiaofei turned his head to look at Qian Jinxun and said, "No wonder you didn't say anything, it turns out that your brother is stronger than us. If you want to put it on me, I'm too embarrassed to say it."

"Can you talk properly." Qian Jinxun said: "Sit down quickly, I have business with you."

"Ah." Zhou Xiaofei said, "Speak up. Let's talk first..." After sitting on the sofa, he made a circle with his hands and said, "Let me be your agent, I don't know how to be a spy. Other than that, I'll definitely help."

(End of this chapter)

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