spy ace

Chapter 1088 dispatch

Chapter 1088 dispatch
Fan Keqin went on to say: "And then? Big explosions happened in the direction of the freight station. This way the time difference will come out."

Without blinking, Qian Jinxun tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "Well, as I said before, those who attack the enemy must be rescued. After the little devil knows that there is an explosion in the direction of the cargo station, he will naturally turn his attention to it. .”

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Yes, brothers just need to hurry up and evacuate from the urban area, and finally break up into parts and disperse separately."

Qian Jinxun said: "Okay, that's it." Then, he stretched out his hand to change a map, and said: "Next, let's study the attacks in Dachun, Fengtian, and Darien. First... Spring is coming. This place..."

Brothers Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun began to study each attack point in detail.In fact, Harbin's most difficult attack plan was to destroy the little devil's secret factory.After all, there is a barracks, and its own defense is not comparable to other places.

Other places are more secretive.Since it is secret, it is not appropriate to send too many security personnel, otherwise, when others see your place, there are three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry, and everyone will know that there is a problem.

This situation is now under the control of Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun, and the secrecy is gone.It is equivalent to losing the most powerful protection, and then you can directly target the enemy's weakness.

But after all, the lion and the rabbit are going all out, and Fan Keqin's character is rigorous, so the attack plan is naturally impossible to be perfunctory, and it is still quite thorough.

This is also the reason, today, although the whole plan is finished, it is just an outline like writing a novel.You have to add flesh and blood, and the spiritual veins must also be connected.Therefore, Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun stayed together for three consecutive days, repeatedly planning this matter.And it is by no means a plan. If a situation occurs and the task fails, what should be done is also planned.

For example, how to escape, and what should you do when you encounter the pursuit of a large number of powerful enemies?For example, use the grenade that you carry with you, quickly arrange a large number of booby traps along the way, and so on.The little devils are not fools. Although they must have lost something during the "thunderstorm", they also know that the direction of their pursuit must be correct.Otherwise, who arranged these booby traps?It can't be arranged in advance. In that case, if these booby traps are triggered by someone in advance, wouldn't that expose the action?So they'll keep catching up.Of course, it would be better not to chase after them, and the operatives could escape directly.

But if you continue to chase them, you will fall into a misunderstanding. After the Secret Service personnel quickly deployed a large number of booby traps along the way, they suddenly turned.Then it quickly broke into pieces and left the danger zone.When a devil loses his "trace", it will be impossible to notice for a while, and he will think that the other party may be chased by himself and it will be too late to set up booby traps, and he will soon catch up with the other party.This is a typical thinking trap, and by the time they realize it, they have lost track of Secret Service.If you chase after it again, you will become a headless chicken with no target.This will greatly increase the success rate of secret service personnel's evacuation.

Just like this backup plan and tactics, Fan Keqin's operatives in Harbin, Dachun, Fengtian, and Darien designed each of them according to the specific situation.So these four places, the main plan and the backup plan, add up, there should actually be eight plans.

Of course, just like what Fan Keqin said in class, no matter how good the plan is, it must be done according to the situation at the time.It's like martial arts breaking down moves. Why should someone else's punch have to be a real punch?Can't they be a false move?So you will be able to crack it according to your own tricks?It must be based on the actual situation.In case there is a gap in the middle of the plan, the specific executors must also be able to make their own judgments.So why do agents emphasize adaptability.That's why.

This time, in order to keep the plan secret, Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun did not choose to send a report, but sent special liaison officers.Let him keep the plan in his head verbatim.If he is caught, then the little devil will have a high probability of being able to understand Fan Keqin's plan.

But there is no way, nothing is perfect in the world.If you use a telegram, can you guarantee that the little devil will not be able to intercept it?You must know that now that Fan Keqin joined, a large number of the little devil's codebooks have been seized. In terms of deciphering, it is no longer a situation of being passively beaten.But on the whole, the little devil's foundation is solid after all, no matter what he is, he is also a veteran intelligence country.If you send it by telegram, how long do you have to send it with such a long content and such a careful plan?After such a long time, you are not worried about accidents in the special service in the Northeast?
This is actually the same reason. If one method is used, another situation will inevitably occur.You can't avoid it, only as the old saying goes, the lesser of two evils.

In Fan Keqin's view, it would be safer to use a special liaison officer.First of all, the devil does not know that this person exists.In addition, as long as this person keeps a low profile, there will already be a lot of people entering Harbin and other areas every day.After all, it is the transportation hub of Northeast China. With so many people, the Japanese and puppet spies are not Sun Wukong, who has piercing eyes, and can tell that there is something wrong with a person just by looking at it.

Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with the ID card.After entering the urban area, they don't mess around.Then the natural risk will be minimized.

In the end, taking ten thousand steps back, even if this person was caught, the devil knew about the plan.But Fan Keqin was on guard against this move.As long as this person, at a certain moment, did not do what he said.Unless he defected to the side of the Japanese puppet in an instant.Otherwise, Fan Keqin must be able to detect it.In the end, the entire plan was suspended, but those special services could be retained.As long as there are people, there is hope for everything.So the worst outcome is the loss of a traitor, and nothing else... nothing else.Same as now.

And this person can't be a traitor, it's Jiang Bin, the captain of the intelligence department under the military intelligence department.If he was a traitor, it would be an exaggeration to say that Fan Keqin might not have made so many contributions when he was in the Intelligence Department.

Jiang Bin himself is a master of tracking. In terms of ability in this area alone, he can almost catch up with Fan Keqin.The ability to track and chase is so high, on the other hand, he is also a master at anti-tracking and tracking...

(End of this chapter)

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