spy ace

Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089
Send Jiang Bin there, as long as there are no accidents, it is almost impossible for the Japanese and puppet spies to find him.So what if there is an accident?Hold!What does accident mean?It is an irresistible factor of manpower. Since manpower cannot resist it, we can only admit that it is unlucky.

Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun sent Jiang Bin to another situation, that is, besides being a master of tracking and chasing, he is also a master of bombing.

Although the people who acted this time, Fan Keqin sent his confidants, Zhao Debiao, Bai Fengtai, Kang Changming and others.They also understand bombs, and they are very slick in operating them.But the professionalism is still incomparable with Jiang Bin.The main plan was to blow up the gun tower and a section of the wall of the devil barracks, so as to open up the situation. It cannot be said that after the gun tower was blown down, the ruins piled up nearby, and the team members who rushed in later would be blocked by the ruins for a short period of time.

What's more, it doesn't work if the dosage is too large, because if the dosage is too large, the power will naturally increase, and the follow-up people need to avoid a relatively long distance.When the turret and the wall are blown down, although there are no ruins, the distance of the assault will be longer, and the attack will also be delayed for a short period of time.

In these two cases, although it seems that there is no problem even if it is delayed for a while, this kind of thing can obviously be solved, so why not solve it?

Fan Keqin himself believed that the details determine success or failure, so he directly dispatched Jiang Bin, a master blaster, so that when the gun towers and walls were destroyed, no ruins would be formed to block the special agents' footsteps, nor would they be able to stop the special agents because of too much power. You need to hide far away.In this way, a faster assault speed can be implemented, as long as it explodes, it can rush in and launch a surprise attack in an instant.

Furthermore, although this operation was the main attack by the Security Bureau, it was supplemented by the Military Intelligence Department.However, it is impossible for the intelligence department to just inquire about the news from beginning to end.Therefore, it is necessary to send a master like Jiang Bin over there.

Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun summoned Jiang Bin again in the office of the Intelligence Department. First, they explained in detail the plan this time, the target of the attack, how to connect, and what he needed to do.Then let Jiang Bin start repeating. If he forgets where, he will remind him immediately. After several times, Jiang Bin knows all the plans by heart, so he is relieved.

Qian Jinxun said: "A Bin (young A BING? Hehe!) After passing, try to keep a low profile, only do what your old section chief told you just now, and don't do other things. On the day of the operation, or before, immediately Withdraw."

Jiang Bin stood up and said: "Yes" and then said: "Virgin, when will the humble job leave?"

"It's business as usual today." Qian Jinxun thought for a while, and replied, "But after get off work tonight, don't come tomorrow, and leave in a low-key manner."

"Understood." Jiang Bin nodded and said: "Understood. Don't worry, Virgo, no one will notice me. I have all my ID cards and other things. I can leave at any time."

Fan Keqin said: "Don't go to the General Affairs Department to collect the activity funds." Then, he took out his wallet, took out almost all the money in it, estimated it, and handed it to Jiang Bin, saying: "The money is almost That's enough. However, it's better to be safe." Then he turned his head to look at Qian Jinxun, and said, "Don't hold it, do you have money?"

Qian Jinxun was happy, opened the drawer, took out a small stack of bills from it, handed it over, and said, "It's safe this time."

After Fan Keqin took it, he glanced at it, and found that it was almost the same as what he gave, and this one must be enough.So I gave it to Jiang Bin and said, "Take it, and consume it according to your avatar. Keeping a low profile is the most important thing."

"Yes." Jiang Bin took the money, put it in his pocket, and said, "The humble job will go back first. Follow the plan."

After Jiang Bin went out, Fan Keqin sat down on the sofa and said, "We basically did what we can, and the rest is up to God."

"God's will? It doesn't sound like what you said?" Qian Jinxun leaned back and relaxed, "Since when did you become so devout?"

Fan Keqin said: "I'm a pious ass. Do all the things that should be done as best as possible, and the rest don't depend on God's will?"

Qian Jinxun said: "Yes. Every time I do something, I have this feeling. Although our success rate is extremely high, it is still the same."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "It's normal to be worried. If you don't worry at all, it means you don't care at all. Only by caring can you have a good result."

Just talking about Jiang Bin, he didn't go to work the next day. As for his whereabouts, I'm very sorry!The whereabouts of intelligence personnel are kept secret.Unless the chief executive needs to find him in an emergency, and he has to do a general task, he may report it.Otherwise, do you really dare to inquire about it?Furthermore, this time it was a task ordered by Virgo himself.Unless Dai Yunong's boss comes in person, no one will be able to work.

In order to keep it secret, Jiang Bin went to a hotel near the pier, changed his clothes in the hotel, and then shaved the beard on his chin, and then went out with his suitcase and boarded a passenger ship out of Sichuan.

The section of going out of Sichuan is naturally smooth, after all, it is a Kuomintang-controlled area.After leaving Sichuan, Jiang Bin remained low-key, but raised his vigilance in his heart, but did not use any anti-stalking techniques.If you use it yourself, then you won't have three hundred taels of silver here.Then change to a train and go all the way to the northeast.

After entering Harbin, the destination of the trip, Jiang Bin got off the train.Carrying the luggage, I found a hotel and opened a room on Qiulin Street.

When he got close to the house, Jiang Bin searched the house and found nothing suspicious.Still very safe!This is also normal, after all, no one knows about him, and it is even more impossible to arrange monitors and other equipment in this room in advance.

After searching, Jiang Bin sat at the table, removed the phosphorous end of a matchstick, and then lit the other end of the matchstick with fire by lighting a cigarette. Dark.Then carefully put it in his pocket.Counted the days of today, and then walked out the door.

After wandering all the way, at around six o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Bin entered Cassanval Street, and in the corridor of a residential area, he put this matchstick in the gap of the letterbox on the wall.

Then he walked out calmly and had a meal at an old restaurant on Gogoliya Street next door.Only then did he stroll back to the hotel on Qiulin Street again, and stay at home again.He is waiting for the time, the time for the connection...

(End of this chapter)

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