spy ace

Chapter 1119 Please Master

Chapter 1119 Please Master

He Jin went on to say: "Although I am the chief of the Central District Police Department, it may not be appropriate to say these words. But out of my mouth, into your ears, there are no outsiders here, so naturally I have to tell the truth. Brother But it's really for your own good."

"Understood." Cao Shihong nodded and said: "Brother Yu can still tell that my brother's words come from the heart... This is also the reason why my brother said that if you want to counteract, you have to invite experts to come? The number of people is small and the target is small, so It won't let the kidnappers notice, is that what you mean?"

"Hey, that's right!" He Jin said: "When the police from the brigade enter my brother's house, the kidnappers will know immediately. But if one or two people come in, I think there is no problem. Even my brother doesn't have to go out. Just make a phone call and ask your confidants to invite someone and explain the situation. In this way, the kidnappers don’t even know about it, so naturally they won’t do any drastic actions, thus harming the hostages.”

The two of them were discussing here. About an hour later, Cao Chunliang came down from upstairs and said that he had enough money.But this is also normal. After all, the Cao family still has a lot of connections, and they are businessmen, so they borrowed excessive funds from each other before.It's just that most of his houses are physical stores, and the ones he knows most are only suppliers, and his cash flow is also not much.So he contacted almost everyone he knew, and managed to gather more than [-] yuan.That's why he spent more than an hour on the phone.

When it was lunch time, He Jin ate directly at Cao's house.At the dinner table, although Cao's father and son said they couldn't eat, they still ate some with He Jin.

Cao Shihong put down his bowl and chopsticks, and asked, "Brother He, do you know any experts in this field?"

After hearing this, He Jin asked back, "Brother, have you considered it?"

"Yeah." Cao Shihong said, "Although my Cao family is just a class of ordinary people, I think about this matter. It can be done in a short period of time, but if it takes a little longer, it will definitely not be able to hide it from others. Even if Chunming and Yuanyuan are I came back safely, but after this incident got out, the influence is also not good. If my Cao family admits to this loss, I am afraid that in the future, everyone will want to come to eat a piece of cake from our Cao family. In this way, there will be more troubles .Therefore, there is still a need to counterattack.”

"Yeah. Yes, I still have to show my attitude." He Jin said: "Brother thinks long-term. It's just a master..." He did know a very good master, but he was too big to invite him.Not even telling others.Therefore, while thinking about it, he continued: "There are still experts, but I haven't dealt with them before, I just heard about them. Brother Cao, don't you know anyone in this field?"

Cao Shihong shook his head, and said: "Hey, people who know this kind of thing do know, and I have hired some bodyguards to guard the home, but I always feel that there is still a big gap between them and the masters that Brother He said. A different place."

He Jin let out a "hmm" and said, "The Niujiao shooting range opened by the Meidi family in Huangshan District, I heard that there are masters sitting there. But like what my brother said just now, it's really just a rumor. I really don't know how it is. .And the market for this kind of work is probably very high. In addition, it depends on whether people are willing to accept the order."

"Niujiao shooting range in Huangshan District?" After Cao Shihong heard this, he turned his head to look at Cao Chunliang in doubt, and said, "Do you know?"

"I know. But I haven't been there." Cao Chunliang replied, "Which expert is Uncle He referring to?"

"I don't know." He Jin said: "I just heard about it when I was chatting with friends. I'm not sure who it is, or whether it exists. But I think it's the shooting range opened by Mei's family. , it stands to reason that there should be masters among them."

Cao Shihong turned his head to look at Cao Chunliang, and said, "Go call Uncle Hong and ask him to go to the Niujiao shooting range."

Uncle Hong's name is Zhao Hong, and he is the housekeeper of the Cao family, almost no different from the Cao family.Cao Chunliang found Zhao Hong and told him about the situation, Zhao Hong immediately said that he would go immediately.

Cao Chunliang warned: "Uncle Hong, when you go to inquire, keep a low profile and don't let the wind go out. It's about the safety of the eldest brother and younger sister, so you should pay more attention to this aspect. If you have money, you can spend more. If If you have invited someone, call back and tell your family. Then you find a place outside and entertain the other party well. If you don’t invite someone... don’t come back for now, you can also find a place outside and call back, In this way, if there is something difficult to handle at home, you can act directly outside."

"Understood." Zhao Hong agreed, expressing that he would do what he was told, and then got dressed and walked out of the house immediately.

That's it, at night, Cao's phone didn't ring.There was no news about the kidnappers. He Jin, Cao Shihong and Cao Chunliang analyzed it, and felt that the kidnappers were indeed very cunning.

But in the evening after entertaining He Jin for dinner, the phone rang suddenly.It was Zhao Hong who came to the news.

It turned out that after he arrived at the shooting range opened by Meidi's family, he hired a shooting instructor to give one-on-one tutoring and explanations in the name of shooting and playing. Yes, this shooting range really has a master named Fei Murong.

Seeing that Zhao Hong spends money neatly and treats himself to dinner and drinks, the instructor naturally talked too much.Said that when Fei Murong came to apply for the job, the owner and chief instructor of the shooting range was alarmed.Because Fei Murong fired too fast, the pistol was so good that it seemed like it never stopped after the bang bang bang bang.This is because the opponent's method of changing magazines is very special.Don't look at shooting so fast, but you can get stuck on the point every time, and complete the replacement of the magazine at the last round.

The chief instructor of the Meidi family, that is, the owner of the shooting range, asked Fei Murong to stay in the shooting range with the highest salary at that time.He is only responsible for teaching the most qualified people to shoot.Other times, it's almost discretionary.I heard that the owner of the shooting range intends to invite him to participate in the national competition of the Meidi Family Gun Club next year at his own expense.

You know, in this year, foreign monks can chant scriptures.As long as it was something foreign, especially people or things from Europe and America, the people at that time thought it was good.In fact, in later generations, many people still think so.

So when Zhao Hong heard it, he immediately fell in love.So I invited this instructor to introduce Fei Murong, and expressed his willingness to pay the agency fee.He also made an excuse that he wanted to ask the other party to teach his family's escort team, and money was not a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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