spy ace

Chapter 1120 Agreed

Chapter 1120 Agreed
Money is no problem, then there is no problem.Don't think that Fei Murong is good at playing with guns, but to put it bluntly, the reason why he came here to be an instructor or coach is to make a living.

Therefore, after the introduction, Zhao Hong found an opportunity to talk to Fei Murong alone.And before speaking, he slapped two small yellow croakers on the table.

As the government's legal currency depreciated more and more, the hard currency of real gold and silver kept rising with the war.Because everyone on the planet believes in real money.If on the contrary, everyone does not believe that it can preserve its value, then the real money system will collapse.

Seeing the little yellow croaker, and Zhao Hong holding the other party while talking, so Fei Murong agreed.

After reporting the situation to Cao Chunliang, he hung up the phone.Cao Chunliang repeated the incident in detail to his father Cao Shihong and He Jin.

So the three of them started discussing how to use Fei Murong again, and kept busy until midnight, but He Jin didn't leave, and was arranged to sleep in a very clean guest room for one night.

But Cao Shihong and his son had something on their minds, but it was impossible to sit still, so they also went back to their room to sleep.But he wakes up after a while, and can't sleep well at all.The nights also became extraordinarily long.

In this way, after finally surviving the next morning, the Caos and their sons were no longer as energetic as they were yesterday.Both were disguised as pandas, but that was about it.As far as people are concerned, if they just stay up all night, they will be fine.

The breakfast is Xiaolongbao, which is quite authentic, full of juice, the kind that can nourish the face of the person opposite after a bite.He Jin ate normally, but Cao and his son swallowed it by force.Cao Shihong barely ate two, while Cao Chunliang seemed to be more angry, but he barely ate one and couldn't eat any more.

What should be discussed was almost discussed last night.The three of them sat by the living room phone and started smoking.As a result, it didn't take much effort to finish one cigarette. When Cao Chunliang was worried about getting another one, the phone rang suddenly.

Several people immediately regained their spirits.Especially Cao Shihong and Cao Chunliang seemed to be jolted up.He Jin leaned over to the other side of the phone, pressed the receiver with his hand, and said, "Brother, answer it, don't forget to tell me your attitude." After finishing speaking, he raised his hand.

Cao Shihong nodded when he heard the words, took a breath, grabbed the receiver, and said, "Hello?"

Sure enough, it was really the kidnapper who called, and it was still the muffled voice, which made it hard to hear his original voice, and said, "Are you ready for the money?"

Cao Shihong glanced at He Jin, and then said: "I have already prepared the money, but you must not hurt my child. Don't worry, as long as my child is fine, I will definitely..."

Before he could finish speaking, the muffled voice interrupted him directly. It was still devoid of emotion at all, and there was no turning point in the tone. It was all straightforward and said: "They are fine, remember, you are alone with the money. , at one o'clock in the afternoon, arrive at Gaoyuan Luduofu grocery store on time, and wait inside the store. Remember, you must carry out what I say. "

Cao Shihong said: "I remember, Duofu grocery store, but please make sure..."

Still before he could finish speaking, a busy tone came from the receiver...

Cao Shihong frowned and hung up the phone, then turned around and said, "They asked me to enter the Duofu grocery store on Gaoyuan Road at one o'clock in the afternoon alone."

He Jin nodded and said: "Well, I heard it. Judging from what he said just now, it should be fine for your young master to wait for the three people."

Cao Chunliang asked from the side: "Uncle He, what should we do now? I'll call Uncle Hong and ask him to tell Fei Murong to ambush in advance. As soon as the kidnappers go to withdraw the money, let him take action immediately!"

He Jin waved his hand, pointed to the clock in the living room, and said, "It's just eight o'clock in the morning, and there are still about five hours before one o'clock in the afternoon. Why is it so long in advance? I feel that this is very likely It's a trap. Once we let people ambush in advance, or use some tricks, the kidnappers will find out through some means. So at this time, the best choice is not to use any means against the Duofu grocery store on Gaoshan Road. "

Cao Chunliang frowned and said, "Uncle He, but letting my dad go alone...it's too dangerous. What if these kidnappers want to harm my father, then..."

Hearing this, Cao Shihong felt very relieved. He waved his hands and said, "Hey, it's okay. Although Gaoyuan Road is not very prosperous, it is still an urban area. And they said, let me carry the money alone. He also told me to implement exactly what he said. Thinking about what your Uncle He said, it is very likely that it is a trap, and the purpose is to see if we report it to the government. "

Cao Chunliang said: "But... Uncle He, can't we do nothing? We can only let my father take risks by himself?"

"Of course it's not that you can't do anything." He Jin said, "My personal suggestion is to call Fei Murong now, but don't enter the Duofu grocery store to ambush in advance, otherwise the robbers may really find out He. Let him go now, but don’t lie in ambush at the Duofu grocery store. We don’t know what they have prepared there. So let Fei Murong, just find a teahouse on Gaoyuan Road, Or something like a restaurant, hide in it. It’s best to be able to see the location of the Dover grocery store.”

When He Jin said this, he paused for a while, and then said: "In this way, brother Cao, if you go to the grocery store on time at one o'clock, you will be under the support of Fei Murong at any time, and the danger of being discovered by the kidnappers will be reduced. If the kidnappers reveal After all, you can pay the ransom as you want. In short, your personal safety is the first. See how they plan to release the noble son. But whether it is released on the spot or in other places. As long as After you come out, Fei Murong, who has been monitoring the grocery store, has confirmed your safety, and he will tag the kidnappers. Let’s put the money in a leather bag, and you can safely hand over the money to the kidnappers. They will never come back on the spot. Let’s change the box. As long as Fei Murong is staring at the box, you can attach a kidnapper. Let him call home every once in a while, and find an opportunity to make sure we haven’t brought back the hostages! As long as they come back , he immediately started to take down the kidnappers! It doesn’t matter if you don’t come back, as long as he is with the kidnappers, as long as you find their lair, you won’t be afraid that you won’t be able to save your son and others.”

(End of this chapter)

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