spy ace

Chapter 1135 Features

Chapter 1135 Features
Fan Keqin went on to say: "He pressed down firmly on the sofa, stabbed his confidant's vitals repeatedly with a sharp weapon and died."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin glanced at Bai Fengtai and said, "I have a slightly different opinion from yours."

"Oh?" Bai Fengtai said: "Where are you sitting as a mirror?"

Fan Keqin said: "Xinyou Zhongzhong, you feel that he may have been killed by a very high-level killer, because he didn't show any signs of struggle. I understand what you mean, what you are considering is that the first two people were assaulted and killed. It was killed in an instant, but he was on the side of the bed. So he has at least a reaction time, at least he can get up, or move a short distance."

Bai Fengtai nodded, and said: "Yes, based on the analysis of the scene and the photos taken at that time, Xinyou Chengzhong didn't seem to have any trace of moving on the bed during the period before he was hurt."

Fan Keqin pointed to the bloodstain on the ground, and said, "Did you see the bloodstain that was trampled on? There is also another slightly bloody footprint on the floor afterwards. It is also because of the blood, so this should be a footprint. "

Hearing what he said, several people carefully leaned over and looked down.

Zhao Debiao stood up with a frown, and said, "Oh... this bloodstain should be produced when the first killer killed the brother who died on the ground. Looking at the direction of the splash, it was sprayed in the direction of the door. The guy they are holding is the A sharp blade with a large blood groove. However, when pushing forward, blood sprayed from the blood groove, and a few blood stains splashed on the ground near the door. Then the last killer, when he came in, stepped on one of the blood point. And after the second foot was taken, it was printed on the following ground." Speaking of this, he sighed again, and said: "If it wasn't for Virgo who said it was stepped on, we probably didn't notice this Wei Wei The dots are bloody footprints."

Indeed, Zhao Debiao was really not flattering Fan Keqin, but because the killer must be wearing flat shoes, which hardly left any footprints on the floor.In addition, it was only a blood spot that was stepped on.Therefore, after stepping down with the second foot, only a small spot of blood on the sole of the shoe left a mark on the ground.

You know, this is a murder scene.There were bloodstains everywhere in the house, and there were also many footprints.Fan Keqin was able to see at a glance from the complicated scene that one of the blood spots was related to the other, which was still only a little bit of footprints. This in itself was enough for B Klass.

Zhuang Xiaoman lowered his head, looked at the two related traces repeatedly, and said, "Virgo, I understand what you mean a little bit. You mean, this person didn't rush in, but walked in."

After saying this, everyone is a professional agent, and they are all veterans, so they immediately understood.

Because the distance of people's steps, walking, rushing, running, jumping and other actions are different, the distance is also different.But now the distance between these two related traces is not very big, that is to say, the guy who came in last and killed Xinyou Zhongzhong walked in "slowly".

Bai Fengtai said with enlightenment: "When this guy came in, he walked in. That is to say, after Xinyou Chengzhong saw him, he didn't have any intention of resisting at all, so he didn't move, and he didn't have any struggles or struggles." Resist, just wait to be killed by this person."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Yes. Why did Xinyou Chengzhong do this? I think he knew he couldn't escape. It's useless to resist, so he knew he would die, so he still resisted. Or what is it like to run away. So he died, this man came to the front, and came cleanly. We can see Xinyou Zhongzhong's scar from the close-up photo of the file, extending from the throat to the left artery This technique is very skilled and professional, the trachea and aorta were injured at the same time in one attack. There is basically no possibility of rescue for this kind of injury.”

Tong Fei said: "Xinyou Chengzhong himself is the little devil's senior spy. If he can make him think that he is sure to die and there is no need to resist, he must be a master he knows. It can't be said that the two of them have worked together before."

Fan Keqin said: "Don't worry about that. Our task is to find these guys." While speaking, he squatted down, without touching the ground with his hands, and measured the distance while hanging in the air a little above.Then carefully avoiding the traces on the ground, he came to the bedside, where Xin Youcheng died faithfully.

Looking left and right, he gestured back and forth in the air for a while with his hand as if holding a knife.Looking at Zhuang Xiaoman, he said, "Xiaoman, remember."

Zhuang Xiaoman immediately took out a hardcover notebook and a pen from his pocket.I only heard Fan Keqin say: "Number four! This person is between [-] and [-] meters, and his right hand is the main player." After finishing speaking, he came to the sofa again, gestured on the left side for a while, and then The right side gestured for a while.Then squatted on the ground to look at the traces again and again, and measured the void with his hands again, and said: "The person on the left is number two. The number on the right is three. The height of number two is [-] to [-] meter. Between two, the main hand is right-handed. Number three, between [-] and [-] meters tall, is left-handed."

After saying this, Fan Keqin came to the trace of the human figure on the ground again, did the same inspection and measurement, and said: "Number one, killer No. [-] is between [-] and [-] meters tall, and the main player is right hand."

Zhuang Xiaoman quickly wrote down when he was talking, and quickly finished writing after a little bit of writing.

Fan Keqin said: "When this group of people came in, they brought burdens. Because they use knives to kill people. Before completing the task, no one is sure what will happen to them when they act, and they can't control it. Blood spraying posture. No one will be killed honestly like Xinyou Makoto, and they can’t guarantee this before they act. So since the weapon with the quietest sound has been set as the weapon, and It can also be seen from the scene that they don't care about the blood splatter at all. Then will they evacuate in bloody clothes after killing people? No. So they must be prepared. They have to bring a change of clothes."

Fan Keqin looked at the quilt on the ground and said: "Yes, how calm you are, you used the quilt to block the spread of blood, and then calmly changed the bloody clothes. But there were no murder weapons and bloody clothes at the scene, so they must have used the same Baggage and other things, take away the changed clothes..."

(End of this chapter)

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