spy ace

Chapter 1136 Narrowing the Scope

Chapter 1136 Narrowing the Scope
Fan Keqin went on to say: "This bag and other things may be waterproof, or canvas, felt and other materials with strong sealing properties. Otherwise, the blood stains and bloody smell on the bloody clothes may be It will expose their identities, so that others will notice them. If this is the case... this burden is not necessarily small. Therefore, in this casino, we have to find witnesses again. I believe that in During the time they left, they carried a big burden, and there were four of them. Even if they dispersed, someone must have seen it."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin said slowly, "There are too many gamblers and most of their attention is on the various gaming tables."Then the gambler witnesses are really hard to find... But the service staff of the casino, especially the service staff at the door, the kind of doorman who greets and drops off the guests, must have seen them. " Having said that, Fan Keqin beckoned, and left the room with everyone to go outside.

As soon as he went out, Tian Lantian was talking and laughing with a man in his forties at the door.Seeing Fan Keqin come out, Tian Lantian asked, "Oh, commissioner, is this the end?"

Fan Keqin glanced at the person next to him and said, "It's over. Is this the casino manager?"

Without waiting for Tian Lantian, the man immediately extended his hand with a smile, and said, "I have a question about labor, I, Jiang Tu, is the manager of this casino."

Fan Keqin reached out and shook his hand, and said: "That's just right." He turned his head towards the room and said, "The doorman on the day when the incident happened, the waiter who greeted the guests on the first floor, please find me. I have something to ask them."

"Hey, okay." The manager agreed and said, "Since the officer has finished reading, why don't you sit in my office. It doesn't seem very convenient to stay here all the time."

"Okay." Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Then I'll trouble Manager Jiang."

Under the leadership of Jiang Tu, several people made another half circle along the corridor.Entered a room with the manager's office hanging in front of the door.This room is not too small, and the furnishings and other necessities are complete.As for the casino, if you have money, you need to give people a sense of strength, so the manager's office is even more particular.

There was a large row of leather sofas against the wall, and Jiang Tu also had assistants under him. After having people help everyone serve tea, he took out the attendance sheet, opened it and looked at it, and confirmed the personnel.Then he told the assistant to go to the dormitory at the back to make contact, and told them to come to the manager's room if they had something to do.

When the assistant left, Fan Keqin nodded with his hand.Zhao Debiao next to him got up knowingly, took out a cigarette, walked over, and said, "Manager Jiang, let's have a cigarette. Ah, by the way, can I have a look at this attendance sheet?"

"Okay, thank you." Jiang Tu took the cigarette with a smile, then put it in his mouth, and said, "Yes, it's the people under my command. The handwriting is really sharp, so don't be offended." Handed over the attendance sheet.

Zhao Debiao returned to his place with the attendance sheet, pretending to look through it.Zhuang Xiaoman and others next to him also chatted with Jiang Tu about the operation of the casino, and even some interesting stories.

Just like that, about ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and the assistant walked in with a few people.Said: "Manager, they are all here."

"Okay. You go out first. I'll call you later." Jiang Tu waited for the assistant to go out and close the door, and said, "This is Director Tian. You may have seen each other a few days ago. I won't introduce more Yes. This one is... Officer Fan, I want to ask you some questions. You must fully cooperate."

Seeing his employees nodding in agreement, Jiang Tu turned to Fan Keqin and said, "Mr. Fan, these are the ones you are looking for. If you have any questions, feel free to ask." After looking around, he said, "I'll go downstairs The casino is wandering around, there is tea here, you are welcome, if you are thirsty, let them pour it for you."

Fan Keqin replied: "Manager Jiang is being polite. In this way, Da Fei will take a look at the terrain again and go out with Manager Jiang."

Tong Fei agreed, stood up and said, "I'm sorry to trouble Manager Jiang, just in time, I haven't seen the tables below, but they look very interesting, please let Manager Jiang introduce them to me."

Jiang Tu said with a smile: "Haha, no problem, you are interested in that table, let's just go and play two games." As he spoke, he had already opened the door, and he heard that Jiang Tu might have ordered him before closing the door The assistant said: "Go and get five hundred silver chips..."

After the door is closed, it is still very soundproof.Fan Keqin glanced at Zhao Debiao, then at Ji Gang, and pointed in the air with his hand.

Ji Gang got up, made a visit with his hands behind his back, and slowly strolled around the manager's room, especially around the lights, switches, power supply, etc.

Zhao Debiao was at the side, took the attendance book, and asked, "Guys, let me introduce myself first."

These few casino employees began to register their names.Zhao Debiao looked at the attendance book against it, and after confirming that it was correct, he nodded to Fan Keqin, then closed the book and put it aside.

Fan Keqin just sat there without making a sound or showing any sign.So the air was unknowingly a little solidified and depressing.That's it, when the pressure almost reached its peak, Ji Gang wandered back, sat back in his original position without any expression, and then lighted a cigarette for himself very relaxedly.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin knew that after Ji Gang's inspection, at least in this house, there was a high probability that there was no special method.In addition, the other party is not a god, so it is impossible to know that he is coming today. In addition, even if he comes, he may not necessarily ask questions in that room.Therefore, the possibility of loading special means will be even lower.

So Fan Keqin asked: "The national government attaches great importance to this case, so it has offered a reward of [-] yuan. It's a good chance for you to come here. Because we have further narrowed the scope. Now I will let you recall the day , between [-]:[-] p.m. Such as a burden. The material of the burden should be relatively thick and tightly sealed, it may be canvas, or felt, or leather.”

Having said that, Fan Keqin looked at Zhuang Xiaoman, who had already opened his notebook, got up and came in front of several people, and every time he read the approximate height of a person, he would draw an approximate height in front of these people. After reading, Zhuang Xiaoman said something again...

(End of this chapter)

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