spy ace

Chapter 1137 Impressions

Chapter 1137 Impressions
Zhuang Xiaoman said: "These people may have just moved in not long ago, a few days, or even the same day. But they left at the same time. One of them is not short, he can reach between [-] meters and [-] meters. .In addition, among the few people I just mentioned, one, or some of them, carried the relatively heavy burden that the officer just mentioned when they left. In addition, the time is between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] You all work at the posts near the door, I believe you will be able to see a few of them between the arrival and departure."

After Zhuang Xiaoman finished speaking, Fan Keqin, who was sitting on the sofa and kept looking at several people, saw a girl in a short cheongsam on the left, and a waiter in trousers and a vest on the right, with slightly frowning eyebrows and blinking eyes unconsciously Blinking, revealing a thoughtful expression.

The rest of the people also recalled it, but they soon became dazed. Only these two people seemed to be recalling it all the time.

That girl spoke first, and said, "I seem to have really seen a person that day, who is quite tall, but I really don't know if it is what you are looking for."

Zhuang Xiaoman asked: "Tell me what happened at that time?"

The girl said: "I was on the night shift at the time, and it wasn't long after I took over the shift. Then a few guests left one after another, but I didn't really pay attention to whether any of them were carrying any burdens, but one of them was really good at each other. It's tall. It's almost [-] meters. I didn't pay attention to the exact time, but it must have been around six o'clock."

Sure enough, after the woman finished speaking, the male waiter also said: "I saw it too. There was indeed a person carrying a bag. No, it should be said to be a relatively high-end suitcase. He was carrying it by hand. At that time, I asked Does the other party need help calling a car? And wanted to help him with the luggage, but the other party thanked him, said no, and then went out. Before and after the person carrying the suitcase left, plus his words, I I remember it seems... a total of four people left one after another."

Fan Keqin pointed at the few people who did not speak, and asked, "What about you, didn't you notice?"

These few people were still a little dazed. Seeing this, Fan Keqin said: "That's a pity. It seems that you have no chance of rewarding. That's fine, you can go out first."

A few people heard the words and went out. Fan Keqin got up, came to the two people, looked at them, and said: "I noticed that you have all said that you have seen a tall man. How does his height compare to mine?"

The girl in the short cheongsam took a slight breath, and said, "Hiss...it seems...it seems to be similar to the chief?" She looked at her colleague a little uncertainly as she spoke.

The waiter looked at Fan Keqin and compared it in his heart, and said: "Well, the chief should be taller, but the shortness seems to be limited, um... it seems that the difference is not too much."

Fan Keqin's net height is [-] meters, and he can reach a height of [-] or [-] meters with leather shoes on.The average height here is more than [-] meters, and even in some areas in the south, the average height is less than [-] meters.That looked particularly tall and mighty.As for the two witnesses, with Fan Keqin standing in front of them as a reference, the impression in their hearts can be more detailed.

Fan Keqin asked: "Describe, both of you, what kind of clothes does this person wear? Does he have any special features? Features? Can you recall when he lived in a casino?"

The girl in the short cheongsam said, "It's pretty high-end. It's a relatively high-end shirt with cuffs rolled up. The pants are black trousers. Oh... I really can't remember anything else."

The waiter frowned and tried to remember, and said: "What are the characteristics of the appearance... I really didn't pay attention to it. Or because there are no obvious features such as moles or scars, so I don't have a deep impression? I'm really not sure. , but in terms of age, the tall one is about [-] years old. But the one carrying the burden... can be thirty-five or six. The others... I can't remember. When did they come If it’s a casino, then it’s even more unclear, maybe it’s not that my class doesn’t necessarily come.”

Fan Keqin said: "Then how long do you rest, how long do you go to work?"

The waiter said: "We all work in three shifts. For example, I worked on the night shift last night, but tomorrow I will be on the day shift. Then I will rest for one night and add another day, and then I will work on the night shift. It's like this back and forth."

Fan Keqin nodded, and said, "Take a class, then study for a day and a night, and then go to work."

The two immediately nodded and replied, "Yes, that's it."

Fan Keqin said: "Gamblers stay, is there any registration?"

"Yes." The sprint girl said: "There is a service desk on the first stairs on the second floor. The registration form is there."

Fan Keqin asked: "How to register, do you know?"

The girl in the short cheongsam nodded and said, "I know. After all, we have been working for more than a year. Sometimes I will help out with a shift or something."

Fan Keqin said: "What is the procedure for registration? Tell me."

The girl in the short cheongsam said: "Although our guest rooms are open to the public, they cannot be used permanently. This is because we have a rule here, that is, if you bet more than [-] silver chips in this casino within a week, you can stay for free for a week. So our business is good, so we have to control the number of guest rooms open to the public. The main thing is to meet the needs of gamblers as much as possible. However, gamblers basically don’t need to register for accommodation. If you register your name, we will have a waiter to open it for him. room, and just hand over the room key to the gambler."

"Yes." The waiter said: "The main reason is that we consider that people are having a good time playing, and we can't disturb the guests' pleasure. So we help the gamblers with the process. In addition, just ask the name and it's over, and then Report to the information desk on the second floor, they will record the time, and then give us a key, and then we will deliver the key to the gamblers. Briefly, the bath, massage and other services are over.”

After listening to their introduction, Fan Keqin felt that getting the registration book was of little significance.The main reason is that these people can't use their real names, but it doesn't mean much, which doesn't mean it's meaningless.So Fan Keqin thought about it for a while, looked at Bai Fengtai, and said, "Lao Bai goes to the registration desk on the second floor, brings over the accommodation registration for... two days before the incident, and tells Manager Jiang's assistant to bring him You go."

Bai Fengtai agreed, got up and went out.Fan Keqin looked at the two people again, and said: "In your impression, you only saw the few people just now when they left, but you didn't notice when they came, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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