spy ace

Chapter 1155

Chapter 1155
If the devil is not fooled, then I have to ask here, will there be any losses for my own side?The answer is no!Moreover, Wei Bo has already been taken down, but it is still a profit.

After thinking about it, Fan Keqin nodded, and said, "It's possible. After Xiaoman and the others confirm Wei Bo's account of the method of contacting the Devil Chrysanthemum agency, we will start planning immediately. In this way, let's study it first, the bait The place to put it. This place can’t be too loose, but it can’t be too loose either. If it’s strict, the devils won’t be able to attack and fail to achieve their goals. But if it’s too loose, people may see our purpose. Such a place... Tian Chu Long, you know Chengdu best. Where do you think it should be more suitable?"

Tian Lantian felt incredible when he heard that Fan Keqin agreed with Zhao Debiao's words, so he raised his thumb and praised: "The special commissioner has a broad mind, which is rare in the world." After a rainbow fart, he narrowed his eyes slightly and thought about it , and said: "I do know that there is a place that is more suitable. That is the Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment on Quanshui Road in this city. The security around this place is very good. In addition, the Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment is also relatively high-end , Commissioner, you have a distinguished status. If you live there, it is still very suitable. Another point is that Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment is a very special place in Chengdu. Almost all people from other places want to experience it. Let’s take a moment. It’s only natural for the special commissioner to come over from other places and want to experience it in his spare time.”

Tian Lantian paused here, and continued: "The security measures inside the Nuanxi Tangchi apartment are not bad. At least on the surface. But, in the eyes of us professionals, there are still certain loopholes. If the special commissioner goes to experience it, he will go there with a few brothers. In this way, he will bring bodyguards with him, which will improve his safety. It is also in line with your identity. But at the same time, since you bring bodyguards, the target will naturally be bigger Some. Then pretend to be low-key and use it as a fog. In this way, the probability of the little devil being fooled will be a little higher."

"En." Fan Keqin nodded, according to your introduction, the environment of Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment is still okay.It's just that I'm currently living in a residence arranged by the Security Bureau.Changing places rashly... Some things don't conform to the logic of behavior. "

Zhao Debiao said from the side: "Secretary, Secretary Zhuang is here. You are so young, and since ancient times, a hero has been saddened by beauty. In addition, you will dress up Secretary Zhuang in men's clothing and play hard to get. Such a humble job feels much more reasonable. "

Tian Lantian was a little uncertain about Fan Keqin's psychology, so he still didn't dare to take up the fight.Seeing that Fan Keqin thought about it carefully, he finally shook his head and said: "Judging from the last assassination incident, the devil doesn't know me well. Your method is feasible. In addition, I don't really need to live in Nuanxi Tangchi apartment, I just need to show up. Also, I think we can report both of my residences when we pretend to be Weibo to contact the devil headquarters. For example Said it could be reported like this."

Fan Keqin paused, and continued: "After investigation, the ghost lived in the Yuting District, Building No. [-] arranged by the Security Bureau. Recently, he lived in the Nuanxi Tangchi apartment. Elite, prepare an attack plan at both locations."

After all, Fan Keqin looked at Zhao Debiao and Tian Lantian, and said again: "Let the devils consider the two locations. The purpose of doing this is to confuse the devils. Because of such uncertainty, on the contrary, at this time It is the most real. After all, Weibo, the inner ghost, can only investigate to this extent at most. Moreover, it is impossible to send personnel from the devil's headquarters, so let's investigate and confirm the situation first. He can't tell when I will They left. So they have to act faster. In this way, what will they do? They can only let the Japanese special elements who are active in the local area do this. And we do the calculations with our minds and without intentions. Two places, ambushing people at the same time. If it is an investigation of Japanese spies, one will follow the other, and directly follow the clues to find a series of them. And if the killer is coming... the same is true, come one and hold the other. Fight to live , and there is a high probability that they are spies active in the local area. In this way, the surprise interrogation will directly pry open the other party's mouth as quickly as possible. As long as we spit out, we also have the opportunity to destroy the entire Japanese spies lurking in the local area group."

After hearing what Fan Keqin said, Tian Lantian and Zhao Debiao looked at each other, and they both felt that this attention should be good, there are lies in the truth, and there is truth in the false.And in a way it's not about waiting for the kid to fall into a trap.As long as he sends people, even if they come to investigate, there is a chance for him to follow the clues and take the initiative to find them.Therefore, Fan Keqin's plan was finally determined.

The next step is to complete the whole plan.There is a contact method for Wei Bo, but they have to wait for Zhuang Xiaoman and others to confirm again, so the three of them began to research Fan Keqin's current residence and the location of Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment.

The current residence, Fan Keqin lives there now, so he knows the situation, so he can directly start planning how to set up the trap.

Fan Keqin said: "There are several small buildings in that area. I live in the south one. The tigers live next to me on the right. But the two streets before and after are normal streets. Safe As for the security bureau, it is just four blocks away. There is a possibility that the devils actually choose to attack here, but I think it is unlikely. It is because the local security bureau is too close. In addition, there are many security bureaus around Some people live there nearby for the convenience of going to work.

I don't think it's better to be quiet here than to move around here. It's better to just maintain the current mode, and don't need any surveillance points, but use the residences of these security bureau brothers to set up mobile teams one by one.For example, in groups of three.In addition, each family has secretly connected the telephone line and kept it in a communication network, so as long as any suspicious person is found, everyone will be able to know the situation at the first time.If the devil came as an investigator, he would directly send his brothers from the Security Bureau to follow up.And if the killer comes, these mobile squads can also be quick and flexible, adopting encirclement and nearby support. "

Zhao Debiao said: "Virgin, just to be on the safe side, I suggest setting up a team that can quickly block the scene in Front and Back Street..."

(End of this chapter)

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