spy ace

Chapter 1156 Arrangement

Chapter 1156 Arrangement
Zhao Debiao went on to say: "It's even a hidden firepower point. If the devils come, they will definitely feel wrong, and they may break up into pieces as quickly as possible. In this way, even if we can quickly notify the various teams , but it is still difficult to search. It would be easier if they could be directly blocked in a certain area in the first place."

Fan Keqin directly agreed with his proposal, saying: "It's very thoughtful, let's do it this way. Let's talk about the situation of Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment. Director Tian, ​​you know the surrounding situation best here, and you are sure After what happened in Tangchi Apartment, immediately seal the scene and not let anyone get away?"

"There is still a way." Tian Lantian said: "The Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment is a relatively large business. There are also many rooms in it. I can let the brothers live in it, and I have agreed in advance that those few people will guard a certain apartment. A few entrances and exits. As long as something happens, don't worry about other things, just seal the entrance and exit that you are responsible for. Then, in the four directions around the Tangchi apartment, half a team will be sent in each direction to find a place Cover up. Brothers in these directions are not only support points, but also observation posts. As the special commissioner said, even if the devils are cautious, as long as they send scouts to investigate in advance, then we can follow up actively. Follow the vine to find the opponent's lair."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "The Nuanxi Tangchi apartment will be arranged by Director Tian. After the arrangement is made, please contact me at any time." After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhao Debiao and said, "You and Tong Fei are responsible for the safety. The station on the other side of the bureau, and the other brothers followed me."

Zhao Debiao stood up and said: "Yes." Then he said: "Commander, when will you show your face at Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment?"

Fan Keqin said: "Tomorrow morning. Oh, it's already this morning. When Xiaoman and the others come back, ask about the situation and start immediately."

The purpose of interrogating Wei Bo again is to verify whether the method provided by the other party for contacting the Chrysanthemum organization is true.Since it is a verification, it is natural to be cautious.Therefore, Zhuang Xiaoman and others turned around after five o'clock the next morning.

Zhuang Xiaomanhui reported: "Virgin, according to the observations and re-examinations of several team leaders and me, the authenticity of Wei Bo's confession is still very high. We are equivalent to a new trial, the order of questions is disordered, and the questions asked The way is messed up. Sometimes the way to ask a question is another way. Interspersed in the middle is her method of contacting the headquarters, and she answered no questions. In addition, Beizhi observed from the side and found that Wei Bo had indeed completely opened it up. Defensive, she doesn't even have a passive defensive mentality now. So what she confesses is highly credible."

"Very good." Fan Keqin said: "Let's get started, Director Tian, ​​the sender at Weibo's headquarters must be a special person. Also, we have to be careful. Didn't Weibo send them a message before?" Do more research and post according to her habit of wording, don't be careless about this."

"Yes." Tian Lantian said, "I understand."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, Tiger and Tong Fei, you go to the local branch to arrange the arrangement just agreed. The rest of you, come with me to relax for a day. After we settle down, we will call Director Tian immediately and tell you My contact number, Tiger Tongfei, after you have finished making arrangements, come to Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment to find me as soon as possible. If we separate, it will make people daydream."

With a sound of action, everything moved.Fan Keqin and the others didn't care about this, they directly asked for the address of Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment, and set off in the car.

Speaking of which, Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment is about [-] minutes away from Chengdu Station, less than [-] minutes by car.But the geographical location is relatively good, and the surrounding area is also a relatively prosperous area.In addition, although this place is called Nuanxi Tangchi Apartment, there must be no such thing as Nuanxi Hot Spring.It's just a gimmick.

But there are soup pools and bathing places, and there are also apartments for accommodation.It's a bit like a high-end bath center with accommodation in later generations.But the area here must be larger than the bathing center.There are more than [-], nearly [-] square meters of floor area.There are many small baths inside, one for each yard, but the outside of the yard is actually the inner garden of Tangchi Apartment.It's a bit like a garden within a garden.There are still a lot of guests here.Generally, they are rich people, and rich people are more calculating.

You know, if you live in a high-end hotel, the environment is not as good as this, but the price is about the same.Since the rich people here, as long as they know the Nuanxi Tangchi apartment, they will generally choose to live here.Therefore, the accommodation rate here is relatively high.

Fan Keqin and his group directly asked for a two yards in the middle of the entire Nuanxi Tangchi apartment, and lived there directly.However, according to the agreement, Bai Fengtai, Ji Gang and others lived in the nearby yard.Fan Keqin and Zhuang Xiaoman lived alone in the same yard pretending to be a secret date.

There is a warm pool in the yard, which looks like a Japanese hot spring.But in fact, it is made by circulating water supply in the boiler room.Of course, if they want to experience it, it must be no problem, but they must experience it separately.And now I haven't finished my business, and I don't feel that way.

After wandering around in the small building, Fan Keqin and Zhuang Xiaoman came out with their arms crossed. Bai Fengtai and others who lived next to him had notified their phone numbers so that they could contact the outside world at any time.

Let's go to the main building inside, which is the restaurant, and have breakfast.The main thing is to show my face, which is always needed for normal meals, and it doesn't seem to be intentional.After eating and going back, everyone didn't rest for almost a day and a night.It is still very safe at this time, you can rest assured to sleep.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Tian Lantian's phone calls, Zhao Debiao's, and Tong Fei's calls came in one after another.It's all set up.However, he did not follow the method provided by Wei Bo to contact its headquarters.

After all, Fan Keqin just showed up here, and the other side started to report directly. From the perspective of time, it didn't match up, even if it was a trap set up, he couldn't do it.Wait till tomorrow almost.

In the evening, Fan Keqin did not check out, but returned to the residence arranged by the Security Bureau with everyone.This is mainly to confuse little devils.After reading it, the other party understood that this was the target taking the time to go to the Nuanxi Tangchi apartment to be chic and romantic.

On the second day, Fan Keqin once again consolidated the gimmick for the other party, but he had to go along with his own personality...

(End of this chapter)

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