spy ace

Chapter 1168

Chapter 1168
Fan Keqin then asked: "Isn't Jin Tong working at Happy Gate? Did you two participate in the investigation of Happy Gate?"

"I participated." The tall agent immediately said: "Her colleagues responded that she left normally after going to work last time. It was just yesterday morning, but this morning is very early, about midnight Point. We also asked about the specifics, but after all, it is a night show, and it is usually midnight after get off work, so it is not fixed. After all the guests leave, everyone will leave work, so I don’t know the exact time, but they basically open every day It closes at midnight. According to her colleagues, Jin Tong also leaves during normal closing time."

"It was after twelve o'clock." Fan Keqin said: "The arrest was...after ten o'clock. There were ten hours in between, and we don't know what happened."

Fan Keqin, who couldn't figure it out, simply stopped thinking about it, got up and said, "Let's go and see the scene."

Several people also got up and walked out of the office with him. They happened to meet Tian Lantian turning around. When the latter saw Fan Keqin and others coming out, he immediately came to him and said, "Special commissioner, I have finished sending the report to the headquarters. Don't worry." , or a special person is in charge.”

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "We are going to visit the homes of the three escaped people. Lao Tian, ​​you can sit in the station. If there is any situation, I will contact you in time."

"Okay." Tian Lantian said, "I'll send a few more brothers to follow you."

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said, "Send an extra car, and then find some brothers who have been to the homes of the three escaped people for me."

"Yes." Tian Lantian said, and immediately arranged.When Fan Keqin and the others left the gate of Chengdu Station, there were already two more cars and eight more people behind them.

Naturally, the car was very fast, and within a short time, it arrived near Jin Tong's house.Fan Keqin asked the car to stop half a street away.Then he strolled over.

It's not because they are afraid of disturbing the other party, after all, the military command has launched a city-wide arrest for those three people.There is no need to be too low-key.Instead, Fan Keqin wanted to look around.

After strolling for half a street, Fan Keqin got a good idea of ​​the surrounding terrain.A group of people directly entered the unit door and came to the door of [-].In other words, the two rooms of [-] and [-] have already been requisitioned by them.Hearing a knock on the door in [-], the doors of the two houses on the first floor were all opened.

Fan Keqin understood that this was a way to wait on the sidelines just in case.He waved his hand and asked them to continue guarding.Then he walked into Jin Tong's house.

He asked the four agents guarding inside, "Have you moved anything in the room?"

"No." An agent who led the team replied: "Sir, let us try not to move as much as possible."

"Okay." Fan Keqin agreed, and wandered around the house.The house is neither big nor small, with a usable area of ​​about [-] square meters.

The bedspreads and quilts on the bed are all folded and placed at the head of the bed; there are a lot of clothes in the closet, including interesting underwear of this age.The close-fitting underwear is also neatly stacked at the bottom of the cabinet, and coats are hung on top of the clothes.The utilization rate of the two-open wardrobe is relatively high, and it is almost full.

Fan Keqin turned his head to look at the tall agent, and asked, "Have the things in this cabinet been turned over?"

"Sir, wise." The tall agent replied: "We actually searched the house in detail at the beginning, but we remembered the original appearance when we searched, so the things in the cabinet were reset after being moved. "

"En." Fan Keqin bent down and began to check the clothes, trying not to mess them up as much as possible.Then he closed the cabinet door, started to check some other things, and looked at the small shoe cabinet at the door.

In the end, Fan Keqin really found nothing in the house.However, there is also a possibility that the previous search may have covered up some traces.But the other party is also a professional agent, even if the effect is not as good as the one he inspected by himself, it will not cause serious damage.

Fan Keqin stood at the window and looked outside, looking downstairs.The location of the house was chosen well.Being able to see far away on the street is good for observation.

Fan Keqin turned around and came to the sofa in the living room, bent down to look at the phone on the coffee table, and asked, "Have you checked the phone?"

The agent guarding here replied: "Oh, a brother went to the phone office to check..."

"I'm not talking about the telephone company." Fan Keqin pointed to the phone and said, "I'm talking about this phone."

Among them, the agent named Ah Shan replied: "I checked, it is a normal telephone."

Fan Keqin asked again: "How did you check?"

Ah Shandao: "We unscrewed the cover of the phone. We also tested the phone line with another phone, and it's all normal."

After hearing this, Fan Keqin bent down, picked up the receiver, and a standby sound came from inside.I followed him to look back, and grabbed the phone line with my hand and pulled it lightly, but the phone line at the back was extending from the legs of the coffee table.Then go to the ground and follow the gap between the floor and the wall.

Although Fan Keqin doesn't understand electricians, he still understands when he decorates his own home in later generations.All wires that can be buried in the wall should be buried, so it looks good.However, this kind of telephone line that was installed later was obviously impossible to dig into the wall and bury it.So it is possible to follow the corners and other places when routing the cables, so that it is not obvious.

This is the case with the telephone line of this telephone at this time.Fan Keqin stroked the wires until he came to the door.Walking to the outside of the corridor, everyone saw him like this and followed behind.

This telephone line is inside the corridor, together with the line of the corridor light.Fan Keqin carefully traced the line to the corner of the stairs.The wires extend from the window next to it. It is estimated that the workers who installed it at that time thought it was very simple to do so, and there was no place for wiring when the building was built, so they did it in order to save trouble.

But seeing this, Fan Keqin stopped in his tracks and looked up carefully.Just look at the telephone line coming in above the window. After coming in from the corner of the window, it goes a little closer to the wall, and there is an extra line where it meets the wires of the corridor lights.

This line is pressed against the wall by the lamp socket, and then, together with other lines, begins to extend upwards.Although he is not an electrician, Fan Keqin still understands the basic principles. Electric lights are nothing more than a neutral wire and a live wire, which are connected to the positive and negative poles of the lamp holder.Of course, although the two wires of zero and fire cannot be connected together naked, they are actually one from the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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