spy ace

Chapter 1169 Traces

Chapter 1169 Traces
It is nothing more than twisting the insulating skin of the two wires of the zero fire into a twist shape, extending into the lamp holder and then connecting to the two stages of the zero fire.But on the outside, it actually seems to be walking in one line.

But now, the wires of the telephone wire and the lamp meet. It is reasonable to say that the lamp holder is used as a fix to the wall so that the circuit will not be disconnected.

But looking at it the other way around, it is also possible to use the lamp holder of the lamp as a cover.After all, human beings cannot see through. Whoever sees the lamp holder and a few lines can't think about it blindly.

Fan Keqin checked the phone line based on the previous question.Things are placed normally.I have not seen any signs of packing luggage.But the person is indeed gone.And the phone was answered, so something was wrong.

Seeing this situation at this time, Fan Keqin reached out and grabbed the lamp holder mounted on the wall, and pulled it hard.Pull the two screws straight off.That is, at this moment, the wires of the electric lamp are normally connected to the lamp socket.But the telephone wire that was pressed under the lamp socket just now has a connector exposed, which happens to be connected to another wire.

"Sir." The people behind him also saw this situation.Fan Keqin waved his hand and stopped them from talking, but stretched out his hand and ordered a few military command agents who followed.Then he pointed to the privately connected line again, and said in a low voice, "Look along this line, and don't make a sound."

After receiving the order, several agents behind him began to touch up along the line.All the way directly to the top fifth floor.

Several agents stood in front of a house and pointed with their fingers.Fan Keqin followed him all the way to know what was going on.So he nodded, looked at the crowd, and said in a low voice: "Shock in, no matter who is inside, immediately control it. I want to live."

As soon as the voice fell, all the agents got ready separately.One of the agents stood facing the door, holding out three fingers.Take one back every once in a while.When this hand became a fist, he raised his foot suddenly, and slammed his foot on the most strenuous part of the door lock.

Seeing that the door of the room was opened inward, the hole in the lock of the door frame had been directly scraped off by the bolt.The crowd swarmed from behind and rushed into the house.

Fan Keqin, Zhuang Xiaoman and others walked in calmly from behind.The layout of upstairs and downstairs is the same.Even the layout of the two households on each floor is the same, but the left and right are reversed.

Fan Keqin went in, and all the agents who rushed in were already reporting.No one in the kitchen, no one in the toilet, no one in the second bedroom, no one in the living room, and a dead person in the master bedroom!
After hearing the report, Fan Keqin let go of one of the telephone lines from the telephone in the living room.Turning around and entering the master bedroom, I saw a fruit man on the bed, and some clothes were scattered on the floor.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin said: "Don't move! Exit along the routes they came in."

Everyone backed out immediately after hearing the words, Fan Keqin lowered his head and checked the ground in detail.However, the ground is quite clean, and it is the floor. As long as the soles of the shoes are not dirty, it is really difficult to leave any footprints.Unless there is an ultraviolet flashlight or something from later generations, maybe we can find something.

But these days... well, there are UV lamps, but they're so fucking big.In addition, I can't adjust it myself.It is estimated that there may be one or two of this thing in the whole country now?It might not even be.Where do I go for a change?

So Fan Keqin could only use his naked eyes and turn on all the lights.After carefully looking at the ground, he found something, a hair!Women's hair!
Fan Keqin stood up holding his hair, looked at it in detail, turned around and handed it to Zhao Debiao who was next to him, and said, "Here, go back to Jin Tong's room and look for it, especially her bedroom bed, pillows, or makeup. table, comb. If you find other hairs, compare the lengths."

"Yes!" Zhao Debiao took his hair, turned around and went downstairs directly.

It is said that technology is not too advanced in this day and age.Don't count on DNA testing and so on, so evidence like hair is not very useful.Anyway, if the police collect evidence or something, the hair on the body is not considered any evidence.

But it doesn't matter now, Fan Keqin asked Zhao Debiao to compare.Following him, he began to check again. The clothes on the ground were all men's, including pajamas, pajama pants, and underwear.Judging from the location of the distribution, this person has already started to take off the clothes as soon as he entered the house.

But this undressing was not a normal undressing.None of us normal people would do this!The usual procedure is to enter the room, sit on the bed, or on a stool, and then start to take off.But this guy started to take off the door as soon as he entered the door, and then threw it on the ground, which is very wrong.Coupled with the hair that Fan Keqin discovered before, the two can be completely connected.

After the inspection on the ground was completed, Fan Keqin began to inspect the deceased.Of course, he didn't move the corpse at first, but bent down to observe.After feeling the temperature in the room, and comparing the depth of the corpse spots, Fan Keqin was able to infer an approximate time, about eight or nine hours.

He lowered his head and looked at the corpse carefully, and finally found that the nail of the middle finger of the fruit man's right hand had folded outwards.And there is a little bit of skin flakes that are almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.There are bluish-purple strangle marks on the neck and its vicinity.But this strangle mark is very large, covering almost the entire neck evenly.On the forearm of the left hand, there are also a few faint, blue-purple grip marks.

For living people, sometimes you squeeze your wrist hard, and the marks may disappear a few seconds after you let go.But after you hold it hard, the person is dead in the next moment.The bodily functions, blood circulation, etc. of the deceased will be completely stopped.In this case, the grip marks will instead surface after death.That's why there is a saying: dead people will never lie.Of course, this strength has to reach a certain level. If you shake it lightly, and then the person dies the next moment, it is naturally impossible to show traces.

Fan Keqin looked at the sheets on the bed again, it was rather messy, and it was obvious that there were signs of struggle.After he had some ideas in his mind, he got up and wandered around the house again.

After reading the obvious things, the rest is naturally not obvious.Even Fan Keqin needs a certain amount of time and is careful enough.

After checking the living room, Fan Keqin finally got something again.On the floor under the cabinets in the living room, he found some traces of dragging.

Even if the owner of the house is very clean, he always likes to clean.But under the bed and under the cabinet, it is inevitable that the dust will be thicker than that on the bright surface.

(End of this chapter)

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