spy ace

Chapter 1170 Indescribable

Chapter 1170 Indescribable
Based on the dust below, Fan Keqin judged with his excellent observation ability that there was a small box here, and it was not too thick.

After getting up, Fan Keqin said: "The three caves of the cunning rabbit." After a sentence of emotion, he turned his head and said: "Now we have people closely monitoring the roads, waterways, railways and other places, and it is almost impossible for them to leave after that moment. In other words, although they are not at home, they must still be in another house. Tell Tian Lantian to find someone who just rented a house today or rented a house before but only moved in today. Of course, the same is true for buying a house. "

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and said, "Understood. But... what if there are no such places?"

Fan Keqin said: "Next, let the police station do a population census. If anyone has relatives and friends who just came today, or knocks on the door and can't open it, report it immediately." An extension that I connected privately in the room.

Zhuang Xiaoman said yes, got to the phone, picked up the receiver and dialed the number.Fan Keqin gave another warning, saying: "There is not enough manpower for him to transfer to the local gendarmerie, and there are also police officers. You can also call the local security branch, and the situation is the same."

While talking, Fan Keqin took off his white gloves, casually threw them to an agent, and said, "Okay, you guys should search too, I didn't even look at some places."

When everyone heard the words, they began to rummage through boxes and boxes and began to search.However, apart from a housing lease contract, there is no other valid information.Zhao Debiao's comparison has long since ended. After he handed over two hairs to Fan Keqin, Fan Keqin took a magnifying glass to look at them carefully and compared them. The quality and thickness of the two hairs resembled a person. of.Of course, it is only possible to compare with the naked eye now, which is indeed inaccurate.But this is basically enough for Fan Keqin.

After finishing their work, Fan Keqin, Zhuang Xiaoman and the others ran away, returned to their residence, and began to wash up and fall asleep.

Early the next morning, everyone came to the Military Command Chengdu Station again, and Tian Lantian first reported the information.Yesterday's order has been going on for a while.It is relatively simple to investigate the situation of renting a house in the early stage.And the scope was narrowed down to yesterday's settlement.In this case, the workload is not large.

After Tian Lantian finished his report, he gave out a round of cigarettes and said: "Special commissioner, the brothers who went with you to investigate in person yesterday, although they didn't respond directly, but when they reported to me, they could tell that they were very interested in the special commissioner. The investigators’ investigative methods are admirable, and it can be said that they have really opened their eyes.”

Fan Keqin said: "Director Tian is serious. I was able to analyze the situation at the time from the scene, but... the arrest after the incident still depends on the brothers."

"Oh, that's right." Tian Lantian said: "Special commissioner, that man, what do you think is the relationship with Jin Tong? Judging from the situation at the scene... Is there something ulterior about the two of them?"

"There is something, but I guess it is limited to the situation at that time." Fan Keqin said: "The man is naked, and the injuries are on the neck and arms. Especially the marks on the neck are evenly distributed throughout the whole body. The neck. The fatal injury is also the same. Something made him unable to breathe. Then I saw scratches on his left arm, so I analyzed that the state of death at that time was caused by strangulation on the leg. And the nail on the man’s right hand There are some skin flakes, which are very small, and you can’t even see them if you don’t pay attention. Therefore, I speculate that he had some struggles when he died, but the power of strangulation is that it will make people stunned and lost in a few seconds. The same is true for the ability to resist, he didn't struggle violently, he moved the opponent's thigh with his right hand, but it just slid across the opponent's leg, and then lost his strength in an instant, without any chance."

Speaking of which, Fan Keqin took a puff of cigarette, and continued: "The posture at that time... is what you said, there must be something ulterior. During the whole process, that woman entered the room. Soon, she used her beauty to make her That man has let go of his defensive mentality and is passionate, how can it be so easy to control himself. Most single men can't resist when women take the initiative. The clothes on the ground did not appear out of thin air. Also, there is an extension in that house , From the time comparison, we can clearly know that this woman has always understood that someone is listening to her phone.

But professionals, observing an ordinary person, are crushing.So she didn't touch this man all the time, whether it was for future use, or if she didn't want to frustrate the relationship between the neighbors and attract the attention of others.In short, Jin Tong didn't touch her.In addition, a man uses this method to listen to a woman's privacy.what does it mean?It must be because of something.Judging from the current situation, it can be said that this man was so fascinated by Jin Tong, a beautiful neighbor, that he connected the line privately.So when he learned that he might be arrested, Jin Tong went upstairs without taking anything with him.

Under the wardrobe in the men's room, I found traces of a box, which might be the evacuation equipment prepared by Jin Tong.For example, a few sets of clothes, some money.There is no need to find an excuse for a man who is fascinated by him. It is not very reasonable to use, such as putting it in your house for me, I have no place to put it in my house.The man would not refuse such illogical words.Of course, there is another possibility that the box belongs to that man.Jin Tong had investigated this man and knew what things he could use at home.But the result is the same, as long as Jin Tong is facing an emergency, the man will die, unless he is not at home.When I was investigating the scene, I could see that this man rarely went out, which was almost doomed to his death. "

"Wonderful." Tian Lantian said: "The chains are intertwined, which makes the humble staff really admire. Oh, by the way, just now, sir, you mentioned that when this man was struggling, there was a trace of skin residue in his nails. Does that mean that there are scratches on this woman's leg? If that's the case... oh, it won't work for now. It would take too much time for everyone to check for any scratches. We should narrow down the area first. Yes."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "This woman has a little scar on her leg, which is an obvious feature. But it is more private. We can't check a woman when we meet in the early stage. Wait. , if you scratch, it depends on your physique."

(End of this chapter)

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