spy ace

Chapter 1183

Chapter 1183
Fan Keqin immediately moved the guns in the original suitcase to the new one.Put the box bullet in the gap again.Then he locked the original suitcase in the cabinet under the desk.

Picking up the suitcase, he went out the door.Fan Keqin first bought a small bottle of sleeping pills at the pharmacy.Then he went directly to Lu Suiyun's hospital, took the thermometer, and chatted with Lu Suiyun for a while.It wasn't until a patient came that Fan Keqin said goodbye and walked out.

Soon Fan Keqin drove to the New East District, where there were several factories and many people working here.As the war has continued to the present, more and more people have come to Chongqing, which has led to the continuous expansion of the urban area.Some equipment and factory buildings in front have also been transferred to the local area.

Fan Keqin wandered around and chose a watch factory opened by the Germans during the Sino-German cooperation in the early years.Of course, it is impossible to make watches, but semi-finished products are processed into finished products.Still not a big problem.It was also evacuated here from the front.

Fan Keqin parked his car in front of a steamed stuffed bun shop in a nearby street, found a corner seat, ordered a few steamed stuffed buns, and began to eat and drink.

While no one was paying attention, he took out five sleeping pills, crushed them with a porcelain spoon, and crushed them into powder.Repeated rolling, as more detailed as possible.Then feel it gently with your hands, and if there is a grainy feel, roll it again.Then he took out the rest of the pills in the medicine bottle and put them in his pocket, put the powder in, and the steward asked for some cold boiled water, and poured water into the medicine bottle.Tighten the lid and put it in your pocket.

After checking out the steamed stuffed bun shop, Fan Keqin already knew that after wandering around the area, the factories here usually don't get off work until [-]:[-] in the evening.The next day is also the same as going to work at seven o'clock, with a [-]-hour working system.

But the people here are still flocking to work in the factory.But sometimes there will be overtime in the factory, and there will be no one after ten o'clock.

Sitting in the car, through the window, observing the situation of the watch factory across the road.In fact, this factory is not big, covering an area of ​​maybe more than [-] square meters.At this time, the gate of the factory is open, and you can see a small bungalow on the left side of the gate.

Throughout the afternoon, a man in his fifties and nearly sixties in this one-story house came out and went in three times.Once I went out to fetch water.Another time I came out and said something to a person who was about to enter the factory.Another time is now, a woman about his age, carrying a basket in her hand, brought him something.

In Fan Keqin's position, he couldn't hear their words clearly, but judging from their expressions and demeanor.It's probably the man's wife who brings him meals or something.

Very good, this shows that this man is the gatekeeper of this factory.And he was the only one in that bungalow all afternoon, that is to say, he was the one watching the gate, and no one else.Judging from the woman who might be delivering food, this man is also on night shift or something.

Looking at his watch, Fan Keqin drove to a restaurant a few streets away, ordered two dishes, and began to eat and drink.This time he ate in a leisurely manner, and it took almost forty minutes to end the battle.Followed the payment and walked out the door.

After returning to the original position, Fan Keqin took the medicine bottle and checked the lid, but it was still tightly screwed, and the medicine inside did not spill out.

Fan Keqin took a closer look inside the medicine bottle, and found that some slightly larger particles were still not dissolved.So he started shaking the bottle non-stop.

It was about eight o'clock in the evening, and it was getting dark.It is estimated that they worked overtime today, and the workers inside came out one after another.After no one came out of it, about half an hour passed, and it was half past eight.Fan Keqin saw the man watching the gate wandering out of the bungalow.He still held a flashlight in his hand, and a keychain in his right hand, which closed the door.

Fan Keqin opened the car window and listened carefully. After hearing the sound of locking the door a few times, he calmed down.Look to the left and right.He immediately got out of the car.When he came to the door, he listened intently again.I heard the soft sound of the keychain colliding inside, which sounded in the front right.Well, the other party didn't go back to his bungalow. It may be that after get off work, the gatekeeper wants to check whether there are still people in the factory and patrol around.

Fan Keqin looked around again, but there was no one there.He jumped up with all his legs, grabbed the top of the wall with both hands, and looked in the part where the eyes were exposed.Well, there's no one there either.It is estimated that the janitor has already entered the workshop.

He didn't hesitate anymore, his legs floated, he jumped into the courtyard, and quickly entered the bungalow.Sure enough, here is the gatekeeper.In the room, a broken wooden bed was in the corner.At the window facing the door, there is also an old table and a wooden chair.

At this time, the basket given to him by the woman was placed on the right side of the table, and there was a water glass in the middle of the table, which was half full of water.

Fan Keqin immediately unscrewed the lid of the cup, then took out the medicine bottle, and carefully poured the medicine inside into it.But only poured four-fifths of the amount.Because he was afraid that the incompletely dissolved medicine dregs would also be poured in, so if only four-fifths were poured in, the bottom would be left, and if there were medicine dregs, he would not pour it into the other party's cup.

He screwed up the medicine bottle and put it in his pocket, then Fan Keqin immediately screwed up the lid of the opponent's cup, and shook it vigorously again.He turned around and went out quickly, then jumped out from the wall again.

Follow him back to the car, start it, and drive the car to the other side of the street.He lit a cigarette and smoked slowly.

That's it, Fan Keqin waited until about [-]:[-], put the car in the passenger's hand buckle, and took a candle he bought when he came.Picking up the suitcase, he got out of the car.

This time, Fan Keqin didn't climb over the wall at the door, because he was trying to save time before the other party would turn around and complete the work of administering the medicine.Now there is no need for it, I found a hidden location in the northeast corner, checked the left and right, and jumped in directly over the wall.

After his feet landed, Fan Keqin sneaked around, and came to the porter at the gate again by sticking to the base of the wall.There was no light inside, so he put one eye out where the window was, and looked in.

The outside is dark, and the inside is also dark, so after sticking to the glass, you can see the situation inside the house clearly.Sure enough, the janitor was lying on his back on the bed at this moment, breathing very evenly haha.Seeing this, Fan Keqin felt relieved, turned around and opened the door, and walked in generously.

(End of this chapter)

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