spy ace

Chapter 1184

Chapter 1184
Fan Keqin intentionally did not cover up when he opened the door, but the breathing rhythm of the janitor inside did not change at all.This shows that it is indeed dead to sleep.

So Fan Keqin came close and coughed again, but the gatekeeper still didn't respond.Great, sleeping pills are still effective!Reaching out to pick up his cup, there was only a water bottom left in it.After shaking for a while, he opened the window and splashed out.

Then Fan Keqin didn't hesitate anymore, and went out the door and entered the workshop.The various tools and equipment in the watch factory are relatively complete.In addition, Fan Keqin had already prepared it before, and he knew the sufficient modification drawings by heart.So first remove all the wood on the gun body, and then modify the position of the butt according to the previous design.

Finally, use a hacksaw, tap the thread, and remove the trigger arc, trigger, and bolt.Then pull the trigger and bolt on the threaded catch.Especially the trigger part, he almost modified it into a small iron rod.In this way, the gun as a whole is almost a stick. Except for the slot of the scope on the top, almost all modifications have been made.

Fan Keqin picked up the gun and quickly assembled it, screwed on the trigger and bolt, checked back and forth several times, and found no problem, then disassembled it again, packed it in the box, and even the unloaded wood, trigger guard, etc. are also placed inside.

Then he took out five bullets, put them on the drilling machine, selected a very small drill bit, drilled lightly at the position of the bullet, and stopped immediately.Wait for it to cool down and drill again.

In fact, it would be great if there is a bullet reloader. You can use pliers to take off the bullet part first, but it will be safer and more convenient to simply drill the bullet.But it's okay now, as long as you are careful, it's okay to slow down.

In this way, he drilled small holes in the warheads of five bullets in a row.Then he broke off the mercury thermometer and carefully dropped the mercury into the small eye of the warhead.Then gently slide the wax over the small eyes, so that a thin layer of wax will be coated on the top, and the mercury inside will be sealed in the small eyes.

After finishing everything, Fan Keqin packed all his own things in the box. The five finished explosive warheads were individually wrapped in oiled paper and placed in a corner of the box.

After restoring everything, Fan Keqin walked out of the workshop carrying the box, came to the northeast corner again, climbed up the wall, looked around and jumped out quickly.Then he returned to his car calmly, started it, put it in gear, and drove along the road towards the front.

When I got home, it was already early morning the next day.Lu Xiaoya fell asleep on the sofa. Seeing this, Fan Keqin felt hot for a while.Don't get me wrong, it's the heart that's hot, not the bottom.

It's his fault, he didn't call home today, so he quickly washed up, and came to hug a princess directly, although Lu Xiaoya was woken up by this, but she was quite happy.

After getting on the bed, Fan Keqin and Lu Xiaoya met each other frankly.

Hey, I washed it for nothing before, and I have to wash it again.

On the next morning, after kissing Lu Xiaoya goodbye, she took a large canvas bag from home, put the suitcase in it, and went straight out the door.But he didn't go to the security bureau.

Instead, in the daily grocery store, I bought glue, thread gloves and net bags.Seeing a cart selling watermelons next to him, he walked over and said, "Are you sure this melon is ripe?"

Boss Che was taken aback, and said: "Sure, boss, come one? If you don't know me well, come back and smash my stall."

"Okay, give me two." Fan Keqin casually pointed to two.Pack it in a net bag, pay the money and drive away.

He drove out of the city quickly along the way, and came to the foot of a stone mountain in a series of twists and turns.Turning the car to the back, Fan Keqin took out the melon and carried the canvas bag.After walking in for another ten minutes, I chose an open space.

He put two watermelons on two stones respectively, then opened the canvas bag, took out the box, and threw some unnecessary wood inside, as well as the cut trigger guard and so on, all on the stones on both sides. in the cracks.Then he walked back, about one hundred and fifty steps, and stopped.

Open the box, quickly assemble the firearm, screw on the trigger and bolt, press the ordinary bullets in, and finally press the scope into the slot.Putting on the gloves, he squatted halfway behind a rock, put the barrel on it, and aimed at the watermelon on the left.

Adjust the knob by hand, align the aiming reticle in the mirror with the middle position, and then pull the bolt with a click, aiming steadily at the middle of the watermelon on the left, and after remembering the position, gently Pulled the trigger.

There was a gunshot, and after feeling the recoil against his shoulder, Fan Keqin took a closer look through the scope, and saw that the bullet was on the right side of the watermelon, plowing a furrow above it.

Fan Keqin calculated in his mind, and adjusted the knob of the scope again.With a click, he pulled the bolt, aimed at the middle of the watermelon again, and pulled the trigger.

After a gunshot, the bullet this time made a hole in the lower left side of the watermelon.Fan Keqin observed carefully, and then adjusted the knob carefully and gently.He aimed at the center of the watermelon again and fired a shot.

There was a sound of bumping, and this time, the bullet made a hole in the middle of the watermelon, but Fan Keqin was not careless, and fired ten more shots in a row.Nine of the shots hit exactly where I was aiming, and only one shot missed a little bit, but that was my own problem, caused by not controlling the rhythm of my breathing.

Satisfied, Fan Keqin retracted all the bullets, then took out an explosive bullet from the oil paper bag, and pressed it into the magazine.The previous watermelon had already been shot continuously, and his face was completely disfigured.So this time he aimed at the intact watermelon.

After the crosshairs were aligned with the center of the watermelon, Fan Keqin stabilized and gently pulled the trigger.With a gunshot, the whole watermelon exploded from it, and the scene of watermelon juice splashing could be clearly seen from the scope.

Fan Keqin put away the gun in satisfaction, took out the glue, and fixed the knob on the scope.Then he put the gun aside, lit a cigarette, picked up the bullet casings on the ground, and scattered them in the crevices of the stones and in the grass.Then he sat on a flat stone and smoked the cigarette slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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