spy ace

Chapter 1189 Steps

Chapter 1189 Steps
There is still plenty of time.Fan Keqin didn't stay here, so he got into the rickshaw again and headed for the night market.But Fan Keqin didn't succeed tonight, so he returned to the hotel smelling of alcohol again.

After waking up in the morning, I washed up and went downstairs to have breakfast.Fan Keqin came to the target building of the city hall again. Since he came very early, he waited in the buildings for about [-] minutes, when he saw the man leave the unit door and walk out of the corridor with a briefcase in his hand.

Fan Keqin followed him all the way, and finally saw him enter a newspaper office, and he knew it.Go back along the road, enter the target building directly, and pry open the door again to confirm.

Following Fan Keqin was like a game, strolling around the surrounding area.This continued until around five o'clock in the evening, when he entered the buildings again, the man turned around at [-]:[-] and entered the corridor door.

Um!Although this guy works for a newspaper, he may not be the kind of reporter who needs to go out and interview.It is estimated that it is an editor, or an administrative employee who sits in an office.Otherwise, his travels would not be so regular.But this is good news for Fan Keqin.

Before going to the night market in the evening, Fan Keqin passed the lottery prediction bulletin board on Racecourse Street. As he walked around, he saw that his piece of paper was still stuck on it, and he felt more at ease.

This directly led to his success again this evening, leading a woman back to the hotel.This night, hundreds of millions of knowledge seeds were scattered wantonly.Let the other side be shocked.

The old rules got up early, and Fan Keqin left the room in the other party's sleep.Then they sat in the restaurant opposite, eating while waiting for the other party to leave.

Just after nine o'clock, the woman from last night walked out of the hotel.Fan Keqin waited for a while, settled the bill, entered his room in the hotel, and took out the drawings.

There was nothing to do during the day, until [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Fan Keqin strolled to the southern intersection of the French Concession and the Public Concession, Anfell Street, and the Arc de Triomphe Western Restaurant.walked in.

Before he came in again, he was already hiding in the corridor window of a residential building diagonally opposite, and saw Feng Hao and Shan Zaijun coming in.And after confirming the security situation behind them, they entered the Arc de Triomphe Western Restaurant.

As if they were meeting customers, several people ordered a meal, and then Feng Hao and Shan Zaijun took out a few handbags for Fan Keqin to admire.

Fan Keqin held a toad that looked good, and while pretending to look at it, he quietly handed the blueprint to the two of them.He whispered: "Look at it, remember the information inside, and then destroy it."

Feng Hao began to introduce to Fan Keqin the toad-shaped handle, workmanship, material, origin, etc., and he said it in a leisurely manner.Shan Zaijun next to him unfolded the blueprint and looked at it carefully.After reading it, the two exchanged, and Shan Zaijun and Fan Keqin began to discuss the price, and asked if the other party wanted other goods.

After Feng Hao finished reading, he took out a pipe, blocked it with a tobacco bag, folded these pictures and pressed them firmly into the bottom of the pipe, then stuffed some tobacco on top, lit it and started smoking.

Feng Hao pointed to an integrally carved coin held in Toad's mouth, as if introducing the meaning of it.But he asked in a low voice: "Boss, are these three pictures the place where we executed and the retreat route?"

Fan Keqin didn't see any traps, which meant that these two people were still very reliable.So I started to introduce, saying: "That's right, on the [-]th of this month, I have reason to believe that Chen Yibo, the No. It is not difficult to grasp the timing of shooting from about one minute to five minutes."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin looked at the toad carefully, even touched the coin in his mouth, and continued in a low voice: "You have to enter the target building, room [-] in advance. There is still plenty of time, so tomorrow , You can go to the field to check the day after tomorrow.”

Shan Zaijun asked, "Boss, what's the situation in Room [-]?"

"There is a single man living there." Fan Keqin replied, "It looks like he is about thirty-five years old and works for a newspaper. According to the current information, this guy works from eight to five in the morning. The north room in the house, Whether it is day or night, they are all in the shadows. The time when Chen Yibo publicly appeared in the City Hall Square was probably in the afternoon, or it might be in the evening. If it was in the evening, this man might come back Home, so you have to pay attention. If it is really evening, then you have to take down this man as soon as possible, but don't get blood dripping, if you are wearing blood clothes, you can't evacuate."

Feng Hao said with a smile: "Understood." Then he took out another wrench, handed it to Fan Keqin, and said, "What about the equipment? Should we get it ourselves? If this is the case, we will start to do it from tomorrow." That's the thing."

"No need." Fan Keqin said: "I have prepared a gun for you, you can prepare a slightly longer scroll, and you can put it down. You can even carry the scroll generously on your body without arousing suspicion. Remember I live at one address, Champs-Elysees Avenue in the concession, suite [-] of the Howth Hotel. I put this gun in the case of the vinyl record player in the room. When and how to pick it up depends on the situation. Depends."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin himself lit a cigarette, took a sip, and continued: "But I suggest that you go to the Howth Hotel to open a room at nine o'clock in the morning on the twenty-ninth day, and then enter Take the gun from room [-]. It's safer."

"We remember it." Shan Zaijun said: "Boss, the second picture shows the building group and the post office transfer station. What's the situation with this evacuation route?"

"There are not many people during the day. There are small gardens in the building complex, and the line of sight cannot be too far away. So it is very good." Fan Keqin said: "This is the evacuation route I chose for you. After shooting, if you Immediately throw down the gun, turn around and go out immediately. You can walk quickly, but don’t run. It should be within forty seconds to cross the buildings and reach the street on the south side. Twenty meters to the left is the transfer station of the post office. There are Many postman's bicycles are parked there. You need to get two cars in advance, and park them there. In this way, you can leave the area on your own bikes immediately after evacuating here. After that, I suggest you go out of the city first, as long as If you leave the city, the other party basically has nothing to do with you."

(End of this chapter)

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