spy ace

Chapter 1190 Entering

Chapter 1190 Entering
Feng Hao smiled and pointed at the lines on the fingers with his hand, and said in a low voice: "Understood. Bicycles are easy to handle. Put our bicycles at the transfer station of the post office in advance, and then we will enter the target building No. [-] wearing the same clothes. Room No. [-], change immediately after entering. In this way, when you come out again, you will be dressed differently. Follow us to ride out of the city, and it is best to prepare a suit of clothes somewhere outside the city, and then change. In this way Much safer."

Fan Keqin said: "Yes, that's it." Speaking of this, he took the finger and put it on his hand to look at it repeatedly, and then said: "When the day comes, the area around the city hall must be the most stringent on that day, but the target person wants to harvest People's hearts, on the contrary, there will be no martial law, so people will not be able to enter. The room [-] I chose is probably the outermost. They don't want peace in other places. And you are walking through the buildings, which is safer, so remember, after shooting, don't stay, turn around and evacuate according to the preset route, there is a high probability of safe evacuation out."

"Understood." Feng Hao said: "We remember."

Next, Fan Keqin told the two people about the situation of his own investigation, especially the possibility of some details. It took more than an hour after a meal, and then the situation was over.

Fan Keqin didn't go back to the hotel directly, the room he booked had been paid in advance, so it's fine not to check out.He lived directly outside this night.That's right, he succeeded again, but the place where he stayed at night was another hotel.

On the second day, Fan Keqin got up in the morning and went out to have breakfast, went to another hotel on the street where the Hoss Hotel was located, took a room, and then stayed.

In fact, he was still on the defensive. If there was a problem with the connection yesterday, then there must be a problem at the Howth Hotel, but he lives in another place on this street, so as long as he observes carefully, he can definitely see the problem.

In the following days, Fan Keqin changed his previous behavior. Although he went out during the day, he was in a corridor opposite the Howth Hotel, looking at the surroundings of the Howth Hotel.Or just don't go out at all, in the current room, looking at the street, is there any problem.

The time soon came to the twenty-ninth day.Waking up early in the morning, Fan Keqin changed into a windbreaker, came to Howth Hotel, and checked out.Following him, he came to a certain restaurant diagonally opposite again, chose a dining table by the window and sat down, ordered food and drink, and secretly observed the Howth Hotel.

Why did Fan Keqin tell Feng Hao and Shan Zaijun to come to Howth Hotel at [-] or [-] am on the [-]th?It is because the number of people who come to the hotel to open a room in the morning is the least.

Sure enough, at about half past eight, Feng Hao walked over from the right side wearing a coat and a top hat, and followed Shan Zaijun [-] to [-] meters behind him.

Feng Hao carried two suitcases in his hands, as if he just got off the train, and entered the Howth Hotel.Shan Zaijun continued to walk forward, then sat down at an early morning stall, ordered some food and began to eat and drink normally.

About thirty minutes later, Fan Keqin saw Feng Hao walking out of the hotel.Holding something that looked like a scroll in his hand, he walked past the breakfast stand.

Shan Zaijun settled the bill and continued to follow Feng Hao.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin knew that he didn't need to stay in Shanghai anymore.I also got up and paid the bill directly, got a rickshaw and went directly to the train station...

When Fan Keqin got on a Lan Gang Express, Feng Hao and Shan Zaijun had already arrived near the city hall, and they had already ridden on the bicycle not far from the Howth Hotel.Yes, it is still stolen.

After stopping at the transfer station of the post office, the two of them walked for about twenty meters and entered the buildings after turning a corner.After they connected with Fan Keqin, they have already conducted on-the-spot investigation.Now he walked through the buildings with ease and entered the unit door of the target building.

All the way to the third floor, Feng Hao stood aside, Shan Zaijun lay on the door and listened, then reached out and knocked on the door calmly.After waiting for a while and finding that there was no sound, he took out two iron bars from his pocket and directly opened the door lock with technology.The two quickly flashed in.

Shan Zaijun closed the door with his hand back, and he and Feng Hao looked around each room to make sure that there was no queen in this room.Shan Zaijun and the two entered the north room, stood at the side of the window and looked at the square in the distance.Then he turned around, moved the sofa next to him to the middle of the floor, and put a table in front of the sofa, he sat down and looked at it.He got up and took two pillows back, stacked them together and put them on the small table.Then hugged another quilt and put it on the sofa.

Sitting down again, he looked at the window with his eyes, and finally removed a pillow from the table and put it under his buttocks.

While Shan Zaijun was doing these things, Feng Hao had already opened the scroll, assembled the guns, and put four explosive bullets on the table.Said: "I'll show you from the side."

"Okay." Shan Zaijun took the gun, sat firmly on the chair, and placed the barrel of the gun on the pillow on the table.Asked: "How?"

Feng Hao, who was on the side, looked back and forth at the height of the gun barrel and the window sill, and said: "No problem, there is a lot of wealth."

Hearing this, Shan Zaijun put the gun on the table, got up and went to the window, opened the window completely, and said, "Just wait. Hmm... I have already seen some Japanese and puppet policemen on the other side of the square." Now, it seems, the timing is correct."

Then he turned around, sat on the sofa next to him, handed Feng Hao a cigarette, and lit one himself.

After Feng Hao took it, he took a sip and said: "A while ago, when we stepped on the spot, it was so quiet. Now it seems that today is absolutely no problem."

Shan Zaijun exhaled smoke, and said, "At this time, the master has already started, then... the master may appear in the afternoon. It is impossible for the master to come now, but the master will come in the evening. Then they will come sooner." It's numb. But it's better to be numb, and it's good for us."

Feng Hao glanced at him with a smile, took off his coat, threw it aside, and said, "Change your clothes first! Also, are you sure?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Shan Zaijun first took out two bags of food from his pocket, and then threw his coat aside.

It is said that both of them are wearing suits, which is very common in the metropolis of Shanghai.

(End of this chapter)

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