spy ace

Chapter 1207

Chapter 1207

Jiang Bin continued: "It's just the opposite when the left hand is the main hand. It's the belt on the top of the right shoulder. As for the distance, do you see..."

While talking, he had already carried the bucket on his back, patted it with his hands, and continued: "It's best on the crotch, so that you can take out the bomb immediately with your hand. As a result, the straps are too long, and the barrel shakes too much when you run. Of course, when running, you still have to hold the barrel with your right hand."

Then, he and Du Shengli looked at each other and nodded at the same time. Each of them came to a concrete pillar.Jiang Bin said loudly: "Look carefully."

Speaking of Jiang Bin and Du Shengli, just like what he said before, the probe took the bomb out of the barrel.Cooperate with the left hand, open the arms, as if embracing, glue what looks like two butter bricks to the left and right sides of the column.

While doing it, Jiang Bin said: "As long as it is combined like this, it can be completely stuck to the pillar. Then, have you seen this timer? You must press it. The time is set in advance, and each person is responsible for two There is a time difference of ten seconds before and after the column. The longer time is one minute and thirty seconds, and the shorter time is about one minute and twenty seconds. Of course, it is impossible to be so precise, but it is still required to adjust as much as possible. This time. In this way, after the first column is installed, the timing device is activated, and after the next column is installed, the customized device is also activated. When the time is up, it will explode almost at the same time. Are you still unclear?"

After waiting for a few seconds after asking, none of the four blasters responded.This should be the case, after all, more or less people with blasting experience, and this thing was designed by Jiang Bin and Du Shengli to be very simple.Even an ordinary person can install it with a little teaching, let alone these four people.

"Okay, let's start the training. There are buckets over there, each go to get them, remember the steps I said, and you will be familiar with it after practicing a few more times." Seeing that no one had any questions, Jiang Bin directly asked They train.

Of course, during the training at this time, the training bombs were used.The kind that can't explode, made of wood.Still very simple.But there are a lot of things that should be there, such as the model of the dry battery, the overall shape of the bomb, the timer and so on.Of course, it is impossible to carve so finely, such as the time interval on the timer, etc. There is no such thing.But the outermost shape is almost the same.

Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun asked Yun Yang, and he assured that the specifications and materials of these load-bearing columns were the same.I feel relieved a lot.

Then he and Qian Jinxun smoked while watching the four blasters training back and forth.In fact, this thing is quite simple, but in combat, the simpler the thing, the more practical it is.Therefore, within a few times, the four blasters are already very proficient.

Qian Jinxun took a puff of cigarette and said, "When are these people going to be sent there?"

Fan Keqin said: "The day after tomorrow, have you contacted the Guangzhou side? How are your preparations going?"

"Don't worry." Qian Jinxun replied: "My people have already selected cars for your brother, and a total of ten cars meet the requirements. I will tell you the exact location of the car a moment before the actual action." People. I don’t need to prepare anything else.”

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "The local branch can provide some of the guns and so on. I guess the rest is about time. When the blasters finish their training and arrive in Guangzhou, they will start implementing the plan immediately."

After watching the training for half a day, Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun drove back to the city. The two brothers found a restaurant, ordered a few meals, and started chatting while eating.It was almost seven o'clock in the evening, and I checked out and left.

The next day, Fan Keqin came to the intelligence office again, and studied the retreat route with Qian Jinxun. In fact, there was no need to study it, it had already been drawn up.After all, Zhao Hongliang did not come back from Guangzhou just to send the engineer back.They also brought back terrain intelligence.The headquarters of the company in Guangzhou, what buildings are around, what streets are there, where do they lead to, etc.

In addition, Fan Keqin has been to Guangzhou more than once, and every time he goes, he surveys the terrain, street distribution and so on.Therefore, he is relatively familiar with the situation in Guangzhou City.Therefore, on the second day after Zhao Hongliang came back, he and Qian Jinxun had already customized the evacuation route.

It is still very simple to go out of the city first and break it into pieces.Although they seem to be the same old ones, the directions, the cars, which street they drive from, and the backup routes are all completely different and very particular.

Sometimes this is the case. When you encounter a bullet, you immediately seek cover. This is also an old tactic, and it has even been used in later generations.But can you say it doesn't work?As long as it is useful and practical, why not use it?
The tug-of-war on the frontal battlefield has turned every place into a flesh mill.Although the battle damage ratio is still dominated by the little devil, so what?You are not dead?Originally, the various resources of the devils are not enough, and the same is true for human resources. Otherwise, why did they adopt the method of using HUA to control HUA?Is it not enough troops?Therefore, if their little devils want to deal with the scattered evacuation agents, there is really no good way.We can only urge the forces of the puppet government to strictly guard against it.

But how to guard against death?What Fan Keqin fights is that you don't know when to attack.Can you still send a large number of manpower every day to surround every city?If you really do this, you are looking for death.No more inside?Furthermore, the manpower of the puppet government is not very valuable, but if you dare to play like this, it is estimated that the puppet army itself can make a scene like a prodigal son turning back.Just the military expenditures that people eat and eat can make you go bankrupt.At that time, the finances will completely collapse, and you will not be able to eat or drink. Except for hardcore traitors, no one else is willing to work for you.

Fan Keqin is a descendant. The reason why his actions seem daring but successful repeatedly is because he knows that the city controlled by the puppet Wang is actually a paper tiger.As long as you are careful, don't bloat, if you die, then there is absolutely no problem.It's all because he knows that Wang Puppet really can't afford it.Didn't look at the recent overall robbery operations, have they all shrunk significantly?

In the blink of an eye, two days have passed.In the final stage of training, Jiang Bin and Du Shengli, this time let the four blasters use real bombs.Just look at these four people running to the pillar with incomparable skill...

(End of this chapter)

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