spy ace

Chapter 1208 Tea Restaurant

Chapter 1208 Tea Restaurant

The blaster quickly installed the bomb, then turned over and ran to the safe area again. Jiang Bin looked at the watch and carefully recorded the time taken for each step. When the time was up, he heard the sound of a booming explosion at almost the same moment sounded.After the gunpowder smoke cleared, the four load-bearing columns had been blown off directly from the middle.

Du Shengli immediately called the four people to the side and asked them to start changing their clothes. Then he said from the side: "This is the end of the training. After you change into plain clothes, you should immediately find a way to go to Guangzhou. The contact method has been told to you in the past two days. I won’t repeat it.” Then he took out four suitcases of different styles, or something like a bag.distributed to everyone.Then he said: "Here are spare clothes, as well as the identity documents and finances you use. All have been prepared. Check each other, there is no problem. You can start. Remember the principle of confidentiality!! Anyone who is not strict with his mouth , leading to the failure of this operation, I will let the anti-rape team come to the door and directly eradicate them in the name of anti-rape. Because your mouth is not strict, it is very likely that you will kill many companions, and death is not a pity!"

He said this, of course, is not unreasonable.After all, if the information is leaked because of the laxness of one's own people, even if he dies in the end, other people will also be unlucky.

After sending everyone away, Jiang Bin and Du Shengli returned to the intelligence office and found Fan Keqin and Qian Jinxun to report the situation.All that's left is to wait.

It is said that the leader of the mission to Guangzhou this time is Kang Changming of the Field Service Corps of the Security Bureau.This person's tactical ability is very strong, and his execution ability is also very high, so Fan Keqin finally chose him.Of course, that doesn't mean others can't.The captains of the several teams are actually very capable, but the tasks must take turns.It's all normal.

Kang Changming had sneaked into the city of Guangzhou a week ago.The house is a safe house provided by the military, and it is still in the "urban-rural fringe", very inconspicuous.Downstairs is a small grocery store run by a husband and wife in their fifties.But in fact, the couple are also field agents belonging to the Intelligence Service.The job they do is to provide cover.

The attic also has passages in the back street, so after Kang Changming moved in, he left at the back when he needed to move around.The backstreet is even more secretive, as long as the opportunity is right, even the neighbors in the neighborhood may not be able to find out that there is still an outsider living here.

Vegetables and rice were also provided by the old couple, but there was one more meal, so it was not easy to attract the attention of others when buying vegetables.

Kang Changming was wearing a coat, standing in the shadows by the window, looking out.Finding an opportunity where no one was there, he quickly flashed out.

Followed continuously in places like small alleys and alleys, turned left and walked five or six blocks around.Then I got on a rickshaw and came to Xiaoshanghai Road in the Central District.He paid the fare, first walked around the front and back streets of Xiaoshanghai Road, and found nothing. After confirming his safety, he entered a teahouse.

Teahouses in Guangzhou are a bit different from other places. Of course, here are some of them, not all of them.Because Cantonese-style refreshments also existed in the old days, and they are self-contained.Therefore, teahouses in Guangzhou are more or less affected.

This is not surprising at all, just like the old and beautiful Kendra and McDonnell of later generations.After entering China, we also need to improve it.Although the specific situation is different, the truth is the same.Food cultures vary from place to place!

So this teahouse also has the kind of small tables, and then order a few dried fruits and make a pot of tea.But there are also steamed buns, pasta these normal meals, and then a few friends chat here or something.

When Kang Changming reached the second floor, he had already seen the person he was looking for.The other party had already ordered food and drink, so the two started chatting like good friends.

People in tea restaurants generally have a slow pace of life.So Kang Changming and the two of them also took their time.After a while, Kang Changming took a sip from his cup and said in a low voice, "Did the thing get out?"

The man with the mustache on the opposite side, with a slight smile on his face, replied in a low voice: "Well, I asked a few brothers to take it out last night, and I definitely have a hand. We also counted the corresponding bullets and grenades. One hundred percent is enough."

Kang Changming said: "That's good. Tomorrow Sunday, let the brothers have a good rest for a day, and act directly the next morning. I will contact the people in the military command and ask them to give me the location of the transportation. Then use the dead mailbox to leave it to me." You. You can pick it up before noon tomorrow."

"Understood." Bazihu ​​took a mouthful of buns and drank tea happily, and said, "How many cars have been prepared in total? Isn't it enough?"

"Don't worry." Kang Changming said: "In fact, six or seven cars are enough for your needs. But for insurance, the military command has located a total of ten suitable cars. Yes, you can also change it in time."

Seeing that the horoscope is clear, Kang Changming knocked a melon seed, and continued in a low voice: "Have you divided into groups in terms of action?"

"Okay." Mustache said: "Two teams, all Thomsons with drums, one spare magazine. In addition, the first one goes first, the second goes in and so on. That group attacks that side We have also divided the two rooms in detail. It doesn’t matter if there are different layouts. First attack in order. Before the time comes, the evacuation plan must be strictly implemented. These have been repeatedly emphasized. Brothers I know it all."

Kang Changming said: "Also, the four brothers who play with fireworks, have you already made arrangements?"

"Yeah." Mustache said: "Absolutely understand. These four brothers are the tenth offensive unit. So after the operation starts, as soon as they enter the target building, they can install it with confidence and boldness. After the end, one of them Will remind everyone else involved in the operation to evacuate out of the targeted building and get in their vehicles and leave."

"Okay." Kang Changming said: "I will join the team in charge of the outer front. I will also give you a time. When withdrawing, how many people and cars should be divided?"

"It's an agreement." Hu said: "It depends on the order in which they come out. When the first five people come out, they will leave in the car at the farthest end, and so on. The closest car is the last person to come out. But this must be Outer cover team. Because they were the last to evacuate."

(End of this chapter)

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