spy ace

Chapter 1216

Chapter 1216
The boss of the police headquarters really couldn't find anyone.He had no choice but to ask the Security Bureau. He was Sun Guoxin's old subordinate, and he was very sensible. In the past, no matter what the situation was, as long as Sun Guoxin spoke, he would actively cooperate even if he didn't.

Furthermore, although the Security Bureau is also busy at this time, in order to maintain stability, several teams of the Field Service Corps directly under the Security Bureau, as well as several investigation teams of the Investigation Office, are not moving lightly and are on standby.This is also the result of Sun Guoxin's communication with Boss Dai. After all, the military command doesn't care about anything else. What if something happens locally?So the Security Service is in charge of this.

At this time, the boss of the police department asked Fan Keqin directly after asking for it.And Fan Keqin asked Huazhang to send someone to be responsible.In the end, Huazhang didn't take any action. She just sent an investigation team under her to assist the Police Headquarters.As a result, the serial murderer was caught within three days.

It turned out to be a neighbor upstairs and downstairs.This guy's psychological quality is excellent, and he even escaped an investigation and visit.But in front of the agents of the investigation team of the Security Bureau, his feet were exposed.After locking him, start the trial directly, evidence?You drank too much!They are the Security Bureau, and they use evidence to interrogate a person?Just the reason "I doubt it" is enough.

As a result, it was taken back to the first trial. Sure enough, the alibi that the kid said at the time of the crime could not stand the investigation at all.where are you?Who can prove it?What did you do?After that?Wait, wait, there's no way you can't tell me anything about the actual situation, as long as you say it, then a check will reveal your flaws.If you don't say it, then don't even think about it. Silence is golden, it just means that you are acquiescing.

The reason why this kid was able to escape an investigation by the police department was because of his psychological quality, but psychological quality does not mean that he can make up lies.The logic did not match up at all, and in the end I had to confess.The most important thing is the agents of the Security Bureau, deeply influenced by Fan Keqin, each of them is very rigorous.As long as it is a lie, it is basically impossible to succeed in front of them.

But this incident is just a small episode.Fan Keqin was nothing more than letting Huazhang send someone from the beginning to the end.The others didn't even ask.

Of course, these days, Fan Keqin didn't do nothing, he seized the time to fully set up the secret training camp.The artist's special recruitment has also been completed, and all the newcomers have been handed over to Xu Shipeng's video team.

But these jobs are just routine.So overall, it's pretty important.But it doesn't seem like there is any special task, Fan Keqin needs to go out in person.Just keep an eye on it while you're at work.

On this day, after Fan Keqin went to work, he sent away He Jin who had come to deliver New Year's goods.Of course, when the Lunar New Year comes, He Jin will definitely come again.

Fan Keqin put a wooden suitcase under his desk.Zhuang Xiaoman's voice sounded from the buzzer: "Virgin, Bureau said, Boss Dai will be here soon, let you go to the gate and follow him to greet you."

"Okay, Xiaoman." Fan Keqin replied, got up and left the office.Followed to the gate of the courtyard.After a while, Sun Guoxin and Liao Wangkun also came out.But this time it was very low-key, because the rest of the directors did not come out.Fan Keqin knew that there must be something wrong with Boss Dai's visit this time.

Fan Keqin stood beside Sun Guoxin, and said, "Boss, this time Boss Dai is here, is there something going on?"

Sun Guoxin turned his head and glanced at him, and replied: "Boss Dai didn't say anything on the phone, but there must be something going on. He won't come here just to wish you and me a Gregorian New Year."

Fan Keqin let out a laugh, and said, "How dare you. Bureau Chief, I mean, the military commander has been very busy recently."

"Yes." Sun Guoxin said: "Whether we are busy or not depends entirely on the devils and the puppet government. They have been making a lot of trouble recently. Boss Dai may have come here for these things."

While the two were talking, after a while, they saw three black cars driving directly into the gate of the Security Bureau.Stopped in front of the main building.

Sun Guoxin and Fan Keqin walked up immediately.Sure enough, as soon as they arrived, Dai Yunong and his bodyguards got out of the car.Sun Guoxin and Fan Keqin immediately stood at attention.

Dai Yunong turned to the bodyguards and said, "You don't need to follow." After finishing speaking, he looked at Sun Guoxin and said, "Let's go, let's talk upstairs."

"Yes." Sun Guoxin waved his hand and said, "Seat from the bureau, please." Then he walked into the main building of the Security Bureau with Fan Keqin, half a step behind Dai Yunong.

All the way to Sun Guoxin's office on the second floor, Liao Wangkun helped the three people get tea and cigarettes, and then backed out.

Sun Guoxin leaned forward slightly, and said, "Boss, when I was on the phone with you before coming here, you said that you had something to do with Hackie and Keqin. Do you have any tasks?"

Dai Yunong nodded, and said: "Yes. You have heard about it. The puppet government has a lot of tricks in the Gregorian calendar this time."

"Yes." Sun Guoxin said: "It is said that Wang Puppet invited a lot, oh, or coerced and lured a lot, foreign countries, as well as some rich businessmen, celebrities, and gentry from Macau and Hong Kong to celebrate the New Year together."

"Yes." Dai Yunong stretched out his hand and squeezed it slightly between his eyebrows, as if a little tired, and said: "I have been busy with this matter these days. It went well. The brothers in front have inquired about most of them. The list of people who came to attend the New Year's banquet. Some of them took the initiative to seek refuge in the past. Some of them had to come because of the situation. , Fight for what you can fight for, protect what you can protect.”

"Oh?" Sun Guoxin asked: "Boss, what's the current situation?"

Dai Yunong said: "Other things, I have almost arranged, but there are two participants in the meeting, but we must be cautious. One of them is the grandson of Mr. Situ from the Meidi family. This young man is good at everything. It's just a bit... a common problem of young people, being a little flirtatious. He fell into the trap of a beauty, and ended up in the hands of the puppet Wang by the spies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the little devil. How he got here now is still unclear. But it's not important anymore. The important thing is that we have to take care of this matter, and you know the old man's attitude towards Mr. Situ. So we must rescue Situ Ke intact."

"Yes." Sun Guoxin said: "Overseas Chinese heard that the country was in trouble, and they donated money and materials one after another. Among them, Mr. Situ played a vital role..."

(End of this chapter)

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