spy ace

Chapter 1217 The situation is not good

Chapter 1217 The situation is not good
Sun Guoxin continued: "Situ Ke is in trouble now, no matter what, we have to show our attitude."

Dai Yunong nodded and said: "The Union Chamber of Commerce in Macau, the nephew of its chairman He Jing, He Youliang, has disappeared. Two days ago, He Jing received an invitation letter from Wang Puppet, saying that he invited the Union Chamber of Commerce to send representatives to Nanjing. In addition, They will send someone to help him find news about He Youliang. Humph, isn't it a coincidence?"

Sun Guoxin said: "Coincidentally, the coincidence is a bit surprising. I heard that He Jing also took the initiative to run around after the outbreak of the war, and helped raise a lot of donated materials for the war of resistance."

"Yes." Dai Yunong said: "The little devil is in South America, cooperating with Portugal, and I heard that millions of people have been sent to develop resources. This is one of the major reasons why the little devil did not enter Macau. But it is also because of this , the people of Macau have escaped a catastrophe."

Fan Keqin said at this time: "It is also because of this that the Macau Chamber of Commerce can more conveniently raise resources for the War of Resistance. It is also the same. The little devils and the puppet government can't deal with Australian businessmen clearly, so they came up with such a trick. Director, that Situ Ke Is there any specific news about He Youliang, is there nothing at all?"

Dai Yunong glanced at Fan Keqin and said, "Not at all. Situ Ke, he should have appeared in Shanghai. It was a week ago. At that time, we had a brother who seemed to be on a passenger plane flying to Nanjing. We saw Situ Ke. We checked the flight information at that time and confirmed that the passenger plane landed at Nanjing Caochangcun Airport."

After a pause, Dai Yunong said again: "He Youliang's whereabouts are more mysterious. The brothers in Macau have secretly contacted the He family. The He family reported that at first they thought that He Youliang was going to play, but they didn't expect it to become like this .”

"Secretary." Sun Guoxin said: "Just now you said that it 'seems' to be Situ Ke. There are still uncertain factors in this?"

"Yes." Dai Yunong said: "That brother didn't know Situ Ke at first, but later, we sent Situ Ke's photo to the major intelligence agencies, asking them to inquire more about the situation. One of the brothers looked at the photo again Afterwards, I felt familiar. But there were many people boarding the plane at that time, and the brother didn’t know it at the time, so naturally he didn’t pay special attention to it. Afterwards, I can recall that there is a person who really looks like Situ Ke, which is not easy. So It’s just the use of indeterminate rhetoric.”

Sun Guoxin then asked: "At that time, was this person who looked like Situ Ke alone?"

Dai Yunong said: "That's not clear. The boarding process is one by one. Even if Situ Ke was guarded by someone before and after him, it's not easy to tell if he was together. That brother also recalled it repeatedly, but there was really no one." See what. Or rather, the memory of this aspect has indeed been blurred."

Sun Guoxin said: "Well, yes, it's not easy to be able to recall a person who looks like Situ Ke afterwards. He didn't prepare at all before, so how could he deliberately remember it."

Afterwards, Sun Guoxin asked again: "Secretary, where is He Youliang? Does he have any similar news?"

"No." Dai Yunong said: "But the same, now that the major intelligence wars already have He Youliang's video data, I am afraid that the Japanese and puppets will lock him up somewhere secretly and not show up. However, judging from the current situation , both He Youliang and Situ Ke may be in Nanjing. After all, what they want is overseas patriotic Chinese represented by the Situ family. As well as the Macau Chamber of Commerce represented by the He family, it is enough to appear at Wang Puppet’s New Year banquet. As soon as it is reported, as long as the photo appears in the newspaper...the consequences will be quite serious."

Sun Guoxin frowned and thought about it, and said: "This trick is very cunning. It seems that there are still masters on the side of the puppet Wang. As long as the representatives of the Situ family and the He family show up and see the newspaper, then for unsuspecting businessmen To put it bluntly, the Situ family and the He family may not be credible. Then, on a small scale, all kinds of supplies have plummeted. On a large scale, it will even affect many people’s determination to fight against Japan. Even if the explanation is clear, these are Wang puppet But how many people believe it? We can’t produce evidence. Moreover, what’s more, we will have doubts about the ability of our government. It is possible to think that we may not do our best to rescue.”

Dai Yunong's face was still sinking, and he said: "Keqin, you are an expert in this field. Based on the current information, how likely is it that you can rescue the two of them?"

Fan Keqin didn't answer right away, but asked: "Boss, does it need to be rescued before the end of the month, that is, before the puppet Wang's New Year's Eve banquet to be useful?"

"That's right." Dai Yunong said: "It's even better to go further. The Situ family and the He family can't issue a statement now. First, there is no evidence. Second, there is indeed a possibility of rescue now. If they issue a statement, then The virtues of the Japanese puppets, Situ Ke and He Youliang, I am afraid that there will be more disasters than good luck. So we can only hope that the rescue will be successful. If the time is approaching and the person has not been found, the two families will indeed send representatives, but the purpose is to rescue the last line. People's hope. Even He Jing has personally stated that no matter whether He Youliang is rescued or not, he will cooperate with the government and issue a statement afterwards. But... just like your director said, anyone can say what the consequences will be at that time No way. Although the Situ family didn't say it explicitly, there are indications that this should be the case."

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "There are still more than [-] days before Wang Puppet's New Year's Eve banquet. I really can't guarantee whether I can save people this time. The main reason is that there is too little information. Let's think about it." There is no way to prevent the banquet from being held normally..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Fan Keqin directly denied this method, saying: "No, this is tantamount to making a bet with the Situ family and the He family, and it will chill the hearts of these two families. The consequences are even more unpredictable .”

"That's right." Sun Guoxin said: "It is definitely not allowed to plant a bomb at a banquet. There are many people who have no choice but to attend, or some people are swinging from side to side. If it is really hurt Innocent, I'm afraid the other party will really fall for Wang puppet from now on... What about before the banquet?"

Dai Yunong thought for a while, and said: "You mean, give enough warnings before the banquet? I'm afraid it won't work. This is like giving Wang a false excuse. If the other party is really against Situ Ke and He Youliang. The same It will chill the hearts of some patriots."

Sun Guoxin frowned and said, "Then I really can only hope, before the puppet Wang's New Year's Eve banquet..."

(End of this chapter)

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