spy ace

Chapter 1218 Full power

Chapter 1218 Full power
Sun Guoxin continued: "We can only hope that we can rescue people before the banquet. At that time, people from the Situ family and the He family will not show up at all. And the businessmen affected by their attitudes will also Follow them and make the same move. We will let the wind out immediately, and even use the radio and newspapers to publicize the matter. Then, except for those who really turned to Wang Puppet, they may continue to participate in the New Year's Eve banquet. I'm afraid It can only become a show for Wang Puppet to entertain himself."

After finishing speaking, Sun Guoxin looked at Fan Keqin and said, "Keqin, I know this is a tricky matter, but your ability is unquestionable and your experience is very rich. If even you can't complete the task, I'm afraid it will be replaced by someone else. It’s even more impossible. How confident are you in assessing the facts now?”

"It's possible. But..." Fan Keqin lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head and said, "At most fifty percent. It can't be more. And it's all in all directions. It will only be available if there is support. Otherwise... I am afraid it will be very low."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused, and then said: "This is due to several reasons. The amount of information is too small to make an effective judgment, and even more rigorously, which brother saw the person, is it really Situ Ke?" Both are subject to discussion. This has led to two people talking about whether they are in Nanjing. However, judging from the current situation, the two people are indeed, the biggest possibility is in Nanjing. But these are all possible, none of them Things can be determined.”

Fan Keqin thought about it again, and said: "What we can do now is to send more people to Nanjing. Inquire about the news as much as possible in various streets and alleys. If these two people are in Nanjing, there are only two possibilities. One is that they are secretly detained in a certain Wang puppet department. The second is that they hide in a certain residence. But no matter which of these two people is the case, the information after the investigation is still uncertain information of a 'possible' nature. Both Sir, I have a bold idea. Do we have colleagues who are lurking inside the Wang puppet organization in Nanjing, or even... take advantage of the Red Party? You know, there are probably no fewer people from the Red Party who broke into the Japanese and puppet departments than us. .”

After hearing this, Dai Yunong frowned and said, "We do have a few insiders, but... in my impression, the department they are lurking in is only a marginal department. It is really uncertain whether they can get access to such high-level intelligence. As for the red party……"

In the end, Dai Yunong glanced at Sun Guoxin, who also frowned, and said: "Boss, at least on the surface, we still have to maintain a consistent situation against foreign humiliation. If the Red Party really has information about this, we But I missed it. The consequences may be even greater. As long as we ask the committee in advance to talk about our difficulties. In the end, if the Red Party really has news, that would be the best. On the contrary, it can use the other party to achieve our goals. And if the Red Party doesn’t have this information, we don’t have any loss. What’s more, we have asked for instructions in advance, and the old man’s words are the best. If we don’t agree, we have nothing to do. Just don’t contact the Red Party. Come to think of it, the old man won't blame him."

Dai Yunong is naturally very afraid of the Red Party, or in other words, within the government, there is no one who is not afraid.If it weren't for the boiling public opinion, and now the guns are unanimous, I am afraid that the old Jiangtou in the rear has started to encircle and suppress again, and internal friction.

But if you say that the two sides never cooperate, that is also a lie.Take the military command as an example, the Red Party has shared important information with the government countless times.As for the military command, whether it is using the Red Party or not, it has indeed cooperated.

Therefore, Dai Yunong felt that there was nothing wrong with using the other party's information channels to expand his own information this time.As long as I greet the old man in advance, that's all.

As for his badness, do you doubt Fan Keqin?Not really.After all, he dared to raise this situation face to face, and it was Fan Keqin who raised it when all the situations were really difficult.

In addition, Fan Keqin said before that it is half and half possible only if all parties give their full support.The reasons are all explained clearly.At this time, he said it in front of his own face again, or simply used it.Therefore, Dai Yunong naturally would not doubt Fan Keqin.Just a little surprised.

At this time, Dai Yunong listened to Sun Guoxin and analyzed the situation.Therefore, he felt that it would be a good thing to use the intelligence channels of the Red Party, although he could not deal with the other party now.After all, they are unanimous.But after that?

You know, every time the opponent moves, it means that you have one more possibility to grasp the opponent's movement.In the future, if we deal with the Red Party, we may be able to use it.

Thinking of this, Dai Yunong made up his mind, didn't hesitate anymore, got up immediately, and said: "Guoxin, follow me to Jiang's mansion, we will ask the old man for instructions immediately." Then, he looked at Fan Keqin and said: "Keqin, you contact the Intelligence Department and the Operations Department, and immediately draw up a list of agents in Nanjing, and agree on the contact password and other matters. From now on, you are fully responsible for this matter."

"Yes." Fan Keqin stood at attention.Said: "Humble job, go now."

After Dai Yunong listened, he directly asked his followers to send orders to various departments of the military command.Then he walked out with Sun Guoxin immediately.

Fan Keqin also followed the two people downstairs, sent the two of them to the car, and immediately turned back to his office, asking Zhuang Xiaoman to sweep and clean up the conference room of the investigation department.

Then he picked up the phone and started calling the intelligence and operations departments.

When Qian Jinxun received the call, he naturally said that he would come over immediately.However, Lao Liao, the chief of the military command operation, spoke very bluntly, but he didn't express anything else because of Dai Yunong's order.Come to the Security Bureau in a moment.

After Fan Keqin put down the phone, he asked Zhuang Xiaoman to find Ji Gang, Tong Fei, and Xiong Bashan.Straightforwardly said: "You three, each investigation team sends half of the brothers, and now draw up the list immediately after returning. The other requirement is that there are three people in one investigation team, but each team cannot have horizontal contact. After customizing the contact password , give me the contact code. Task: Go secretly to Nanjing City, and specifically inquire about the rental and sales of all residential houses in the city. I bought it, or it may have been rented and bought in advance, but I just moved in half a month ago."

(End of this chapter)

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