spy ace

Chapter 1219 Operation Director

Chapter 1219 Operation Director
Speaking of this, Fan Keqin paused, and then said: "As long as there are young people in their twenties and three years old, and there are likely to be several people living together, it is the most suspicious and should be reported immediately. The principle of confidentiality, I don't need to mention it."

Hearing this, the three investigation team leaders immediately stood at attention, stood up and said in unison: "Yes." Seeing that Fan Keqin said he had nothing else to do, he immediately turned around and made arrangements.

After waiting for a while, feeling that it was almost done, Fan Keqin went directly outside the building.After waiting for a while again, Qian Jinxun's car drove over first.

Qian Jinxun got off the car and came to him and said, "What's the matter? Boss Dai just left?"

Fan Keqin said: "Yes, before leaving, let me take full charge of a task, and let me contact the intelligence department and the operation department."

Qian Jinxun was startled, and said, "Old Liao from the Operations Department? Is he coming too?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin nodded and said, "What's wrong?"

Qian Jinxun said: "It seems that the scale of this operation is quite large." Then he took a breath and said, "Hiss, that's not right. A while ago, our military commander was busy... that's another matter." Hey, what did Boss Dai say?"

Fan Keqin said, "Situ Ke, do you know He Youliang?"

After hearing this, Qian Jinxun nodded clearly, and said, "I'll just say it. According to me, these two prodigal boys are better off dead. Especially Situ Ke, for the sake of a little devil's wife, secretly Running out, I want to stage a Romeo and Juliet. I don’t know that this kind of love has no good ending. The only fucking thing is to make people mess. These two people, only He Youliang is okay. But for these two boys , including Lao Liao, this is bigger than killing Chen Yibo and blowing up the devil's seaplane carrier. According to me, the mother should not care about it."

On the contrary, Fan Keqin was a little surprised, and said, "Don't you know the possible follow-up influence of these two people in the hands of the Japanese puppet? But you are right, these two... No, that Situ Ke is really brain-dead."

"Insane?" Qian Jinxun repeated, followed by a hearty laugh, and said, "Yes, that's what it means. But, complaints are complaints. We can't ignore the disappearance of these two boys. Just like you said , The follow-up impact is too great. What should I do. The life of the young master is expensive. It is worth money. The lives of our brothers are cheap, and they will die if they die."

"Your level of sarcasm is not good." Fan Keqin looked at him a little amusedly, and said, "Are we doing it for these two boys... Really."

But Fan Keqin followed up and said: "However, we are more concerned about the follow-up, a series of possible adverse consequences, just like cooking. It was a good one-pot meal, but there was a rat droppings before it fell into it." , You said that you can't take the mouse poop away with your hands. Otherwise, all the food in the pot will be useless."

"Yeah." Qian Jinxun nodded and looked at him, and said, "Your level of irony... is much worse than mine."

"Crack." Fan Keqin said: "Who can compare with you!...Here we come."

Sure enough, just as the two of them were talking, a car drove in.After stopping, a tall and thin strip came down from it.This person is not the kind of sickly thin, but the kind of tough guy with a strong skeleton.Dimpled face, red phoenix eyes, inch cut, big chin.Wearing a Chinese tunic suit.

Fan Keqin went up to meet him, stretched out his hand and said, "Chu Liao has been famous for a long time, and I just got to see him today. I'm very lucky."

Liao Hui reached out to shake Fan Keqin's hand, but his tone was still rather stiff, and said: "I dare not be the number one master of Director Fan, and Liao has admired him for a long time." Then he looked at Qian Jinxun, and said, "Director Qian The boss is here too. Let's get down to business first."

Qian Jinxun chuckled and said, "Director Liao is dedicated to the public, a role model for my generation."

Fan Keqin said: "The two of you, please follow me." He turned around first, and walked into the Security Bureau building with the two of them.

The conference room of the investigation department has been tidied up very clean.Fan Keqin directly took the main seat this time, and Qian Jinxun and Liao Hui also took the seats on the left and right.

Liao Hui went straight to the point, and said, "Boss Dai's order is for me to go into action and cooperate with Director Fan's instructions. I also ask Director Fan to speak frankly."

"Then you're welcome, brother." Fan Keqin said, "Before Boss Dai left, he assigned me a mission. There was only one goal, and that was to find Situ Ke, the grandson of Mr. .And He Youliang, the nephew of Mr. He, the chairman of the Macau Union Chamber of Commerce."

Qian Jinxun frowned and said: "There is no definite news about these two boys. There is only one brother. He seemed to see Situ Ke at the civil airport in Shanghai. The other flight was flying to Nanjing. But this brother can't I am sure that what I can see is [-]% Situ Ke. But this is the only clue we can rely on so far."

Liao Hui looked at Qian Jinxun, then at Fan Keqin, and said, "It must be in Nanjing. It doesn't work in other places."

What he said was still very hard, but Fan Keqin understood what he said, so he said: "Well, it doesn't matter whether it works or not, now we have to follow this possibility. If they are not in Nanjing... then their lives are bad."

"What are you going to do?" Qian Jinxun asked, "Even if you are in Nanjing, how do you find it? Do you have any ideas?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "We will treat these two people in Nanjing. If this is the case, from the perspective of the puppet Wang, there are only two possible places to hide them. One is in a certain government agency. One is It is hidden in many residential houses in Nanjing. Just before the two came, I had sent my brothers to Nanjing. What they investigated was the residential houses."

While talking, Fan Keqin took out a cigarette and distributed it to the two of them.Liao Hui was still very hard, but he took it without hesitation, and followed him to take out the fire to light it.

Fan Keqin also clicked on it, exhaled smoke, and continued: "I have narrowed down the scope a little, because if we infer from time clues, these two missing guys only moved in half a month ago. Age, appearance, our People are clear. As long as you are ruthless and persevering in searching, whether you are renting or buying a house, Situ Ke and He Youliang must have lived in it half a month ago. I believe there will still be something to gain. But the difficulty now is the difficulty , If these two boys were imprisoned in a certain institution by the puppet government, it would be difficult to inquire about it."

Liao Hui flicked the cigarette ash, and said, "On the side of the pseudo-government agency, let the insider inquire. Do you have it?" He said, looking at Qian Jinxun.

Qian Jinxun said: "No...but I can try."

(End of this chapter)

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