spy ace

Chapter 1222

Chapter 1222

Fan Keqin said: "I'll help you with this matter. When you're ready, just go and get the equipment."

"Thank you, Chief." Hua Zhang said, "This will save a lot of trouble."

After saying that Huazhang left, Fan Keqin also went downstairs and went directly to the equipment room of the General Affairs Department.After ringing the bell, the small door on the iron gate was pulled open.Fan Keqin said: "Open the door, I'll go in."

"This..." The administrator inside hesitated: "Sir, I'm afraid this is not in compliance with the rules. Or, wait a minute, I'll ask the bureau chief for instructions."

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "You can call the bureau, just say I'm here to get a spy radio station, but don't register."

"No registration? Oh, okay." The administrator said, picked up the phone from the side, dialed an internal number, and after a while, explained the situation.After listening for a while, I put down the phone.Said: "Sir, the boss said, let me cooperate with all my strength."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "Then take out a set of the latest pocket radio."

"Wait a moment." After the administrator said something, he turned around and disappeared, and came back after a while, and took out a set of radios, and it also came with a suitcase, so that it could not be seen from the outside.Handed it out from the window, handed it to Fan Keqin, and said, "Sir, what else do you need?"

"Secret." Fan Keqin said, "I've never been here, understand?"

"Understood." The administrator said, "I haven't seen you at all."

"Yes." Fan Keqin agreed, carried the box, turned and left.

After returning to his office, he opened the suitcase and took a look.It is said that it is a pocket radio, but the size and thickness of the main body are similar to the specifications of a thick book.Not to mention the send button, antenna, and wire connectors.

Fan Keqin thought about it carefully. Although this thing can be hidden in a relatively large suitcase, it is really not safe to meet strict inspection clips.Therefore, the relationship between this radio station and Huazhang is best to separate the relationship between man and machine.

But with the separation of man and machine, Huazhang still has to operate it himself when he needs to use it, which is time-consuming and not safe.In the end, Fan Keqin felt that she should be equipped with a transmitter.

This transmitter, when not working, keeps the spy pocket radio hidden in a hidden place.After receiving Huazhang's instructions, Huazhang retreated, and then the sender sent the report according to the content.

Only in this way can the safety of Huazhang be improved.Because Huazhang could hide somewhere outside as a checkpoint when sending the report, and secretly observe the movement of the place where the report was sent.In this way, even if the sender was caught on the spot, Huazhang would know immediately.Thereby completely disconnecting from the sender.

In addition, Huazhang also has the contact methods of other people, and these people also have separate telecommunications groups.After his own operator's accident, Huazhang can use other people's telecommunications group as a backup method of contact.It's just not that convenient.But the security has been greatly improved.

After thinking about this, Fan Keqin pressed the buzzer and said, "Xiaoman, you can find a brother who knows radio technology. You don't need the telecommunications department, you can ask for the investigation department or the field team. Come with him."

"Yes." Zhuang Xiaoman agreed, and then fell into a quiet state.

After a while, when the door opened, Zhuang Xiaoman walked in with Lao Qi and a [-]- or [-]-year-old young agent. Fan Keqin knew him, and his name was Xu Dongdong.

Xu Dongdong is an agent who graduated from the training base half a year ago. Although the training base also has the study of telecommunications, it is limited to relatively simple subjects such as sending and receiving, but this Xu Dongdong's telecommunications grade is excellent.After Zhuang Xiaoman brought the two of them in, he immediately backed out.

Fan Keqin pointed to the chair in front of him and told them to sit down.Then he brought up the suitcase, opened it on the table, and showed it to the two of them.First of all, he looked at Xu Dongdong and said, "Do you know what this is?"

Xu Dongdong looked at it and replied: "Yes, this is a first-stage spy radio station. As far as I know, we have not been able to manufacture this kind of radio station. In fact, Japanese spies should not use it much. The main reason is that they cannot be mass-produced." , the cost is too high."

"Hmm." Fan Keqin asked, "Will it work?"

"It will work." Xu Dongdong pointed with his finger, and said: "The principle of this kind of radio is actually exactly the same as that of ordinary radios, there is no difference. This is the button for sending and receiving. Use this wire to connect to the hole of the main body, oh, It’s in this hole. The antenna should be on the top, and it can be directly inserted into the main body. If I expected it to be correct, this is the power cord, and the jack should be on the back of the main body of the radio.”

"Have you used this thing before?" Fan Keqin said, "How come you are so familiar with spy radio?"

"Actually, I can't say that I'm familiar with it." Xu Dongdong said: "My father is an electrician. Maybe my father wanted to inherit his father's business, so he taught me to repair some electrical appliances since I was a child. When I grew up, I also went to an electrical technical school. , but also to learn about electrical maintenance and operation. Radio is very popular now, so in technical schools, there is a special subject called radio. I may have studied with my father when I was a child, so it’s not bad. There are some basics. Therefore, the mastery is better than ordinary people."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Very good, if something goes wrong with this thing, can I ask you to repair it? Will you?"

"I can't guarantee it." Xu Dongdong said: "The main reason is to consider the impact of the environment. For how long, do you have any convenient tools at hand? Are there any replaceable parts? If there are, I think I can still fix it."

Fan Keqin nodded, and said, "Well, you don't need to fix it. As long as this thing is not damaged, it will not break under normal use. There is one last question, how do you think your sending skills are?"

Xu Dongdong didn't answer right away this time, and said: "After graduation, I have no chance to touch the radio station again. Therefore, according to that meeting, the level must have declined. But if you use the speed as an example, thirty words per minute , maybe less than...but it's about the same, the level of about thirty characters...it should be about the same."

"Hmm." Fan Keqin was quite satisfied. You must know that Han Qiang, the telecommunications master of the Telecommunications Division of the Intelligence Department, is absolutely top-notch in terms of comprehensive technology.Since Han Qiang is now an officer, he has not touched the sending of reports for a long time.But the level is still not comparable to some novices.After all, where is the foundation...

(End of this chapter)

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