spy ace

Chapter 1223 Big Names

Chapter 1223 Big Names
How much can Han Qiang play?The number of bytes he can type out in a minute is about [-].So, this Xu Dongdong's level.Oh, it should be said, at least his transmission speed is still acceptable.Of course, it is incomparable with those who send and receive telegrams all day long.

But you can't just say no, as the saying goes: It's a mule or a horse that comes out for a walk!
Fan Keqin randomly found the content of a newspaper nearby, specified a paragraph, and asked him to prepare for five minutes without turning on the phone.Just press the button, but I secretly looked at the watch and asked Xu Dongdong to send it three times.

Sure enough, it was really not bragging. The first time, he sent [-] bytes within one minute, the second time, it was [-] bytes, and the third time, it was [-] bytes.Although it is only three times, the overall trend is upward.It is estimated that if he is proficient, he can be faster.

But this is completely enough. As Huazhang's specially equipped dispatcher, he basically sends out orders and contacts the headquarters to receive a call back.In addition, telegrams are different from speech, and should be as short as possible.At his level, it must be enough.

Fan Keqin said: "Very well, your task now is to sneak into Nanjing immediately and be a special dispatcher for someone. You remember an address. There is a time-honored Guantangbao on the side street of Confucius Temple. There is a mailbox in Tangbao’s back street. The base of the mailbox is sunken, but you can’t see it from the outside. You have to reach out and touch it. The radio station you see now is the place where someone will put the station after it is shipped to Nanjing. Details Write it out and put it in the depression of the mailbox. About the time..."

When Fan Keqin said this, he looked at Lao Qi and said, "You feel that the goods are sold normally, how long will it take to arrive?"

Hearing this, Lao Qi closed his eyes and thought for a while, then replied: "It will be more than four days, or about it, there is no guarantee for the specifics."

"Well." Fan Keqin looked at Xu Dongdong again, and said: "You heard, today is not counted, starting from tomorrow, four days later, this spy radio station can arrive in Nanjing. If you go alone, it must be faster than the radio station. Then At that time, you have already found a place to settle down. You can just think about how to reasonably go to the post box and get the detailed address of the radio station. You also need to consider what to install the radio station so that it can be safely transported to your residence .can it be done?"

Xu Dongdong stood up and said to himself, "It can be done."

"En." Fan Keqin nodded, closed the suitcase, handed it to Lao Qi, and said, "You can arrange the delivery now, and it will arrive in Nanjing as soon as possible. Of course, just like before, it will always be safe." Ranked first, I would rather waste time than have any problems."

"Yes." Lao Qi replied, stretched out his hand to hold the suitcase in his hand, and said: "The humble job will be arranged now." After saying that, he turned and walked out.

Fan Keqin thought for a while, got up and said, "Come with me." Then he walked out of the office, lowered his head and whispered in Zhuang Xiaoman's ear, "I'm going to Jialing No. [-] Pier, Li's restaurant. You go and see Huazhang Are you ready, let her come to me when she is ready."

After finishing speaking, Fan Keqin ignored the others, and directly took Xu Dongdong out of the Security Bureau building, got in the car and drove directly to the No. [-] pier.

Entering Li's restaurant, asked for a private room, and ordered a few dishes.Waiting slowly while eating and drinking.

On the contrary, Xu Dongdong felt a little uncomfortable, not because of anything else, but to eat and drink with the leader. In fact, it was really bad to eat and drink, so naturally he felt uncomfortable.And if you eat it alone, it will be even more uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this feeling didn't last long, Huazhang walked in carrying a brand new suitcase.Look at this chick with a trendy big name.This is to pretend to be a hipster.

"Come on, sit down and eat something." Fan Keqin said, "Why is it just a small box?"

"Well, I'll just bring the money." Huazhang picked up the wine glass and touched it with Fan Keqin, and said, "Thank you, Brother Wan, for approving so much travel expenses for me. I respect you with this glass."

It was easier to have a woman, Xu Dongdong finally felt less uncomfortable.The main thing is toast, too much is not good, and too little is not good.Women are different, as long as they are not of the type of alcohol intolerance, they will give face.

After Fan Keqin and others had a drink, Fan Keqin pointed to Xu Dongdong and began to introduce Huazhang.And let the two people discuss the method of contact in front of him.Then when it was almost time to eat, Fan Keqin looked at Xu Dongdong and said, "Well, you should go back and prepare first, and try to leave as quickly as possible. I'm telling my wife."

In fact, Huazhang's code name is not Madam, but Fan Keqin's name.After all, a man and a woman, even if they call it that in public, others will not hear anything, they just think they are a couple.Ordinaty.But if Huazhang went outside independently, then of course it would not be the code name Madam.Because the code name Madam is too directional, and it sounds like a woman. If someone from Little Japan or the puppet government knows this code name, the gender will be the first to be noticed.

What is the correct internal code name of Huazhang?The answer is icebergs.There is no directivity, and no information about her can be judged from the code name.

After Xu Dongdong heard it, he said, "Okay, then I'll go back and prepare right away. After I'm done, I'll go straight away or say hello to you?"

"No need to say hello." Fan Keqin said: "Let's set off directly. The principle is safety, and it should always come first."

"Yes." Xu Dongdong stood up and said, then nodded towards Huazhang, and walked out of the box.

Fan Keqin and Huazhang drank another cup, Fan Keqin got up and sat next to Huazhang, and said in a low voice: "Remember, the safety I just said is the same for you. If it is really necessary for the operator to send When reporting, you are contacting him. After contacting, you'd better hide in a safe corner and monitor the place where Xu Dongdong sent the report for a period of time. Calculate in your mind, he is leaving after sending the report. In this way Come on, if something really happens, such as Xu Dongdong being arrested, you can know immediately. But, he doesn't know where you are stationed, so even if he is arrested and defected, the Japanese and puppet spies can't find out in a short time find you."

Huazhang nodded and said, "Well, I will remember."

Fan Keqin said: "If this happens, I allow you to give up the mission directly. But try your best to hand over to the brothers who are already in Nanjing, and then immediately find a way to withdraw from Nanjing. You can't stay here. After all, Xu Dongdong knows What do you look like..."

(End of this chapter)

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