spy ace

Chapter 1230 First Dew

Chapter 1230 First Dew
Therefore, it is impossible for Fan Keqin to focus on those extremely small possibilities now.Because judging from the current situation, I can only narrow down the possibility to this.

But Fan Keqin now faces a choice, that is to continue to search Nanjing with all his strength and maintain the current direction of investigation.Or turn around and let the agents who participated in the investigation mission go to the areas around Nanjing to inquire about the situation.

After all, there are still several difficulties to consider.There are few people in the suburbs or the surrounding areas of the city. If there are more people to investigate, the possibility of being noticed will increase virtually.But there are few people talking, and in terms of time, I'm afraid it will be too late.

After considering all the stakes in detail, Fan Keqin finally made a decision.That is to divide the agents who participated in the investigation mission into a separate group, and this group of twelve people was subdivided into four teams.Three people per team.

But action is not three people acting together.Instead, spread the action.Every day, I go to visit Nanjing in one direction.Then rotate counterclockwise.This will avoid the occurrence of secondary appearances.That is to say, for example, if you want to investigate a house, you went there today, and went again tomorrow.This is called a second appearance.However, there must be some unfamiliar faces, passers-by, etc. that pass by the door every day.The enemy can't be suspected by everyone, right?Unless you show obvious suspicious behavior.Otherwise, the second appearance would be the most likely to be noticed by the enemy.

Fan Keqin carefully thought about the matter again, then took out a code book from the side, laid out the paper, and wrote down his own meaning in code words against the code book with a pen.Finally, Fan Keqin simplified it again.Make the content to be sent as short as possible, but the meaning must be preserved.

Followed him up and went outside, handed it to Zhuang Xiaoman, and said: "I'm going out for a while, and I have something to call the intelligence department. You send this message to Rainbow Six. Watch the sender and finish sending it yourself. And fully destroyed."

"Understood." Zhuang Xiaoman replied, took the document, stuffed it directly into a notebook folder, closed it and held it in his hand, and went to the special liaison office set up for this mission.

Fan Keqin also walked out of the Security Bureau building, drove his own car, and soon arrived at the Military Intelligence Department.Went upstairs to find Qian Jinxun.

Seeing him coming, the latter came out from behind the desk, brewed two cups of tea, put them on the coffee table, and said, "Try it, it's hard to find good tea this season. It tastes great."

Fan Keqin picked it up and took a sip, tasted it carefully, and commented: "It's so fucking hot."

Qian Jinxun grinned, deliberately laughed twice, and said, "Haha! Can you pursue these things a little bit?"

"Don't." Fan Keqin said: "I'm not after these things. Of course, drinking must be drinking, but if you want to say how good it feels, maybe I don't have the tongue. You give me a dime a bag The high broken, I drink it is no different from this."

"A cow chews peonies. Dead wood! Dead wood can't be carved!" Qian Jinxun said, took a sip from the teacup and enjoyed it, let out a comfortable sound, and sighed: "He's so hot!!"

Following Qian Jinxun, he put down the teacup and said, "Let's light it up for a while. What's the matter? What do you want from me?"

Fan Keqin said: "The brother from Nanjing has sent a telegram..." Then he narrated the content of the telegram to Qian Jinxun in detail.In addition, he told Qian Jinxun about his own judgment and his new order.

Then Fan Keqin paused, and then said: "I reacted this way, I can only say that I have considered the latter possibility. But if Situ Ke was really hidden in a secret place of a certain agency by the secret agents of the puppet government , if we want to rely on our current means to investigate secretly, the effect will be very limited."

"Yes." Qian Jinxun agreed, and said: "Yes. The enemy is open and we are secretly. In Nanjing at this time, it has become a different situation. It is really difficult to deal with. How about sending more people?"

After finishing a sentence, before Fan Keqin could speak, Qian Jinxun directly denied himself, saying: "No, no matter how many people there are, I'm afraid it will be easy to be exposed."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said, "I'm looking for you this time because when we had a meeting with Lao Liao last time, didn't we say that each of us also inquired from the enemy's internal line? Have you activated the internal line?"

"It's activated." Qian Jinxun said: "But you also know that it is almost impossible to get into the core. Boss Dai may hold one or even a few high-level insiders. But for me, into the puppet Wang Yes, there are all in the Puppet Manchukuo. But there is only one high-level insider, but... I value this insider very much, even to the point that it is much more important than this mission. I feel that it is a waste to use him now, So... Hey, but, I have used all the other inside lines I can use. But if there is no news yet, it means that they must have found no corresponding clues. "

After all, Qian Jinxun looked at Fan Keqin and asked, "What about you? Don't tell me you don't have one."

"It's a coincidence." Fan Keqin said: "I also have a senior insider. But... just like you said, it's not time to use him yet."

"Have you been to Lao Liao's operation?" Qian Jinxun asked, "Is there any news from him?"

Fan Keqin said: "No. It is probably the same as you. Boss Dai arranged this task. If there is any news, he should not hide it from me."

"Well." Qian Jinxun said: "Probably not. After all, Boss Dai dare not refuse to give face. Even if he succeeds. If he finds out afterwards that he is playing the trick of eating alone, Boss Dai will probably not say anything about it." , I will be very dissatisfied in my heart. This point, Lao Liao can still be clear."

Fan Keqin said: "There is no contact with the Red Party?"

"No." Qian Jinxun said: "Not to mention anything else, but the reputation of the Red Party..." At this point, he lowered his voice and continued: "It's very good. To say something bad, In fact, it is stronger than our government. If they investigate the information, it is impossible not to inform us. In addition, they are not stupid. If they do this, the old man will have an excuse to attack. So it is even more impossible for them to conceal it. "

While the two Fan Keqin brothers were researching this matter, in the administrative office of the Wang puppet government in Nanjing, a man in his forties with a parted hair and a suit felt that he should have discovered something...

(End of this chapter)

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