spy ace

Chapter 1231 Red Agent

Chapter 1231 Red Agent
"Director..." At this time, there was a very innocent woman beside her, looking at the man with dull eyes, and said, "It's off work. Let's go back."

When the woman spoke, she was a little shy.How could Bai Jingfei, who was thirty-nine years old, not know what this woman meant to him?
It's just that for him, the first is that the age difference is a bit big, almost nineteen years old.And that's not the most important thing.The most important thing was because of the discipline, he was even embarrassed to apply to the superior, asking if he could win over this girl named Gu Xunru.Ever since he joined this business, he knew that he could only think about starting a family when he needed it, and from the day the war was won.

Bai Jingfei, an old underground party member, had voluntarily joined the Red Party at the age of nineteen.At the beginning, during the encirclement and suppression and counter-encirclement and suppression, it can be said that he was heartbroken.However, he always firmly believed that the Red Party must be able to get out of the predicament and get out of the difficulties.

Sure enough, after that, despite the hardships and hardships.However, the voices of domestic communism against foreign humiliation have been louder and louder.Now that the two sides are working together, and the guns are unanimous, Bai Jingfei thinks this is the best situation.The Chinese people's own affairs should naturally be discussed after the threat of foreign enemies has been resolved.

However, he was undercover under the puppet government of Wang, walking on thin ice. Even if he was undercover, once the time was too long, he would inevitably be negligent.

When you go home every day, do you still check the safety of the room?When you pass on the news, do you still consider the whole article before you act as you did at the beginning?With the enemies all around you looking around, have you forgotten your original oath?When you go home every day, do you still summarize the successes and failures of the day?

These are testing Bai Jingfei almost all the time.He even asked himself every day, Bai Jingfei, Bai Jingfei, have you forgotten that you are still a member of the Red Party?
But Bai Jingfei never answered, because he knew in his heart that he was still firm.After returning home every day, he would check the situation at home.And try to summarize and extract some useful information from what I have seen and heard at work this day.Even if it is this information, there is no need to pass it on for the time being.Bai Jingfei wouldn't think it was useless.

Nearly half a month ago, Bai Jingfei received instructions from her superiors to look for two people, one named Situ Ke and the other named He Youliang.

After Bai Jingfei saw the photos of the two people and got the mission information, she went home and quietly thought about how she should find the two people.

First of all, the superior gave himself a task, and told himself clearly that one or both of them may be secretly detained in a certain agency of the puppet government.

If so, how should I look for it?First of all, in the prison, you have to pay attention to yourself.These are the most common possibilities.However, the department I belong to is itself an administrative office.In other words, almost all logistics, clerical, office work, etc. are done by office members.

Bai Jingfei felt that he could take advantage of this. If the other party was really locked up in these places, then the other party would need to provide meals, right?When you act, you need money.To help people come back, you need to spend money along the way.Will the hostages continue to eat and drink after arriving locally?In addition, the eating and drinking of these two people should not be too bad.

After all, although the puppet government has kidnapped the other party, it can't really act like a prisoner, beating and scolding casually, or throwing a mouthful of food that is worse than pig food.Because the purpose of the puppet government is to tie the He family and the Situ family to their own chariot. As long as the other party gets on the chariot, no matter whether it was coercion or not, it needs to look better.Otherwise, it will really tear up the face, and the planned things will be in vain.

So when Bai Jingfei was working in the office these days, even though he did everything as usual, he seemed to do everything with ease.But in fact, he secretly paid great attention to the internal situation.

But from the normal funding approval, Bai Jingfei compared the usual situation, but did not see the slightest flaw.

But Bai Jingfei was not discouraged, for fear that he would miss something.Since the organization let me inquire secretly, it is by no means aimless.Because it is hidden deep, otherwise it would be impossible for me to inquire about this matter.

But until today, Bai Jingfei has not gained anything. On the surface, he is still the same as usual, but in fact, he is secretly anxious.

But just before leaving get off work, Bai Jingfei finished his day's work as usual, and when he was about to file the documents, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be an abnormality in the maintenance and fuel expenses of the vehicle.

You should know that in special departments, the fuel costs of vehicles actually fluctuate every month.After all, when there are tasks, the frequency of vehicle use increases, and the cost will also be higher.If there are fewer operational tasks in the current month, the fuel consumption will naturally decrease accordingly.

If you look at it this way, there is actually no problem with this account.But the timing of the application is a bit wrong.

In addition, the fuel cost of the car may change randomly.But maintenance costs are relatively stable.After all, unless the car is too old, it can't always break down.

After Bai Jingfei noticed this, she immediately compared it with the usual situation in her mind.I feel that although this account looks normal, it is by no means that simple.Because when the organization assigned this task to itself, the disappearance time of Situ Ke and He Youliang was very clear.Even among them, Situ Ke, the time when he arrived in Nanjing can be basically determined.Therefore, last time, the time spent by the police station on maintaining vehicles and fuel consumption costs can correspond to these times.

The reason why I didn't attract my attention last time is because a single reimbursement can't explain anything wrong.Because that's what the office is for, doing similar jobs almost every day.

But this time is different, the maintenance of the vehicle, fuel consumption, although it has been almost a month since the last report, but the car broke down again?Judging from the exact figure of the funds, the last maintenance at least did not reach the level of a major repair, but there must have been minor repairs.Moreover, the maintenance and maintenance of four cars were done at the same time.In addition, the fuel cost reported last time is also quite a lot.what?Now it's out of gas again?When the car is doing maintenance and maintenance, how does the fuel consume so quickly?
(End of this chapter)

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