spy ace

Chapter 1232 The Judgment

Chapter 1232 The Judgment

Although on the books this time, it was a tire replacement, it was completely different from the last mechanical inspection.But the tires are dead, didn't you see it last time?

It's so simple, it seems that Bai Jingfei discovered something was wrong, but the discovery of these things needs to be obtained from a large amount of information, and only a little useful information can be obtained through analysis.Because if you throw any account in front of a person alone, no matter how you look at it, there will be no problem.

Secretly remembering this discovery in his heart, after Bai Jingfei packed his things, Gu Xunru, who had always admired Bai Jingfei, invited him to go home together.

Their home is not far away.It's just two streets away.But Bai Jingfei couldn't agree, because he had to report the suspicious situation to the organization immediately.You know, there are less than five days until the puppet government's New Year's Eve banquet.

"Little Gu." Bai Jingfei smiled and said, "Go back today by yourself, I'm going to visit an old classmate."

"Oh." Gu Xunru was a little disappointed, but still smiled slightly, and said, "Alright then, Director, I'll leave first."

"Hey. Good." Bai Jingfei said: "Be careful on the road. It's the New Year's Eve, and there are many cars on the road, so be careful."

"Yes." Gu Xunru said: "Director, you should also pay attention to safety."

After Gu Xunru finished speaking, he took his small bag and walked out.

Instead, Bai Jingfei was not in a hurry, but tidied up the desk according to her usual style.Only then did he come out.

Visiting old classmates is an excuse, but it is also the truth.Because there is no excuse for the truth, if you can't match up afterwards, it will make people suspicious.So after Bai Jingfei left the office building, she bought some fruit on the street, and with a small bag of pastries in her hand, she walked to her old classmate's house.

That's right, this old classmate of mine is a traitor.And he is a hardcore traitor, although in the eyes of the world, Bai Jingfei knows that he is probably also a traitor.But it just so happens that under the 'smell like', no one will doubt themselves.

In addition, this old classmate of mine is the deputy secretary-general of the Municipal Secretariat of the local government.Great power!It is impossible for ordinary people to dare to investigate him.Then the contact between oneself and him will also be "stained with light".This is also a means for Bai Jingfei to protect herself.

Knocking on the door of the small western building, there was a man wearing glasses who looked very frail.Seeing that it was Bai Jingfei who came, she immediately became enthusiastic and said: "Oh, I have said it many times, we are old classmates, you said that you have to bring something every time you come to my house. If you want to do this again, Don't come next time."

"Oh, I didn't bring it for you." Bai Jingfei said: "Sister-in-law likes to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and you don't eat it very much, so you always join in the fun."

"Hey! She wants to eat, but I don't know how to buy it." The weak man said, "Okay, come in quickly, your sister-in-law knows you came here today, and she made a table of delicious food."

"Where's my nephew?" Bai Jingfei said, "Why don't you come out to greet him, Uncle Fei?" As he spoke, he already walked inside with this frail man.

"Isn't this a long time since I just started working? Be good." The frail man reached out to take the gift and put it on the table next to him.Turning around and facing the kitchen inside, he said loudly: "Jingfei is here. Hurry up."

A woman's voice came from the kitchen, saying: "Jing Fei is here, sit down first. There is one last dish and it's over."

Bai Jingfei said: "Hey, sister-in-law, it's almost time to stop busy."

"Don't worry about it. I've been thinking about this drink for a long time. We have to drink a little more for two more dishes." The frail man wears glasses, and the thin and small man looks really frail, but his manner of speaking But not weak at all.

Turning around, he sat directly at the dinner table with Bai Jingfei, and said, "Isn't it the end of the year? In...five days, the New Year's Eve party is about to start. Fanfan has just started working again. You also know that place, responsible for the security work of the banquet. It gets busier as the year approaches."

"Well." Bai Jingfei said: "You have to attend the banquet, right? Will my sister-in-law go?"

"You still talk about your sister-in-law." The frail man said, "How about your lifelong event? I think that little Gu is pretty good. What's going on now?"

"Oh, what are you talking about." Bai Jingfei said: "I'm already forty this year. He's just twenty this year. That's half the age difference. Don't drag him down."

"You say you." The frail man said: "A man, he likes women in their twenties all the time. Besides, what's wrong with old couples and young wives? Those who gossip are jealous. You don't care about them. Besides, men Forty is the golden stage. You are still young, so why is age still a burden?"

The two were talking, and after a while, the last dish, steamed fish, was brought up by a woman.Bai Jingfei hurriedly stood up to thank her.

The woman smiled and said, "Hurry up and eat it while it's hot. Da Di has been thinking about this for a long time. Try it soon."

The frail man's full name is: Zhang Di.After hearing what his wife said, he said, "Hurry up and bring the wine I hid. Jingfei and I will drink one before eating."

The woman agreed, got up and walked back.Zhang Di said: "My colleague sent it half a month ago. It is said that it is a good wine from a famous European winery. I will keep it until you come. It is interesting."

"That's a good thing." Bai Jingfei said: "I'll drink two more glasses. If it's okay, I can't give you anything left."

"Haha." Zhang Di laughed and said, "Don't leave it to me. Hey, besides, you should take this opportunity today and bring Xiao Gu here..."

Just at this time, his wife came back with the wine bottle, uncorked the cork, and helped the two of them pour the wine.Zhang Di turned to look at his wife, and then said: "Do you think so? Ah? It's a great opportunity. If you invite Xiao Gu to come over, the two of us will help talk. You are a big deal in your life, but you will be settled gone."

"Yes." Her wife sat down with a smile, put the wine quilt beside her, and said, "I think Xiao Gu is pretty good, good-looking, and quiet. Besides, I admire you a little bit. No matter how you look at it, you are the same dear."

"Look. Your sister-in-law can see it." Zhang Di looked at Bai Jingfei a little dissatisfied, and said, "What about you, you still hide yourself. Hey, I'm a little angry when I talk about it."

"Hey, hey. What are you two doing?" Bai Jingfei picked up the wine glass and said, "Why is it changed to a trial meeting? Hurry up and drink."

(End of this chapter)

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