spy ace

Chapter 1235 See You Again

Chapter 1235 See You Again

The most important thing now is how to make a decision quickly.It is better to buy enough time for Huazhang and others in Nanjing to act.

Fan Keqin carefully considered the situation on the Nanjing side, as well as the situation of Hua Zhang and others he sent there.It's not just a matter of enough manpower.There is also a lot of information that needs to be integrated, such as the number of weapons and equipment, the general information of the Nanjing Police Bureau, and so on.

Fan Keqin took a pen, wrote and calculated back and forth on the paper, and finally decided that it was best for him to give only one suggestion.So there was only a short sentence in the reply: "Silent night attack, evacuate before the enemy is alarmed."

That's right, the suggestion written by Fan Keqin is actually a control in the general direction, let Huazhang and others strive to save people at night when saving people, and try not to attract anyone's attention, keep a low profile, and then do nothing when there is no alarm. Before the enemy, everyone had withdrawn from Nanjing City.

As for what to do after leaving the city, Fan Keqin didn't have to worry about it.Huazhang can arrange it.She herself is very good, and it is impossible for everyone to get together and retreat like a stick.No brainless person can do such a thing.

This time, Fan Keqin came to the dedicated liaison room in person, stared at the sender who had finished sending in code words, asked a few words about how they were on shift, and told them to keep an eye on the radio before turning around and leaving.

On the other side of the city of Nanjing, in a room on the fourth floor, Huazhang glanced at Xu Dongdong and said, "It's almost time, let's turn it on."

"Okay." Xu Dongdong agreed, then put on the earphones, and switched on the spy radio with a snap.After waiting for less than five minutes, a beep sound came from the headset.He had already prepared a pen and paper, and wrote down the message code.In order not to make mistakes, the telegram will actually be sent several times in a row.So Xu Dongdong was right before and after, and after realizing that he remembered correctly, he immediately turned off the radio station.Then the signals of different lengths are translated into text.

But text alone is not enough, which requires a password.However, Fan Keqin sent the content this time with a password that only he and Huazhang knew.Therefore, all of the above are purely nonsense written by others.But after Huazhang read it, he understood what it meant.

After reading it, he struck a match, burned all the telegrams into ashes and threw them in the ashtray. Huazhang said: "Don't forget my previous order. The first thing you do tomorrow is to hide the radio station in a place where only you are alone." Know the place, and then immediately set off back to the headquarters."

"What about this house?" Xu Dongdong said, "I paid two months' rent for this house, and they won't notice immediately when I'm gone. So if there are any special circumstances, you can still use it as a Take shelter in a temporary safe house."

Huazhang nodded, and said directly: "Okay."

After all, there are only four days away from the puppet government's New Year's Eve banquet. Even if the original tenant of this house, Xu Dongdong, suddenly left, it's only four days away. Neither the landlord nor the neighbors can feel wrong.If something happens to me, I can really use this house as a safe house for a while. After all, this house is still safe in a short time.

Of course, this is actually just a backup situation, as the saying goes.But it is still necessary to use it as little as possible. After all, if it is really needed, the situation must have reached a bad point.

Xu Dongdong handed over his key to Hua Zhang, who took it and said, "Okay, then I'm leaving, you should hurry up and tidy up."

"Okay. It's not the peak time after get off work, and there are not so many people. I'll see you off." As he spoke, Xu Dongdong sent Huazhang to the door.First, he listened to the situation in the corridor outside through the door, and after confirming that there was no one there, he nodded towards Huazhang, and then opened the door.

Huazhang walked out directly and started to go downstairs calmly.Xu Dongdong closed the door with his hand back, came into the house again, and began to put away everything, split the radio station again into the hollowed out thick book, put the thick book into the suitcase, and then began to pack up and leave tomorrow Finally, some things to bring...

Huazhang went out of the building, and after passing through two buildings, he found a public phone and dialed the number.This number was an emergency contact method that she had agreed with the other party the last time she had a meeting.

Emergency contact methods are naturally used in emergencies.But there is not much time now, if we continue to use another method to agree on the meeting, then at least we will not meet again today, which is equivalent to delaying another day.So Huazhang had to do this.

After the other end of the phone was picked up, a voice rang out, saying, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Hey?" Huazhang seemed a little surprised when he heard this voice, and said, "Is it... Li Youde's house? I'm looking for Li Youde."

The person on the other side paused for a while and said, "Did you make a typo, my surname is Wang."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Hua Zhang said, "Maybe I dialed the wrong number."

After saying that and hung up the phone, Huazhang muttered with a look of annoyance, and rummaged in his pocket for a long time before finding out the money for one phone call. After paying the fee, he seemed a little helpless and left.

Turned around on the street twice, called a rickshaw, went straight to the opposite side of a restaurant on Sodeong Street, and found a secret place to wait for a while.

Sure enough, after a while, the mustache from last time walked into that restaurant wearing a suit.Huazhang didn't go in right away, but went around from Qianjie to the intersections on both sides, and took the opportunity to observe the situation while walking by.After noticing any problems, he turned around and entered the old-fashioned restaurant in Sodeong Street.

Huazhang smiled very excitedly, as if he saw his lover, and he was not sitting opposite the man, but beside the mustache.In this way, even if others look closely, they will know that they are just a couple of men and women dating.

After ordering the food, Huazhang smiled, but said in a low voice: "Have you investigated the situation of the police station?"

The man also smiled affectionately, and said in a low voice: "I have scouted, why? The other person is there?"

"Well." Huazhang said: "It's not sure yet, but we have news from other places. There must be some secret operation inside the police station, and the timeline, the time to get off the plane with another target, It can be right."

"Oh?" Although the mustache was a little surprised, his face still didn't reveal anything...

(End of this chapter)

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