spy ace

Chapter 1236

Chapter 1236

The character mustache said in a low voice: "So, the police station is really suspicious." After eating food with him, he was actually thinking, and finally said: "But we have no way to investigate the internal situation of the police station. .”

In fact, Huazhang has been thinking about this matter since she got the news at Qingyuan Hotel, so she thought more comprehensively than the character Hu who just got the news.

But even so, Huazhang really has nothing to do.After all, there seemed to be no way to find out whether Situ Ke was in the police station or not, except for an almost risky sneak investigation.After all, they really don't have any insiders in the police station.You can't just send someone to stroll inside the police station, can you?
As for the police disguised as a pseudo-government, how about sneaking in to have a look?This kind of thinking can only be said to be naive.Do you really think you are watching movies and TV shows from later generations?What I said in the last second was particularly serious, so it's not easy to handle.But in the next second, he had already changed into a suit of impeccable clothes, and went in generously.is it possible? —Maybe...shit!
Even if there is such a possibility, it must be prepared in advance, and you must have sufficient time.But do Huazhang and the others have the time to prepare now?Even if they have this skill and can make flawless pseudo-government police uniforms, but you don't need time to make clothes?

That said, what if he secretly kills someone and then strips him of his clothes? ——Still naive!
Kill someone, throw the body there?Will it be discovered?It is said that time is not enough, if there is time, if these conditions are masters, such as Huazhang, or Fan Keqin can really do it.

But the problem is that there is not enough time, how long does it take to choose a single target?Observation is necessary before a possible single target can be selected, and a suitable location for the attack must be selected.During the attack, you can't say that his clothes are stained with blood, and you have to hide the body, etc. A series of details, don't you consider these?

In the end, even if you sneaked in, but you are a stranger, you dare to say that you will investigate all inside the police station without being discovered?Fold your reinforced KU trousers!

Still those two conditions: First, unless you are a professional master like Fan Keqin.In addition, you need to have enough time to prepare.Otherwise, you are looking for death, there is no other possibility.

That said, what if you make up to be someone else, for example, if you lose something and call the police or something.Anyway, they all have reasonable identity documents, and if they report to the police normally, there is a high probability that something will happen.Wouldn't that allow me to enter the police station?Yes!You can get in, but you still can't walk around the police station.It's just a fart to go in.The newspaper delivery man can still go in every day, but do you think he can walk around in it?Just walk around the door, or the police room, you can detect a bird.

The two of them kept chatting and laughing on their faces, but in fact, Huazhang and Huazhang were a little silent.Because they are really not gods, there is really no way to determine whether it is Situ Ke in it.And it's not clear exactly where it is.In this case, you have to take a look at every room in the police station.It is really impossible to do it in the short term.

Huazhang is also a little worried, but she still has a backup plan.That's what I wrote when I received Fan Keqin's telegram - silent night attack, evacuate before the enemy is alarmed.

Yes, Huazhang knew that this was Fan Keqin's suggestion after he received his message and thought about it in detail.If he thought that Fan Keqin was in the rear, so he didn't know the situation he was in at all, then Huazhang could only say that he had followed Fan Keqin for so long in vain.

He must know his situation, and there is no way to do any further investigation on the police station, so as to prove that Situ Ke is inside.Only then did he finally come up with the most reasonable idea that he could do under the current conditions.

In the medical field, there is a kind of operation called surgical exploration.What does that mean?For example, after the examination, it is only known that there is a lesion reaction in a certain part of your body, but the diagnosis cannot be confirmed through routine examination.At this time, the only way to check is to use surgery.After the operation, the diseased area inside the body will be presented in front of the doctor at a glance. At this time, it is necessary to cut off the lesion reaction part, then cut it off directly.If it is really impossible to treat it through surgery, then there is really no way but to suture it again.

The current situation is kind of like that.They knew a general situation, and the police station was indeed suspicious.But after using various means to investigate, the suspicion is still just suspicion, so there is really no other way.In addition, the current time does not allow them to delay any longer, so there can only be a medical surgical operation.

Directly attacking the police station at night is tantamount to surgery.Then I found Situ Ke inside, that was the best, and rescued him directly.That is equivalent to resecting the diseased tissue, and the operation was successful.But if there is no Situ Ke in it... just like a proverb says, you have achieved the best effect you can, and if you still can't achieve your goal, you can only say that your life is bad.Or Situ Ke's fate was not good.

Thinking of this, Huazhang made up his mind, smiled, and said in a low voice: "Time is really running out. In the current situation, we have one solution left, which is to conduct a surprise investigation and directly attack the local police. If Situ Ke is inside, we will bring it out. It is equivalent to accomplishing the purpose. But if there is no Situ Ke inside... We still have a chance to save money, and that is He Youliang at No. [-], Huisong Road. If you rescued him, although you didn't see all the work, it was not in vain. Whether it is us to Shangfeng, or Shangfeng to the patriotic businessmen, we have an explanation."

After hearing what he said, he thought for a while and said: "Well, thinking about it now, I can only do this. Then, let's go to the hotel to open a room? Discuss it in detail. After all, we can't stay here for too long. long time."

"Okay." Huazhang said: "Then let's eat quickly."

After eating and drinking, the two paid the bill, and walked out of the restaurant with their arms crossed. After a while, the two of them opened a private room again in a slightly upscale new hotel two streets away.Then he entered the room acting slightly "fired".Start discussing how to attack the police station.

Huazhang said, "Talk about the general situation of the puppet government's police department first." The reason for asking this question is because she understands that it is too specific for the other party to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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