spy ace

Chapter 1241 Thoughts

Chapter 1241 Thoughts
Huazhang continued: "For example, when attacking on the first floor, a person made a noise. But the people on the second floor are also moving, so the people on the second floor can't care about the first floor. The whole is still under our control .”

"Understood." Ba Zihu said: "This is a good way. There is one more thing we have to solve, which is the gate post. After we go in, what if we really make a big noise and attract the attention of the gate guard?"

"There is still a way." Huazhang said: "First of all, the gate is more than [-] meters away from the main building, and the walls of the main building will also form natural sound insulation, so when it reaches the gate, the sound must be very loud. Of course, The sound may be more obvious at night. Therefore, the condition is halved, as if a person uttered... the volume of a scream, and most of the sound will still be silenced by the walls of the main building. In this case, if you are the gatekeeper you What will be the reaction?"

Mustache said: "I will probably...go over to check it out, and enter the main building to listen to the movement again."

"Yes." Huazhang said: "You won't immediately respond that there is a [-]% accident in the main building, and it is impossible to take a direct stress response. This is still a situation where you are more rigorous. You are an agent, and your professionalism requires you to be here. However, they are the gatekeepers, and it is still in the middle of the night, and they are already in a depressed state of mind. They may even think that they have heard something wrong, or they are listening on the spot, and there is no sound after that. If not, they Maybe that’s it, there won’t be any other reactions.”

Having said that, Huazhang paused, and then said: "However, in order to be more rigorous and prevent accidents, we still have to leave two brothers with good skills at the main entrance of the main building. The guard is that someone really enters the main building to check , if this is the case, as soon as the guards come in, kill them on the spot. And change their clothes, open the main building and shout: Come in! Then, without giving the other party a chance to ask, close the door and return to the main building. I believe that with this method , the chances of tricking another gate into it are very high."

"Yes." Bazihu ​​said with a smile: "After changing clothes, showing half of the body, and only saying one word, although the voice is wrong, but the other guard will only feel suspicious, and still have self-reasons in his heart. He will go, but There will still be no excessive behavior. When he comes in, he will be killed on the spot... The guard-changing hut inside the courtyard gate is not safe. Once this happens, we must get rid of it together. Who knew they slept Didn't sleep, if you didn't sleep, the two people standing guard outside were gone for a while, I'm afraid it will make them suspicious too. If they leave one person guarding the door, and the rest come in to check together, it's not good gone."

"Well." Huazhang said: "You're right, if this really happens, let's kill them together. Our overall operation this time is to search for Situ Ke, so it will definitely take more time than simply cleaning up. Give the search enough time, then let the brothers guarding the door immediately change into the clothes of the two guards who came in to check. In the dark, as long as they are not fully exposed to the light, the clothes will be stained with blood at this time It doesn't matter either. Then go out and go directly to the Changing of the Guard hut inside the courtyard gate."

"I suggest..." Bazihu ​​said: "When entering the guard-changing hut, you should still open the door lightly. If the people inside are sleeping, then use a knife to send them to heaven one by one in your dream. If you are awake, It depends on the situation, in a dazed state, or only one person is not asleep, and in a dazed state, use a knife to quickly jump up and kill them directly. The rest of the sleeping people are easy to handle. But they are all awake If so, use a micro-sound pistol."

Huazhang thought for a while and said, "If you use a low-noise pistol... you need to be quicker and more decisive. It is to let the sound of the gun disappear in the shortest possible time."

"Yes. I agree." Ba Zihu said: "After all, it is impossible for a silencer pistol to really silence the sound. There is still some movement at night, but fortunately it will be dull, and then the walls of the hut will also be silenced a second time. The courtyard wall of the police station will also have a certain sound insulation effect. There is also a street in the middle, and the sound will pass through... Even if it is the vertically closest opposite building, as long as there are no people standing outside, then the wall of the opposite building will add a layer of sound attenuation .I estimate that the probability of being heard is very small."

Huazhang said: "The silencer is designed to prevent the sound from being transmitted too far. In my estimation, shooting in the yard of the police station may not be able to spread to the corridor. But you are right, it is night after all, we still It needs to be calculated comprehensively."

Ba Zihu said: "Brothers in the main building of the police station can also be equipped with silenced pistols and submachine guns... they can be regarded as spare firepower. If they are really discovered in the end, they can be used for quick assaults, which can suppress the enemy's firepower and then use them when retreating." .”

Huazhang nodded, and said: "That's it. You go back and fully arrange the situation we discussed. Which brothers are responsible for opening the back door with technology, and which brothers are responsible for using broken windows when the back door cannot be opened. Means. The sequence when entering. After entering, who is in charge of the first floor and who is in charge of the second floor. You have to make arrangements. In addition, the basement is a trouble, but on the other hand, the brothers use silencer weapons, in the basement If you shoot, the sound insulation effect is top-notch, so after cleaning up the enemies on the first and second floors and finding no results, we are adopting a quick assault strategy for the basement."

"No problem." Ba Zihu said: "If the first and second floors do not make a sound, it will be beneficial in terms of alerting the surrounding people when we enter the basement. I suggest setting up peripheral guards. Responding to possible incidents around the police station."

Huazhang said: "Yes, but you must let the brothers on the periphery hide in the dark."

"Understood." Ba Zihu said: "The on-the-spot investigation just now is still very useful. I will arrange the brothers on the periphery in the front street, a few small alleys in the back street, in the building complex, etc."

Huazhang said: "As for the car, the manpower will increase, and the use of the car will also increase."

Mustache said: "We now have two black cars, but this is definitely not enough. Let me do the math... well, plus the people who need to participate in the periphery, there are almost thirty people. At least five cars are needed to squeeze It can only be squeezed together. We already have two in our hands, and we need to build three..."

(End of this chapter)

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