spy ace

Chapter 1242 Start

Chapter 1242 Start

Bazihu ​​continued: "Actually... it's best to be able to get four cars, or five. However, I don't think this is a problem. We did it in the middle of the night, and we can even steal cars temporarily, anyway. The car was lost that night, so it was lost. There is a high probability that no one will find it until the day. After we use it, it is used for evacuation. At that time, even if they call the police and find a relationship, it will be useless.”

Huazhang said: "There is one more thing that we have to guard against. That is the telephone line. If there is an outside line calling during our operation, or if it is really time for a quick assault during our operation, I think you are asking Brothers, no matter who it is, find the computer room, first destroy it and adjust it. In case there is something that slipped through the net and discovered our actions in the dark, but hid and contacted the outside world."

The mustache said: "No problem. I will arrange it." After a pause, he asked: "What about the time, tomorrow night... no! To be precise, it is two o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow?"

Huazhang said: "Well, two o'clock. You arrange the peripheral personnel, and they will be on time. The specific offensive personnel will be in place in the building complex on the street opposite the back door. But it must be in advance. Brothers who pry open the door at two o'clock must be on time. Do it."

"Okay." Bazihu ​​said, "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"No more." Huazhang said: "The car will be done according to your wishes, but we still need to screen and find the ones parked in the buildings or on the street as much as possible, so as to avoid the possibility of being discovered in the short term."

"Yeah." Ba Zihu said: "I will let the brothers do it well."

Hua Zhang said: "Well, then let's go too, it's getting dark now, hurry up. By the way, you'd better arrange for the two brothers in advance to go to the police station during the daytime tomorrow and keep an eye on it to prevent In case of a change, change the target or something."

Ba Zihu said: "What about He Youliang from Huisong Road? Quick assault?"

"Well." Huazhang said: "There is no other way, you can arrange for the brothers to start at two o'clock... two ten o'clock, use the muffler, go in and out quickly. Stagger the time with the police station."

Bazihu ​​nodded, and said: "Okay, if there is a big commotion at the police station, let them do it immediately and grab He Youliang out first."

Huazhang said: "Well, yes, that's how it is done."

While talking, the two walked outside. After opening the door, they walked outside with their arms crossed, just like when they came here.

After going outside and passing through a small alley, the two parted ways.Hua Zhang went straight back to his hotel.But the mustache quickly returned to the hidden stronghold outside the city.

As soon as he entered the house, the mustache immediately began to assign tasks. First, he asked someone to buy glue.A piece of canvas with such a big window is not easy to sell, so just ask the other party to buy a large canvas bag.It's like the kind used by the postman.At that time, you only need to roughly cut it with a dagger or scissors, it is not very complicated.

Following the character mustache, I taught a few brothers with good lockpicking skills, and asked them to scout for ideas tomorrow to see which cars are suitable for theft, and to tell them in detail about the relevant conditions and when to drive there.

Mustache lit a cigarette, called a few people again, and drew a simple drawing of the surrounding area of ​​the police station with a pen.Point to the terrain above, tell them in detail where they are guarding, and tell them to go to the field tomorrow to have a look.But don't linger long enough to avoid being noticed.

After letting them go out, Mustache called a few more people in and asked them to get their guns ready.And each one must be checked in detail.

Immediately afterwards, he called a team leader to take charge of the rescue of He Youliang on Huisong Road.He also gave detailed instructions on what clothes to change, what time to start the action, and retreat in that direction after the action.

In the end, he called the other captains into the house, and began to assign people to attack the police station, and he was very specific about the order of entry, what to pay attention to after entering, and who was responsible for guarding the entrance of the main building. , who specifically attacked the first and second floors.

After all the orders were given, Bazihu ​​asked them to prepare immediately, and reported back when they were ready.I lit a cigarette again, and then in my mind, I carefully compared my arrangement just now to see if there was anything I missed.

That's it, the night passed quickly.At noon the next day, each group began to send people back to report.The car has been selected, and the terrain around the police station has been checked.Guns ready blah blah blah.At about [-]:[-] in the afternoon, all the tasks have been fully implemented on the head of the people.

The character mustache immediately made everyone start to rest. After all, it was in the middle of the night today, so it was good to gather enough energy.Of course, in addition to the people on Huisong Road, there are also special agents who are monitoring the movement around the police station.

In this way, it soon reached eleven o'clock in the night, and Mustache woke up first.Then he woke everyone up, asked everyone to take out all the food they had prepared, and started eating and drinking.

After eating and drinking, the mustache asked people to distribute all the weapons and ammunition, and then said: "Lao Liu, take the brother who is in charge of the car and set off first, remember the time. Be sure to meet on time. If If you encounter a situation where the selected car is not available, immediately steal the alternate vehicle. Be on time, understand?"

"Don't worry." The person called Lao Liu replied, "It must be on time." After speaking, he got up and took a few car masters in charge of him, and set off directly.

The character mustache waited for him to leave, and said: "Hurry up and check your weapons for the last time. When you arrive, do you know your respective positions and responsibilities? Tell me about the key points one by one, and whoever gets the first Whoever enters behind will say."

A person next to him said directly: "I will be the first to sneak in as soon as the door or window is opened, and be on guard at all times, at the door of the inner room. After everyone comes in, head to the second floor and start building one by one..."

In this way, one by one, it will be more concise when the first few people say it, and the latter few people say it.Therefore, the time used is really not long.

After everything is over, it's time to go to the toilet. After nothing has happened, it's almost time.Bazihu ​​gave an order, and everyone dispersed in batches and walked out.

On the other side, Huazhang had already left the house as soon as it got dark. As for the hotel room, there was no need to check out.Came directly to a bar, a dance hall, and began to dawdle slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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