spy ace

Chapter 1261 Healing

Chapter 1261 Healing
Trigger came into the house and whispered: "How are you? Are you all right?"

"Don't worry." No. [-], smiling a little weakly, said, "I'm sure I won't die. Did you get something?"

"No." Trigger directly put the burden on the bed, took out the scissors and cut off all the clothes around the No. [-] gunshot wound, and said, "I didn't get the anesthetic, so eat some of this to top it off."

As he spoke, he put down the scissors, unscrewed the cap of the painkiller, and poured out two pills. After thinking about it, he poured out two more pills.No. [-] only took two pills with the arm that was fine, and said: "This thing has the effect of paralyzing the nerves, just two pills will do it. After a while, we will withdraw." He took the trigger and handed him the cup , Chewed and ate two painkillers.

Trigger smiled and said, "After you're done, let's talk about your condition." Then, he lit an alcohol lamp, put the hemostatic powder next to him, and then used the alcohol lamp to burn the knife and pliers repeatedly on the flame for several times. Repeat, disinfect.

Then Trigger glanced at No. [-], and joked, "Shall I find you a bone to bite on?"

"Your uncle's." No. [-] rolled his eyes, and with his right hand, took off the pillow towel from the pillow next to him, folded it a few times, bit the middle part in his mouth, and covered himself with his hand. on the snout.He nodded towards the trigger.

Seeing this, Trigger dipped cotton gauze in alcohol, wiped the area around the wound first, and then cut open the middle of the original wound with a knife.Number One hummed twice and then stopped.

"The next thing will be very painful." Trigger said: "I have to find the bullet head. Be patient. I will do it... I will torture you as much as possible. Hehe!"

Deliberately distracting No. [-]'s attention, he sucked up the blood with gauze. Taking advantage of the less bleeding, he accurately found the location of the warhead.The location is quite deep, but fortunately the opening he just made is enough, otherwise he would have to use a knife, pinch it with pliers, take out the bullet, suck the blood again with gauze, and use the hemostatic powder as hard as you can. Sprinkle in.

Don't even think about suturing. I didn't find a needle and thread, so I disinfected it with alcohol again outside, and pasted it on the wound with gauze and tape.

"Bah." After taking off the pillow towel, No. [-] spat twice, and said, "The technique is alright, the removal is quite smooth, but the cut is a bit big."

"You think it's cheap." Trigger said: "It's not bad to find these things in the dentist's office. Okay, you are sweating profusely, sleep for a while and recover your strength. I will go to investigate and find a The spare safe house, when you think it’s ok, we’ll switch to it. Bring back some food.”

No. [-] leaned back and said, "Don't forget, bring back two sets of clothes. My clothes are all torn."

"Come on." After saying that, the trigger turned twice on the spot, and said, "How is it? Is there a flaw?"

"Very good." Number One said, "It's just that the coat of the police department is a bit conspicuous."

The trigger directly took off the outer coat, and said, "How about this?"

No. [-] said: "In this weather, wearing a suit is a bit cold, and it seems a bit wrong."

"Crack." Trigger said: "That's the only way to go. I'll go shopping for clothes first, and I'll just change." He took out a stack of money from his inner pocket, counted it, and said, "It's okay, enough gone."

In fact, the current Security Bureau is really not short of money.In the previous stage, in the Japanese-occupied area, the large-scale and crazy robbery of banks and other financial institutions made the Security Bureau rich.Therefore, all Security Bureau agents who perform tasks outside have sufficient funds for their activities.

Trigger also took a break, and went out at seven o'clock in the morning. On this day, it's fucking cold to just wear a suit.After walking a few streets.I saw a clothing estimate tailor shop, bought two sets of finished woolen coats, put on one set myself, and stored the other set here.After paying the money, we went out.

First of all, the trigger was about a ten-minute drive away, and I fell in love with a safe house. It was a six-story building, and it was the room with the left door on the fourth floor. In this house, a woman in her fifties lived.If the trigger and they live in, it's very easy to get this woman.

Another place is a four-story building. On the top, someone built an attic privately, and no one lives there.It's just that this time period is a bit bad and a bit cold.It is mainly made of wood, so it is ventilated in all directions.

Choosing a safe house is actually very particular. The luck of the trigger is pretty good, but it took a whole morning to see two suitable places.Bought a canvas bag and bought ready-made food in different streets.After filling the pockets, I went back to the tailor shop.Another set of coats was retrieved.

In fact, at this time, he has already felt that the police officers of the pseudo-government on the street have begun to increase. In addition, he has not heard any big movements last night. This shows that whether it is the police station or Huisong Road , should have been completed as planned.

The number of pseudo-police officers on the street increased and the number of patrols increased. It must be because of the actions of himself and others last night. In order to avoid trouble, he still walked as far as possible in some small alleys, small alleys and other places.Going around and going back to the temporary safe house.

Knocked the signal, opened the door and entered the house.Number one probably fell asleep when he was going out, and woke up only when he heard the door ring again.Seeing this, Trigger smiled and said, "It's just right, I made some food. Take a bite. Then I will take the anti-inflammatory medicine after a while."

While talking, Trigger put the package of food on the bed in a careless manner, but in this way, No. [-] was able to hold and eat with his right hand.While eating and drinking, the two discussed what to do afterward.

Trigger swallowed a mouthful of food, and said, "There are many more patrols on the street now, and when I came back, I saw two fake policemen coming out of a pharmacy from a distance."

"Huh?" No. [-] was taken aback, swallowed a mouthful of dry food, and frowned, "They know I'm injured? That's impossible, right?"

"Maybe it's just pretending." Trigger said: "We killed a lot of people in the police station, and the ground was full of blood. How could it be possible to see it. Maybe... the brothers who rescued another person on Huisong Road, Did anyone get hurt?"

No. [-] threw the dried tofu into his mouth again, chewed it slowly for a while, and turned his head, just in time to see the belt that was used as a tourniquet before.Said: "Maybe this thing has missed the bottom."

Trigger was also startled, and said: "Can it? It's just a belt, what can it explain? But... I'd better go out in the afternoon to find out the situation. In case you are talking about it. But we don't have to scare ourselves, I just When going out and coming in..."

(End of this chapter)

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